Pike’s fake Three World Wars Letter .

Updated 01/02/17

While debunking this terrible fallacy, started by Edith Starr Miller and William Guy Carr, I thought that I would try to give the entire conspiracy theory caucus’ publishing committee, (e.g., the dimwitted, lying, muckrakes, and charlatans, who parrot Miller and Carr), an apoplectic fit, or at the very least, I hope to cause them to have a bad case of GERD, Esophogitis, or even painful gas, by showing their so-called “facts” or “proof”, in all its un-whitewashed, dimwitted, glory, as being pure slush and muck. I will also show which festering cesspool of fallacy that they dug their so-called “facts” out of, with its swarming flies and all. Below, is the entire text of the dirty fallacy, written by the fraud, liar, and pornographer, Léo Taxil, under one of his aliases, Dr. Bataille, which is the source of the fake letter, that was supposedly sent by Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini. This original source, was all the invention of Leo Taxil, in his book, Le diable au XIXe siècle, (The Devil in the Nineteenth Century), writing it as Dr. Bataille, though his doctor friend helped compose it too, Dr. Charles Hacks, (who’s pen name was Dr. Bataille), and that makes me wonder if that was even his real name. Hacks was quoted as saying that “there was money to be made on the known credulity and unknown idiocy of the Catholics”, when he confessed to his part in it.

I have not touched Taxil’s text, from Google’s French to English translation of the book, so it is ‘sic erat scriptum’. I did, however, correct the formatting into proper paragraphs, since the Google translation engine destroyed the formatting. The text of the chapter, was an OCR from the original Taxil text, in PDF, thus there are misspelled and fragmented words.

Now, I quote, from the stinking and foul texts, of Léo Taxil‘s fictional book of fallacy, Le diable au XIXe siècle, 1894, Chap. 35, pp. 594-606:

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The plan secret Chefs (I)

In the early days of August, 1871, ‘that is to say, less than a year after the constitution of Palladism (supreme rite) the “learned pontiff Luciferian Albert Pike received an important letter to [from] Mazzini. The leader of action policy of universal Freemasonry called the supreme leader and dogmatic of the sect to trace a specific campaign plan for the struction of Roman Catholicism.

“The unity of Italy, he said, has never been considered by us as a
goal, but a means. ”

Albert Pike called his ten advisers solemn hours, members Grand Serene College Emeritus Masons, and submitted their Examining the question speaks very illustrious brother Giuseppe Mazzini.

The meeting of the eleven most highlights of the infernal sect that diabolical cabal which lasted seven days (from August 9 to 15), left, mùre-


(1) It is useful to make a change here ù the chapters of my book; this will, moreover, the only one. In my first volume, pages 482 and following, I indicated the division it was necessary to adopt me, to be clear and complete, and I announced eight chapters for this wine ‘party. However, the ranking of my notes I see : that the three chapters devoted to plots against the Papacy, the state and the balance sheets vénérai Annual of the Universal Freemasonry, will find a more rational place in the xi ‘part, or Theurgy White Magic, part reserved for Palladism. Indeed, the documents to produce, while shedding light on the strengths and resources of the sect, apply in large part to high-masonry, that is to say the Supreme Rite of Palladium; and other hand, the story of a plot against Leo XIII better place marked in the chapter will be dedicated to Sophie Walder. Finally, the inn secret chiefs, I publish here is the best conclusion revelations about mid Combat Conthe i.’Éolise. [sic]

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ment deliberate and inspired no doubt by Satan himself, the document following (translated from the original text, which is in Latin):

“Grand Serene College Emeritus Masons, meeting under the Presidency of the Most Illustrious, Most Powerful and Most Divinely Enlightened Brother Limmud-Ensoph (1), Grand Master Curator Palladium Sacred Souve Rain Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, received with the respect Noble and Worthy Vault from the Most Illustrious, Most Powerful and Most Enlightened Brother-Emunah Shemed, Head of Political Action and Great Dictator Chairman of the Executive Management Board Sovereign, dated the first day of the Moon Ab eighteenth day of the fifth month of the year of the True Light OCX 871, and under the eye of the Almighty Divine Master Excelsus Excelsior, has considered, discussed the issues of supreme interest therein exposed, and after deliberation, fixed the legitimate conclusions of this day become law.

“RihabSabba, Ahta Ahtnanoc Malog Hcsorem, Lucifer. Alleluia!


“Lucifer God-Roi then see the world dedicate themselves to him and the teenager religion will then be truly Catholic.

“The Catholic title is not, in fact, can not appartene to the Roman superstition. It is certain that by revelation that his number Apogee will never reach a quarter of the world population; it is written in the book of heaven. On the other hand, religion Adonai had its maximum domination, and it is visible that it is declining. “We need to consider the religious situation of humanity, surely if we act in the work twice destruction of the temple Adonai and building of the temple of Lucifer. This preliminary glance give us courage and hope in the fulfillment of the promises divine; because it will show us that the future is ours, and that the title of Catholics is for us alone.

(I) In the documents palladiques essentially and exclusively for triangles, Senior leaders of the haiile-maronneric not sign and are never designated otherwise i | iie by name of “divine consecration.” We sai at Serene (College these irand names are cabalistic and pass from one to another as and when replacements by Following death. Thus, the Supreme Leader is still VEnsoph as President of Serenissima Grand College; but an honorary qualilicatif distinguishes him personally. Albert Pike called it to Limmud, which means •

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“One billion four hundred million rats habit, that is the population of globe. Of these, only Roman Catholicism account two hundred and ten million followers. “However, we must classify the followers of religions in groups.

“The Christian group is subdivided as follows: Roman Catholics, two hundred and ten million; Protestants hundred and twenty million; Orthodox, the pope superstition called schismatics, eighty million.

“The Indian group is subdivided as follows: Buddhists, four hundred and twenty million; Brahmanists hundred and sixty millions.

“We must put aside the Mohammedans, two hundred million.

“Observe that the truth is known of the priests of Vedic (group Indian), and Mohammedans, without even having the truth, urgently many of their priests inspired by it.

“Two hundred and thirty three million idolaters, or fetish worshipers various idols, will disappear with civilization, not as individuals, Maio as religionists. The missionaries of Catholicism the Roman want to conquer; gold, Roman Catholicism has himself disappeared before this conquest was completed a fraclionnellement seriously.

“The Jewish religion has seven million followers; this small group has no tendency to let start by Roman Catholicism; we find it promised by the revelation.

“Finally, statisticians estimate to twenty-eight raillions freethinkers Deists répanlus on the globe, and atheists to two million. The each other are mainly deserters from the Christian group.

“But it is not appropriate do consider the whole of the Christian group as far from the true light to the same extent. Protestantism in its multiple fractions, except for a tiny minority, which is composed of followers reason, constantly seeking the truth, and, therefore, finds RONT; it is from them that we are the most numerous worshipers of the God-Bon. Tou ‘. on the contrary, the Orthodox are schismatics or ia promised to prey Poor God, as written in the book of heaven. But when the Orthodox will be united to Roman Catholicism, it does count not three hundred million followers.

“The conversion of the Protestant Hall of True Light will gradual, said the revelation; the Mohammedans will be determined entirely and by a large unexpected event happens under the sixth often rain pontificate of good Catholicism. From this it follows that three hundred and twenty millions of souls will be enlightened, far from being doomed, any day, to accursed darkness of superstition.

“According to the revelation, Roman Catholicism thus will always Decreased numbers  [sic]

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growth or by the conquests of souls that we will on him or by desertions that will increase the number of deistic freethinkers, and we know that they are in transition state, and we are finally promised.

“On the other hand, we do not have to worry about the transition state Indian group; because its priests were already true light.

“Therefore, at the time marked in the book of heaven, that is to say, when Roman Catholicism has reached its last maximum of followers by the meeting of Orthodox or schismatic, he will find in front of him more than one billion Catholics Luciferian.

“The question comes down therefore this: should we be ready, when we find to be a billion and more, finally making float high our standards, producing the explosion that will blow the Temple Adonai; then, in terms of the BMO 1st, superstition will be so helpless and ruined, its followers will themselves to blend in our ranks – and striking miracles which open their eyes we are promised, – and if it remains at that time few priests obsti born to want to preach God’s Poor, extermination will run without any difficulty.

“How then does everything have to be directed to that we achieve graally and peacefully in this inevitable deadline?

“The tactic is variable, as we manoeuvrerons countries where dominates the Roman Catholic element or countries where the element .domine Protestant, to speak here of the Christian group.

“The main work is one that aims to transform catho Roman lic in deistic freethinkers. We must apply it to all our strength; for this is the transition of the majority. The expedition Experience has shown that few are privileged souls who arrachent one bound in the abyss of darkness to take flight bold in the ether of divine and life-giving light.

“For this, we must conquer the seats of government of these peoples; Everything is here. Either republics or in monarchical states, we need to enact legislation, destroying everywhere the influence of priests the susperstition and their auxiliaries, the monks mingle with people and nuns who maintain the souls in error, by covering mantle deceptively charity.


11 will, on the one hand, by means the press which we inspire writers, show how much is degraded health to human dignity alms bad Catholics, and this highlighting that the individual has the right to well-being through reforms social and not a routine rescue charity, and, secondly, through parliaments or legislatures anyhow, disperse unpopular congregations, skillfully destroy those prejudices [sic]

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secular force to be struck again, in a word, do first disappear everything monk or nun.

Roman Catholicism, posit, but no precise definition, existence of a supreme being.

“While the new generations will be trained, it will adonaïsme fight in minds, in all sorts of publications demonstrating how is both monstrous and ridiculous the idea of divinity, as the priests of superstition represent it. In this struggle, we should not neglect the pamphlet, satire, mockery, hitting the masses better than the scholarly dissertations. Let us never forget the although Voltaire has done to our cause, by covering the ridiculous catholi Romanism. But it’s not for fun to joke and laugh it be adopler this excellent tactic by discrediting the dogmas false worship and adonaïtes we discréditerons ministers Celtic detestable religion; we come slowly to desert the churches [sic]

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Indeed, we must not rely solely on the result of laws obtained; because when we reach silence of depriving the Roman Catholic clergy of subsidies granted by the States, it obtain monetary compensation for the amounts he’ll draw directly to the fanatics living in an incurable credulity. However, we will decrease the number of these unfortunate exploited by discrediting all Roman Catholic institutions; it is necessary that individuals with any sense in coming to regard themselves as ridiculous whenever they would use the weakness of the sacraments of superstition; so, for fear of ridicule, they déshabitueront maintain impostors priests. 11 will be good then give discretion charlatans of the worst kind, the dregs of false diviners, whose vile trade is an obvious scam; Press inspired us establish com gobs between them and ministers of Adonai, and confuse them in the even mockery and even disapproval.

“On the other hand, for all legislative or other means, we will restrict the recruitment of the Roman Catholic priesthood. We will accomplish a work healthy by giving young priests real knowledge of life social, that their teachers show them under false aspects. He will be a need for confident women who devote themselves to introduce them to benefits of God-Good. The results to be obtained and will be fruitful, for it will perform one of two things: either the adonaïte priest, once he tasted the sweetest joys papal barbarism prohibited, will withdraw from and clergy will be public demonstration of what nature condemns systematic and absolute celibacy; or it will remain in the caste sacer dowry, and then he will soon be with us secretly, not as an ally, but as entirely ours, and it will make us more valuable services undermine the temple of Adonai.

“In any way and under any circumstances, it is necessary to empty around the Roman Catholic priest, and he even got to the clergy, becoming increasingly despised, reviled, reviled or decreased in number without stop at no consideration to achieve this result. On the one hand, multiply corporate urban or rural pleasures, circles, non religious holidays, etc. ; secondly, we will advocate boldly and all, as you would for a doctrine, word order anticatholiqueromain “No priest at birth! no priest at the wedding! no
priest to death! “And we encourage the creation of any combination of solidarity established with this program. Finally, we should point out, with great fanfare, as a scandal, any fact that a priest will adonaïte the author and is likely to discredit the priestly corporation; if it is However, a fact not bad by itself, but only in contra [sic]

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diction with the cruel law of chastity pretentiously claimed by Popery, wanting to believe that the clergy is above nature, in this case, it should not noise abroad the thing if the author of the in fraction ecclesiastical regulations is not considered capable of becoming our secret agent.

“That walk to the track for the entire group of all the country Christian.

“In particular, we need to stop for a moment our eyes on Italy. There Freemasonry while following to the letter the line of conduct we have just drawn, will have the duty, in addition, to work with the most high activity and tirelessly to repeal the law just been passed it three months ago and on which the Chief of Political Action has called our attention (l) .We will first tackle the excessive system two sovereignties in the same country in the same city; we will do out the disadvantage resulting from a double diplomatic body, thes half-era accredited to an Italian conspiracy tiaté in state standing against his own country. This country masonry Italian will be assisted by masonry countries with ambasdor to the pontiff of the Roman superftition; we will file motions for the removal of these embassies; we will insist on this, the fact of the existence of embassies to depend pontiff said singlement of the magnanimity of Italy who kindly recognize a Chief sect, now without territory, character and powers of sovrain. Ecsuite, we will attack the inviolability so imprudently granted to ecclésiasti Jues congregations forming the high spiritual administration Supreme siègo of Roman superstition. It will create conflict between the national political authority and any leaders within the authority pontifical. no opportunity will be taken to excite the people against the same person of the occupant of this seat cursed, so that, should he out of his Vatican, there is unrest. It will accustom the opinion Italian public regarded as a dangerous embarrassment presence Pope in the country.

“When public opinion is ripe to accept the expulsion of the pope passed by a parliament majority to Masonic, should be one of ours file a bill in the sense that here:

“Art. 1. – Italy recognizes no state religion.

“Art. ï. – The Christian Church, formerly known as Catholic, to continual ‘to have the right to the free exercise of worship, will be exclusively Italian in Italy.

(1) 11 is obviously the law guarantees that, after being passed by the House
of Deputies, passed May 2 at the Italian arsenal. [sic]

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“Art. 3. – Its bishops are allowed to meet in General Council National el appoint one of them to the Patriarch Peninsula, Sardinia and Sicily.

“Art. 4. – The present Pope is eligible for Celtic dignity, provided that waive all Christian senior management other than the Church of Italy.


Art. 5. The Christian Patriarch of Italy does not have the sovereign character, no foreign ambassador can be accredited to him.


Art. 6. The Sacred College of Cardinals ceases to exist and the Congregations called the Holy Office of the Council, of Propaganda, of Rites, of the Index of Indulgences, and, in a word, any ecclesiastical superior committee operated, for a universal spiritual administration is either financial.

Art. 7. The titles of Cardinal and Archbishop are abolished; all bishops are on an equal footing vis-à-vis the civil power, with the exception of the Patriarch, which is the first Italian bishop who, in the official ceremonies of the state,take place  between the Presidents of Courts of Cassation and the President of the Court of Audit.

Art. 8. – Each bishop administers his diocese under state control;


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the bishops have to refer to the Patriarch that, with respect to matters purely spiritual or liturgical order.

“Art. 9. – Any act of the Patriarch; which would be in violation of the this law will result in immediate dismissal and banishment.

“Art. 10. – Any Bishop who would be recognized accomplice Patriarch violator of the law, shall incur the penalty of imprisonment in the fortress of five years to ten years, and will be further degraded in the presence of the assembled people on the public place or court outside of his diocese cathedral.

“Art. 11. – The Central Commission for Religious Affairs, composed of as many lay members there are dioceses, whose members will be appointed by Parliament, will centralize all reports of civilian authorities on the s ^acts of administration or other related to the dioceses and form a council Standing upper responsible for resolving all disputes between the Bishops and their ecclesiastical subordinates, except purely questions of order spiritual and liturgical remaining subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Supreme Patriarch.

“Art. 12. – The Priests will be elected by the faithful, voting by secret ballot and remain immovably attached to their parish; current pastors, declared eligible under this Act, but not imposed on the faithful will submitted within six months from date to confirm their function and title by the free vote of their parishioners.

“Art. 13. – the bishops appointed by the Patriarch presented the tion of the government choosing three candidates; Nevertheless, Bishops today, who accept this regulation of the religious question will remain office; while not accepting Bishop again become simple priest, will be provided a vicariate rural parish by his successor in the leadership of the diocese, and will forever ineligible for a Cure.”

“At the same time as this bill will be tabled in the House of Deputies of Italy, a copy of which shall have been previously sent in all infected countries of Roman Catholicism, newspapers written by ours will be published immediately throughout, with accompaniment of lively praise. A unanimous concert of articles celebrating the wisdom of the Italian liberals in attributing the merit of having them found a good solution of the question religious. It will apply to highlight the absurdity of the situation existing until now: how wrong it is for Italy to have its Citizens conspiring against the homeland, as indomitable leader of a universal religion claiming 3rd and professing to be placed above the legitimate authorities of the country; and how wrong it is pQur other Nations have each held a real state within a state, with a whole staff of priests, officials actually dependent on a sovereign foreign. Newspapers invite members of the Progressive their country projeï promptly present a similar law, freeing the yoke outside the national clergy of that religion itself Catholic, and constituting Free priesthood of a religion whose followers will do with those practicing [sic]

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the same cult in another country, nothing to that belief. A great agitation will be created in the various countries where the followers of Roman Catholicism is by number and by legal means, through a general agreement from the freemasonry, the procedure has fragmentation of religion evil.

“These events will be fulfilled or in twenty or thirty years. A cause them where Roman Catholicism is already quite discredited, when the old women and a few incurable fools will only to train its customer supporters, and when a significant part of its we will clergy secretly acquired.

“When will occur favorable circumstances, if any country, having been worked better than others, has already removed completely Budget Cults and reduces the priests of superstition to the offerings of the faithful, rendered increasingly restricted by legal obstacles, in this case, it will be useful in this or these countries to restore state grants to members various clergy and even be generous to the priests of the adonaïsme who accept the new situation. They proclaim loudly that the state, trying to protect religion from the moment it is no longer a pretext of conspiracies with foreign countries, beautifully endowed the body sacer dowry. Nothing will be spared to ensure the fragmentation of religion Adonai and remove its internationality character. This is, in fact, that that will, later, to completely uproot and manner final.

“It can not be too act in order to get this result if one day importantly, without being never discouraged by difficulties the company.

“Moreover, we must feed our hearts not only hope, but even the certainty, that the fulfillment of the fragmentation of teen naïsme is not a chimera; because it is promised to us by revelation, the From book Redemption in I’Apadno.


“But it is also written that the Pope Wandering pastor of a scattered flock, [sic]

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Driver desperate boat Peter, and sixth successor the proud man who collapsed under the temporal power of the papacy infamous, shall be gathered, after expulsions on evictions by the Slavic autocrat, which will affect to make him great honors. The adonaïsme then attempt to recover as before the expulsion of Rome; Pope Wandering being near death in Russia, the imperial autocrat will bow at his feet, and nations practicing hitherto orthodoxy, that is to say religion schismatic Orient, will rally fairly quickly to the ancient Roman Catholicism, yorni Italy. Pope Wandering on his deathbed, will be happy to see these new followers replace Western recently separated from his Church and within nations who have paid the fragmentation of teen naïsme, he will still be faithful, they hiding for conducting the practices condemned superstition; before expiring, he has maintained Bishops to the Bishops of the Eastern schism, and it will be established among eax, Greek and Russian Cardinals. His successor will be a slave; the seat of Adonaïte papacy will be established in the northern city of Pierre, under the Subject to reconquer Rome. But it will be in vain that the imperial autocrat, hoping to extend its domination, will cross the adonaïsme; his efforts do not lead, and the Church once Roman remains fragmented in the nations of Western Europe. Thus, Russia will be the last refuge and the last bastion of adonaïsme claiming Catholic.

“Among Western nations, once the new religious regime will legalized, it will completely remove these propagandists dan0ereux who call themselves missionaries and go to our brothers in Asia and in idolaters Africa and Oceania whose conversion must be our work, carry the poisonous lies of their preaching. Governments prohibit, under the most severe penalties, these emigrations detestable that are likely to create incessant conflicts with Asian nations, faith, then became perfectly illuminated by the efforts of the wise priests Tibetan united with our auxiliary masonry of India and China, will be respected. And without waiting for the remote time of these events, while Mason, now the duty to fight with the pen and words, the so-called Catholic missionaries and blow the world profane the contempt of them and an unquenchable hatred. These missionaries are our mortal enemies. Anyone, Freemason, not fight the eu will be held traitor; anyone who will join their harmful action or only will support a public eulogy will be beaten to death.

“Finally, it will be good to maintain, in the lower classes of every nation, ferment of revolutionary ideas, even those of the socialists inclined to violent ends. Atheism is bad by itself away from its true purpose any work of humanitarian renovation antichré [sic]

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holds, we have to channel it and mix with the more social doctrines exaggerated, which is intended for the final failure, that can only give way a momentary disruption, immediately followed by an energetic reaction. But first, we discréditerons the last degree theory superstitious of divinity, so that the people still steeped adonaïsme to detach themselves in gradually and will eventually no longer believe None Averagement, and the last priests of adonaïsme fragmented émietlé will all in fact granted to us in the time of the new religious regime, which will be a state of transition, as freethinker deism; secondly, we care not to tear the multitude of belief in the supernatural divine, but we confine ourselves to proclaim at every opportunity life a supreme being, without even knowing our holy publicly traditions and mystical revelations. So wills the Good God.

“Therefore, when the autocratic Russian empire will become the Citadel papist adonaïsme we déchaînerons revolutionary nihilists and atheists, and we will bring a formidable social cataclysm, that will show well the nations, and in all its horror, the effect of the in absolute belief, mother of savagery and most bloody mess. So, everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the mad back minority rebels, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and innombrables disabused of adonaïsme whose deist soul will be up to that time remained without compass, thirsty ideal, but not knowing what god award homage will receive the True Light, the manifestation univer Saddle pure Luciferian doctrine, finally made public, demonstration which arise from the general reaction movement, following the crash of atheism and adonaïsme, both at the same time and defeated exterminated.

“The birth of the religion of God-Lucifer Good, reaching ever unrivaled on the earth, can not be an instantaneous operation, or a year, or a chandelier or a century. Sustainable work is one that created by slowly. The nineteenth century saw the development of the true and good Catholicism; the twentieth century will be the century of gestation, to bring safement the parlurition its fixed term in the book of heaven (29 September 190 (5of the Christian era when finished).

“Written and given Solemn vault, and signed to the Palladium feet Sacred by the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Freemasonry and Veterans ten component Grand Serene College Emeritus Masons, the Supreme East Charleston, the beloved Valley to the Divine Master, the 29th and last day of the Moon Ab of the year 000 871 of the True Light (August 15, 1871, common era). [sic]

Pg. 606

This is the secret plan, which forms and summarizes the tactics and Espérancid sect.
Are there no need to say, in conclusion, the mysterious response sacred word of Kadosh knights?


“Pharasch-Chol. “Everything is explained. [sic]


Photo of the book in mention, written by Leo Taxil, under the alias of Dr. Bataille, 1894.

Now, right off the bat, you’ll start noticing a huge amount of discrepancies, from what is written about, above, and what William Guy Carr (2) flatly fabricated and outright lied about, in the introduction of his book, Pawns in the Game, in Carr’s text, below. This is why his career, as an author, sunk like one of his submarines, then imploded, after the fact. The American folklorist, Bill Ellis, stated that Carr was “the most influential source in creating the American Illuminati demonology”.

Here is one of the first of many fallacies written in Pawns in the Game, as the rest of the book’s text is all lies, conjecture, and speculation, having no scholarly source. There is nothing “TRUE”, in the entire publishers statement:

Here is a TRUE story of international intrigue, romances, corruption, graft, and political assassinations, the like of which has never been written before.  It is the story of how different groups or atheistic-materialistic men have played in an international chess tournament to decide which group would win ultimate control of the wealth, natural resources, and man-power of the entire world. It is explained how the game has reached the final stage. The lnternational Communists, and the International Capitalists, (both of whom have totalitarian ambitions) have temporarily joined hands to defeat Christian-democracy.  The cover design shows that all moves made by the International Conspirators are directed by Satan and while the situation is decidedly serious it is definitely not hopeless.  The solution is to end the game the International Conspirators have been playing right now before one or another totalitarian-minded group impose their ideas on the rest of mankind. The story is sensational and shocking, but it is educational because it, is the TRUTH. The author offers practical solutions to problems so many people consider insoluble.

The Publisher [sic]

The book quotation continues on, a little below [1], to where we get to the text that is quoted by the simple minded, conspiracist frauds, or lunatics, as being factual, even though Carr found himself on his metaphorical sinking submarine, when he tried to claim that “his Eminence Cardinal Caro Rodriguez, Archbishop of Santiago, Chile” was his source. Cardinals take a dim view of those who try to lay blame on them, especially when the accuser lies of his real source on top of it. This, even though the Cardinal’s own book was quoting pure Taxil bunk. On further bellow, I happily quote Carr’s fecal slush [1], of which, you can see Leo Taxil’s book contents, quoted above, everywhere you look. Taxil’s stink is rolling off it, which smells of a fresh piece of dog feces on a hot sidewalk. Taxil was never guilty of curbing his dogs.

There is one thing, though, that I can’t let slip by, before we get to Carr’s text, and that is what Cardinal Caro Rodriguez wrote about his citation, in his book, p. 118, of The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, which shows that he was just as brainwashed by Leo Taxil as Carr. Here is what the Cardinal claimed: “Authentic or not, the letter had been published long enough before the events not to be an invention accommodated POST FACTUM. Its publication is catalogued in the British Museum of London and the plan attributed to Pike is also in part in “LE PALLADISME OF MARGIOTTA,” p. 186 published in 1895″. To translate the Cardinals words into a more comprehensible English, I paraphrase: “Authentic or not, the letter had been published, long enough before the events, not to be an invention received after the fact”. Yes, you read the Catholic nutter correctly, as he sounds like he’s trying to pull the infallibility of the Pope from his rump, and use it, when he said “had been published long enough before the events not to be an invention“.(4) I had a right good laugh at his audacity and stupidity. He claimed, that since the lie was supposedly written for long enough period of time, that it magically grew factual. That sounds like many of the Popes encyclicals. There was no imaginary letter stored at Britain, only the book, as the library stated.

We also have Carr’s source, Edith Starr Miller’s book, Occult Theocrasy, 1933, pp. 208-209, which contains her debunked and false text, where she quotes Leo Taxil, ad nauseam, and this is where, Carr, got his idea, since Pawns in the Game was published in 1958, twenty-five years later.


“Mazzini wrote the following to Pike in a letter dated January 22, 1870. Remember that Freemasonry wasn’t started by Pike — rather it was infiltrated by the Illuminati who were looking for a respectable forum in which to hide their clandestine activities:

“We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown”. [sic]

“Oh what a tangled web weave, when first we practice, to deceive!” Sir Walter Scott

Now, I continue with the rest of Carr’s slush, mentioned above, at [1]:

In 1834 the Italian revolutionary leader Gussepi Mazzini was selected by the Illuminati to be director of their revolutionary programme throughout the world.  He held this post until he died in 1872.

In 1840, General Albert Pike was brought under the influence of Mazzini because he became a disgruntled officer when President Jefferson Davis disbanded his auxiliary Indian troops on the grounds they had committed atrocities under the cloak of legitimate warfare.  Pike accepted the idea of a one world government and ultimately became head of the Luciferian Priesthood.  Between 1859, and 1871, he worked out the details of a military blue-print, for three world wars, and three major revolutions which he considered would further the conspiracy to its final stage during the twentieth century.

Most of his work was done in the 13 room mansion, he built in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1840. When the Illuminati, and the lodges of the Grand Orient, became suspect, because of Mazzini’s revolutionary activities in Europe, Pike organized the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. He established three supreme councils; one in Charleston, S.C., another in Rome, Italy and another in Berlin, Germany. He had Mazzini establish twenty three subordinate councils in strategic locations throughout the world. These have been the secret headquarters of the world revolutionary movement ever since. Long before Marconi invented wireless (Radio), the scientists who were of the Illuminati had made it possible for Pike and the Heads of his councils to communicate secretly. It was the discovery of this secret that enabled intelligence officers to understand how apparently unrelated ‘incidents’ took place simultaneously throughout the world which aggravated a situation and developed into a war or revolution. Pike’s plan was as simple as it has proved effective.  He required that Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism, and other International movements be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions.  The first world war was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The differences stirred up by agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War Two, was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Naziism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During world war two International Communism was to be built up until it equalled in strength that of united Christendom.  At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. Can any informed person deny Roosevelt and Churchill did not put this policy into effect ?

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East isn’t designed to accomplish this devilish purpose?

On August 15, 1871, Pike told Mazzini that after World War Three is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. We quote his own written words (taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, Eng.) :

“We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of  savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend  themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Propaganda put out by those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy has caused the general public to believe all who oppose Christianity are Atheists.  This is a deliberate lie circulated to hide the secret plans of the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who direct the Synagogue of Satan so that the human race still find it impossible to establish on this earth God’s plan for the rule of the universe, as he explained it to our first parents in the Garden of Eden, told in Genesis. The High Priests of the Luciferian Creed work from the darkness. They remain behind the scenes. They keep their identify and true purpose secret, even from the vast majority of those they deceive into doing their will and furthering their secret plans and ambitions. They know that the final success of their conspiracy to usurp the powers of world government depends upon their ability to keep their identity and TRUE purpose secret until no cunning or power can prevent them crowning THEIR leader King-despot of the entire world. The Holy Scriptures predicted what Weishaupt and Pike planned would be put into effect until the Spiritual forces of evil controlled this earth. Rev. 20 tells us how, after these things we relate have come to pass, Satan will be bound for a thousand years. What the term a thousand years means in measure of time as we know it I don’t pretend to know. As far as I am concerned study of the Luciferian conspiracy, in the light of knowledge contained in the Holy Scriptures, has convinced me that the binding of Satan and the containment of Satanic forces upon this earth can be brought about more speedily if the WHOLE TRUTH concerning the existence of the continuing Luciferian conspiracy is made known as quickly as possible to ALL the people of ALL remaining nations. Research dug up letters from Mazzini which revealed how the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed keep their identity and true purpose secret.  In a letter Mazzini wrote to his revolutionary associate, Dr. Breidenstine, only a few years before he died he said “We form an association of brothers in all points of the globe. We wish to break every yoke. Yet, there is one unseen that can be hardly felt, yet it weighs on us.  Whence comes it? Where is it? No one knows … or at least no one tells. This association is secret even to us the veterans of secret societies.”

In 1925 his Eminence Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez, Archbishop of Santiago, Chile, published a book “The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled”, to expose how the Illuminati, the Satanists, and the Luciferians had imposed a secret society upon a secret society. He produces a great deal of documentary evidence to prove that not even 32nd and 33rd degree Masons know what goes on in the Lodges of the Grand Orient and Pike’s New and Reformed Palladian Rite and the affiliated Lodges of Adoption in which female members of the conspiracy are initiated. On page 108 he quotes the authority Margiotta to prove that before Pike selected Lemmi to succeed Mazzini as Director of the World Revolutionary Movement Lemmi was a rabid and confirmed Satanist. But after he had been selected he was initiated into the Luciferian ideology

The fact that the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed on this earth introduced the worship of Satan in the lower degrees of both Grand Orient Lodges and the councils of the Palladian Rite and then initiated selected individuals to the FULL SECRET that Lucifer is God the equal of Adonay, has puzzled many historians and research workers.  The Holy Scriptures mention Lucifer only a few times — Isa. 14; Luke 10:18;  Rev. 9:1-11.  The Luciferian Doctrine however states definitely that Lucifer led the Heavenly revolt;  that Satan is the oldest son of God (Adonay) and the brother of St. Michael who defeated the Luciferian conspiracy in Heaven.  The Luciferian teachings also claim that St. Michael came on earth in the person of Jesus Christ to try to repeat what he had done in Heaven … and failed.  Because Lucifer, Satan, the Devil — call him what you may — is the father of lies, it would appear that those spiritual forces of darkness deceive as many as possible so called intellectuals into doing their will here as they did in heaven. [sic]


Photo of the book in mention, written by William Guy Carr

Evidently, Carr, a racist and bigoted anti-Semite, anti-Mason, conspiracist, and liar of the umpteenth degree, (there actually is a psychological neurosis, known as compulsive lying disorder), who tried to hide behind Jesus’ name, wasn’t very bright, and I would even go further to say, that he was nowhere near being the brightest bulb in the box he came from, because one would have to be intellectually stunted, if they did not think that those like myself, my brother Freemasons, along with the Conspiracy Archive, blog author, Terry Melanson, were not adept or astute enough, to thoroughly route out and debunk what he wrote. Carr had to have the IQ of a rock, and one would assume, that he thought everyone else was as foolish and dimwitted. Well, Carr guessed wrong, so he had better have saved what money he made from Pawns in the Game, as he ended up looking for other employment. He did sell audio recordings of his lectures, which he recorded in his own building, to members of the far-right fanatical Protestant churches. One would think that an actual lecturer would be asked to speak, by some group, live, in a public forum, would they not? Well, when you lecture that an invisible and age-old, mythical, Jewish Illuminati banking conspiracy, used super-secret, radio-transmitted, mind control, on behalf of Lucifer, to construct a one world government, many may just get up and walk out! (1) None of the conspiracy nutters, who parrot him, will admit to that, nor will they reveal that to you.

We know that Carr was quoting Taxil, in that he gives the date of August 1871, which matches Taxil’s hoax. Miller used another date. However, Carr claims that Pike wrote Mazzini, when it was actually Mazzini supposedly writing Pike, according to Taxil’s hoax.

You will notice many words, in Carr’s text, that were completely unknown of, during the time of Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini, such as World War, World War One, World War Two, World War Three, Fascists, Zionists, Nazism, and State of Israel. These words were never used in Taxil’s book, nor in the Cardinal’s; Carr made them up out of thin air. The imbecile even insanely stated: “Long before Marconi invented wireless (Radio), the scientists who were of the Illuminati had made it possible for Pike and the Heads of his councils to communicate secretly”. Carr also speaks of the fake Palladian order, (which Taxil fully admitted to inventing, during his April 1897 confession, before the French Press, and the Catholic clergy, and again in National Magazine in 1906), and the claims about we Freemasons not being “high level” enough to know. After all, it was Leo Taxil, who said that those under the 30th degree were kept in the dark, about lucifer being the God of Freemasonry, and that is an outrageous and outright lie. The 30th, 31st, 32nd and 33rd degree, bestows on we Freemasons the allegorical title of a Knights Templar (a Kadosh), and one must believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity, to be one, period, end of story. Carr, it seems, had fallen for the Taxil Hoax, hook, line and sinker. He was quite the pathetically brainwashed individual. The Catholic church admits to being duped by Taxil’s writing, in the Catholic Encyclopedia, under the article on impostors, within the last paragraph.

Carr claimed as his proof: “In 1925 his Eminence Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez, Archbishop of Santiago, Chile, published a book “The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled,” to expose how the Illuminati, the Satanists, and the Luciferians had imposed a secret society upon a secret society”, and later, he claimed that his info was “taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, England.” Here, when Carr was confronted, by many scholars, and was asked to show his proof, he claimed that this source came from Cardinal José María Caro Rodríguez, which was his fatal mistake. The Cardinal admitted, that what was at the British Museum Library, was Leo Taxil’s book, Le diable au XIXe siècle. The Cardinal also admits it was not a letter, but a book. Here, Carr, in a later book, and after being caught out, tried to say: “The Keeper of manuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is NOT cataloged in the British Museum Library. It seems strange that a man of Cardinal Rodriguez’s knowledge should have said that it WAS in 1925.” The British library did confirm that only Taxil’s book was there. Carr was caught in his deceit, and had metaphorically climbed upon a high stool, tied a noose around his own neck, shackled his own hands, and the Cardinal gloriously kicked the stool out from under him. Carr had metaphorically hung his own stupid self. Everyone, who had caught him in his fraud, watched on as he swung. That was the finishing end to any credibility that William Guy Carr had, except with the bigoted fanatical religious zealots, who published and bought his slush, (much like Jack Chick comics). These same religious fanatics, still quote Carr, such as Pat Robertson, and many of the other charlatan Televangelists, along with many ignorant and uneducated pastors, of which it would be a miracle if they could read this article without it having comic book pictures. The truth is not in them, nor could you beat it out of them with a lead lined Bible. Carr even had the audacity and gall, to talk about others publishing propaganda in that muck! This, folks, is what these conspiracist imbeciles are asking you to believe!

Carr’s book was influenced by those like Nesta Webster, Edith Starr Miller, and Léo Taxil (see Taxil hoax).(3) He also refers to the theories of l’abbé Augustin Barruel and John Robison, both conspiracy peddlers, who claimed that the French Revolution was a Masonic plot, that was linked to the German Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt, which had, in fact, died with Weishaupt, himself.(3) The Illuminati lost any power it had, because it was exposed to the Bavarian government, by the help of Freemasonry and the Jesuits. Thus, all the other world governments were duly informed of what to look for. It was not hidden any longer, which is what it required to operate. Also, remember, that Carr states that he learned about the letter from the anti-Mason, Cardinal José María Caro Rodríguez, of Santiago, Chile, the author of The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, so the Cardinal was an influence on Carr, too.

Today’s modern NWO conspiracists, though, were, and are still, given ammunition by Michael Haupt, via his website, in 2003, which became famous, in 2010, because of it being soundly debunked by Terry Melanson. You can see the resurgence of Carr’s muck, when you read Haupt’s webpage, located here. This link is from the Wayback Machine. However, there is an older fecal smell, coming from a man, by the name of David Allen Rivera, at this website, (which purports to be “modern history”), from 1994, and it clearly shows where the frauds, such as Alex Jones (5), Henry Makow (6), Walter J. Veith (7), Bill Schnoebelen (8), Texe Marrs (9) (who is one of the most untruthful people that I have ever came across), David Icke (10), Michael Haupt (11), Pat Robertson (12), David Bay (13), Kevin McNeil-Smith of freemasonrywatch.org, and the numerous other lying crackpots, obtained their internet data about William Guy Carr, and his book, Pawns in the Game, where, as you have seen the proof, he falsely wrote that Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini, about a planned set of Three World Wars, of which the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and its secret luciferian Palladian, (of Taxil’s invention), would be mythically pulling the strings. After Michael Haupt was shown the error of his ways, he now has this page written in place of the old one. The problem is, that he is still peddling pure unadulterated, bull caca, period. David Allen Rivera hasn’t corrected any of his deceit, and his stench still lingers. The quote, below, is what starts off Haupt’s new webpage.

Albert Pike received a vision, which he described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. [sic]

I noticed, very quickly, that he does not cite any credible source, nor any source at all, for his statement. I do wonder why? I will state it bluntly, he lied, by claiming Pike “received a vision”. Pike “received a letter”, according to Taxil’s written excrement. Of course, if Haupt cited anything, he would be citing the fallacies of Carr, and those of his ilk, which anyone with any modicum of intelligence can plainly see that it would not be anything of scholarly mention. He also calls it the One World Order, on this new page, instead of the New World Order of Rivera, but Haupt’s webpage, is linked to another one, that he authored, about the fake Illuminati-NWO (see the link in the quote).

Of course, it has never failed, that all the conspiracy theorists and muckrakes that I have had the misfortune to read or view their slush, in my entire life, are all this way. They are all loudmouths, who make exuberant and wild claims, and are always completely full of hot air. You will find, that they never have a drop of credible, scholarly, evidence to back them up, and they never cite any source to back up their ridiculous claims. Of course, if they did cite scholarly sources, then they would never be able to peddle their muck and slush. Some of them, (Rivera), make good money by publishing their deceit. In a lot of cases, lies sell better than factual truth, and the immoral do not care to lie.


By reading the pages of Taxil’s slush, (which is exactly what Taxil called it, when he confessed), one quickly learns that the text is not referring to any letter written by Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini, but it is supposedly from Mazzini to Pike. I bet you caught that too? Also, there are no mention of any World Wars, nor does any of the words such as Zionist, Fascist, or Nazi, exist anywhere within the entire text. The entire faked Mazzini letter, was supposedly about what Mazzini was going to do, politically, to shut out the Catholic church, and was thus, a part of the Taxil Hoax. Another thing you should notice, is that the fake letter was dated 1871, and Mazzini died on March 10th, 1872. The book was first published in 1892, after both Pike and Mazzini were long dead and gone. Do you find that surprising? Oh how I would have loved to see Pike summon Taxil to court, and he could well have, since he was a well accomplished attorney. Only if he had lived long enough to travel to France, or had caught Taxil in the states. Taxil, though, bided his time, until the real threat was gone.

Giuseppe Mazzini was a great man, especially in the eyes of the Italian people, along with those like Giuseppe Garibaldi, Camillo Benso di Cavour, and Victor Emmanuel II, as Mazzini helped in reunifying Italy, and was instrumental in bringing about the very revolution which unified it. Of course, Pope Pius IX, had a very sour view of him, but of course, his successor did with Freemasonry, too, because of the fraternity’s membership backing democracy, liberty, natural rights, freedom of religion and speech, education for the masses, and supporting the separation of church and state. The church of Rome is against all of that, even today, and would love to have it back to the way it was, in the middle-ages, with a mandatory state religion, and when they ruled the roost, by using terror, murder, and an iron fist. Read some of the Pope’s encyclicals if you don’t believe that.

The Italian history of this time, starts when Pope Pius IX did a runner, slipping out of Rome while dressed as a priest, to Gaeta, and from his place of protection, there, any liberal reforms that the new government issued, were rejected by the Pope. The Pope even went so far as to threaten to excommunicate the Italian Catholic people, along with wanting to later prosecute them, over wanting a new democratic government, and gave the edict that no Catholic could vote in the legitimate election. On March 22, 1849, after a Roman Republic had been formed, the assembly proclaimed the Triumvirate, of Carlo Armellini, Giuseppe Mazzini, and Aurelio Saffi, along with a government, led by Muzzarelli and Aurelio Saffi. Mazzini instituted prison and mental asylum reforms, freedom of the press, and secular education, but kept himself away from ‘right to work’ reform, since he had seen it fail in France. During this same time, Giuseppe Garibaldi formed an army of about 1000, called the Italian Legion. However, not long after, we now have Louis Napoleon, who soon declared himself emperor Napoleon III, on April 25th, 1849. Napoleon sent some eight to ten thousand French troops to restore the Pope. This was known as the French siege of Rome. Garibaldi’s army, outnumbered, failed, and a truce was signed between July 1st and 2nd. The French propped up the Pope, until 1870, but left, due to the Franco-Prussian War, which led to the recapturing of Rome, and the annexation of the Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946). At least Mazzini got to enjoy about nine years of it, before passing on.

One can read the Papal encyclical, Humanum Genus, to see exactly what Pope Leo XIII, and the church clergy, thought about the time after Mazzini’s death. I highly doubt that William Guy Carr, nor any of those who parrot him, would be very welcome, in Italy, if their ideals and conjecture were known to the Italian people, during a visit. Sicilian necktie anyone?

Now that we know the true history, we can proceed with debunking the simpletons and liars, by debunking William Guy Carr, himself.

William Guy Carr was a racist and bigoted anti-Semite, who regularly quoted the fake Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a 1903 Russian forgery, published by another racist and anti-Semite, Pavel Krushevan, who was a journalist, editor, publisher, and an official in Imperial Russia’s Duma. Krushevan was a Black Hundredist, and was known for his far-rightwing, ultra-nationalist views. They say that he was always armed, and kept a cook with him, because of the fear of being poisoned. The Russian state has fully admitted that Krushevan’s book, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, is a forgery, in 1993 (14). Krushevan was in court, numerous times, for slander, verbal offenses, and physical threats.

William Guy Carr was foolish enough to send J. Edgar Hoover a copy of his book, along with mailings from his religious hate group. The FBI decided to not reply, but to keep an eye on Carr over his anti-Semetic propaganda. Many reported Carr to the FBI, thinking him to be a communist, over what he wrote.(15) One can find the entire FBI file on Carr below. There is a lesson in this, for any who continue to parrot his claptrap.

According to the FBI’s Bufiles, from p. 87-88 of the report, Carr is recognized as a Fascist, and an Anti-Semitic over his writing.


Carr quoted many other anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic bigots, such as Edith Starr Miller and Leo Taxil, ad nauseam. These people are who Carr loved to parrot. I do hope that you can see what this conclusion has finished on, as it explains the attitudes and ideals of those, who still continue to parrot and publish Carr’s smelly lying muck.

So Mote It Be


  1. Dances with Devils: Satan, the Devil, and the Antichrist, Freemasons Jews and the Forged Protocols Variations on Conspiracist Themes”, The Website of the Political Associates. Website with text.
  2. The link is the only biographical source available for William Guy Carr, or I would not have used it. Evidently, Encyclopedia Britannica will not sully themselves with a biography about the man, nor can I rightly blame them.
  3. The link is the only biographical source available, or I would not have used it. Evidently, Encyclopedia Britannica will not sully themselves with a biography.
  4. https://openlibrary.org/works/OL12320326/The_mystery_of_Freemasonry_unveiled
  5. http://www.infowars.com/the-world-wars-of-albert-pike/
  6. http://www.henrymakow.com/000546.html
  7. http://pdf.amazingdiscoveries.org/References/TO/215/TO215_S13-Three_World_Wars_Planned.pdf
  8. “Beyond the Light”, William Schnoebelen.
  9. “This outcome was envisaged first in 1871, when the world’s two foremost Masonic chieftains, Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, based in South Carolina (U.S.A.) and Mazzini, his Italo-European counterpart, plotted out three great world wars. The first two, World Wars I and II, have already transpired. The third and final conflict, agreed Pike and Mazzini, would be fought over Israel and the Middle East. Texe Marrs: http://www.texemarrs.com/032001/amerruss2.htm
  10. https://www.davidicke.com/article/106286/2233-albert-pike-and-three-world-wars (Icke points to Haupt threeworldwars.com) & The Biggest Secret, 1999
  11. http://www.threeworldwars.com/index.html
  12. 1991, The New World Order, written by Pat Robertson
  13. http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1015.html
  14. https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007244
  15. FBI files on William Guy Carr and Pawns in the Game, obtained under the FOIA and hosted at the Internet Archive


Carr inspired the following muck: Dan Smoot (The Invisible Government, 1962), Gary Allen (The Rockefeller File, 1976), Phoebe Courtney, (Beware Metro and Regional Government, 1973), Richard T. Osborne (The Great International Conspiracy, 1974; and lately The Coming of World War III, 2006), Myron C. Fagan, (Audio Document (LP): The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations, recorded in 1967-1968, ed. by a group calling themselves the Sons of Liberty. Fagan outlines the Illuminati world elite plans of global conspiracy for the New World Order and world domination), David Icke (The Biggest Secret, 1999), Jan van Helsing, and the French Canadian Social Credit Party member Serge Monast (1945–1996).

French philosopher and historian Pierre-André Taguieff, the works of Carr (especially Pawns in the Game), “largely contributed to popularize the themes of anti-Masonic conspiracism in the United States and in Canada; first, it reached the Christian fundamentalist milieu (mainly concerned with his “Luciferian” conspiracies), then the whole far-right movement and the new generations of conspiracy theorists”.

According to the Political Research Associates: “Carr promoted the anti-Semitic variant on conspiracism with books such as Pawns in the Game and Red Fog over America. Carr believes that an age-old Jewish Illuminati banking conspiracy used radio-transmitted mind control on behalf of Lucifer to construct a one world government. The secret nexus of the plot was supposedly the international Bilderberger meetings on banking policy. The anti-Semitic Noontide Press distributed Pawns in the Game for many years”.

Who is God?

God, En Soph or Ein Soph, (the Infinite God), to me, is the creator of the universe. That should pretty much sit well with anyone reading this. However, that is not the God or Gods of the ancients, nor the one spoken of in most of the Torah, who supposedly created modern man. One will be surprised, when they find that Genesis is a metaphorical allegory, designed to hide the truth within, behind a veil. Even the name, God, En Soph, etc., is not the creator’s name, as nobody knows what that is. The Bible does give reference to En Soph, supposedly, as the I AM.

The story of Genesis was only written between 597 BCE to 539 BCE, or later, while the Jews were either still in captivity, at Babylon, or just after they made their way back to Judah. After the twelfth and thirteenth Jewish kings, (Ahab and his son), Judaism converted to monotheism, which was somewhere about 250 or so years, before their capture by the Babylonians and their king, Nebuchadnezzar. Though the Jews took up a National God, El, Elil, or Enlil, many still practiced polytheism for a while, before it died out, between Ahab’s time, and their capture or deportation. Other lands, in the Levant and Mesopotamia, did the same, by declaring a National God. While in Babylon, the Jews learned of combining several Gods’ stories into one, as the Babylonians had done, when they started worshiping a monotheistic National God, the creator of man. Here, the Babylonians mixed the stories of the Mesopotamian Gods of before, including Enki, into Marduk. Enki was supposedly Marduk’s father. The Jews did the same, in the Torah, by mixing the stories of Anu, Enlil, and Enki. That is why it seems that God is always contradicting himself.

To find out some of the truth about this, one must look to Khabbalism, which is studied by Rabbinical Judaism, and mainly, the book of Khabbalism, the Zohar, which is the Book of Light, Splendor, or Radiance. The Zohar is supposedly ancient, though some argue that it is not. It was supposedly written by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, who lived around the 2nd century. It made an appearance in the 13th century, at Spain, and was published by a Jewish writer, named Moses de León. De León claimed the work to be from Shimon bar Yochai. There are 23 volumes of it. I’ll not argue either point, but it is very informative read, as to what the Rabbis study.

The Zohar explains the very first allegorical words of Genesis. To explain this, it says that God, En Soph, the creator of all, whom has no name, except for that which is invented by man, created the universe, and then created another God or Gods, who created man. This also corresponds to one of the four versions of Genesis, which mentions the Alhim or Elohim (usually plural), an ancient Mesopotamian belief. This was intentionally hidden, because of the Jews conversion to monotheism from polytheism. Also, while in captivity at Babylon, those who were held there, and their children, had overheard the ancient religious beliefs of not only the Babylonians, but also the Akkadians, and thus, the Sumerians. The Jews, the descendants of Abraham, who was from Ur in Mesopotamia, already had a similar belief, and the ancient religion, which spoke of the pantheon of Gods, such as Anu (An), Enlil, (Elil, or El), Enki (Ea), and their sister, Ninhursag (Ninki), had developed, and spread across the fertile crescent, starting at southern Mesopotamia, then up to what is now northern Iraq, next, west to what is now Syria, and then back south, as far as Egypt. Thus, it follows the upside down crescent shape of the farmable lands.

The Zohar states, that the first words of Genesis, are read in a different manner than shown in Genesis. Below, I quote from pages 86-87, from the book titled: The Sepher Ha-Zohar Or The Book Of Light, by Nurho de Manhar, 1900-1914. It is a Hebrew to English translation of the Zohar. My words in [brackets]:

“BRASHITH.” “In the beginning” was En Soph, the Divine, the self-existent infinite begin [being], without likeness or reflection, the incomprehensible, the unknowable One, the blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. who only hath immortality, dwelling in Light which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen or can see, before whom the great archangel with face beneath his wings bends in lowly reverence and adoration, crying, “Holy! Holy! Holy! who art and was and evermore shall be.”

Tune [tone or resonance] had begun. Its great pendulum, whose beats are the ages, commenced to vibrate. The era of creation or manifestation had at last arrived. The nekuda reshima, primal point or nucleus, appeared. From it emanated and expanded the primary substance, the illimitable phosphorescent ether, of the nature of light, formless, colorless, being neither black nor green nor red. In it, latent yet potentially as in a mighty womb, lay the myriad prototypes and numberless forms of all created things as yet indiscernible, indistinguishable. By the secret and silent action of the divine will, from this primal luminous point radiated forth the vital life-giving spark which, pervading and operating in the great, enteric ocean of forms, became the soul of the universe, the fount and origin of all mundane life and motion and terrestrial existence, and in its nature and essence and secret operation remains ineffable, incomprehensible and indefinable. It has been conceived of as the divine Logos, the Word, and called Brashith, for the same was in the beginning with God. (All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life became the light of man.)

“They that understand (the secret doctrine) shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they who turn or lead many into the might path (of knowledge) as the stars forever and ever.” (Dan. xii. 3.) The word zohar (brightness) designates that nekuda reshima, the central ray or point of light which was the primal manifestation of the Divine, En Soph. From it proceeded vibrations which made luminous the illimitable ether, from which was formed the universe that became the glorious temple or palace of the great Unknown. It was in a manner the holy seed or germ that gave origin and birth to the world, and is occultly referred to in the words: “The holy seed shall be the substance thereof.” (Is. vi. 13.) Its analogue in nature is the silkworm which, unseen and in secret, elaborates and prepares a product that ultimately constitutes the material of the monarch’s purple robe of splendor. Furthermore, for the manifestation of the glory of the divine Unknown to humanity, making use of verbal terms and letters, it has built for it the name alhim, or lord, as evidenced in the mystic sense of brashith bara alhim. “In the beginning, alhim created”; or, as it should be rendered by rushith, [the root or beginning] that is the primal zohar, the origin of all words, “God created alhim.” The use of the word bara (created) need not excite surprise, for it occurs again in the words: “And he created alhim, the man, in his image.” (Gen. i. 27.) This zohar, their, denotes the mysterious. One called brashith because the beginning of all things. In answer to the desire of Moses to know the name of the divine Being, it was given AHIH ASHR AHIH, “I am that or who I am.” The sacred name AHIH is as a two-sided figure, whilst the name alhim is as a crown; and asher formed of the same letters as the word rash (head or crown) is a synonym of alhim and proceeds or comes forth from brashith. Whilst the primal zohar or divine ray of life was quiescent and unmanifested it was impossible for it to become known by any word or term whatsoever. But after operating in the boundless ether, the receptacle of all forms and prototypes of created things in the universe that was to be, then asher, representing the divine essence, took upon itself the form of a head or crown (rash) between the two AHIH’s of the divine appellation, AHIH asher AHIH. Observe now, that the word brashith is composed of rash (crown), synonym of asher, and beth (house or palace). Hence the occult signification or rendering of the words “Brashith bara Alhim” is this: When rash the divine germ from which emanated and expanded the boundless ether appeared, and this ether became differentiated into form and color giving rise to the universe or palace of the great king, then was created alhim the great secret fructifying principle of nature, which was and is as a point that gives rise to lines which produce surfaces, or as the letter yod I, whence proceed all the other letters of the alphabet. [sic]

En Soph created the first “tune” of creation, (resonance), which some say is when God plucked the string which caused the creation of all, and which science terms the “Big Bang.” Next, the text reads that “The nekuda reshima, primal point or nucleus, appeared. From it emanated and expanded the primary substance, the illimitable phosphorescent ether, of the nature of light, formless, colorless, being neither black nor green nor red.” That would be the “Big Bang“; all the waves or fields of the energy of the universe, light, gravity, matter, magnetism, consciousness, etc. This is referred to by the ancients as the waters above the firmament, and is where those waters mixed, creating reality and existence. It then goes on to reveal the most important words, to me, in the Zohar:

“brashith bara alhim”. “In the beginning, alhim created”; or, as it should be rendered by rushith [the root], that is the primal zohar, the origin of all words, “God created alhim.” The use of the word bara (created) need not excite surprise, for it occurs again in the words: “And he created alhim, the man, in his image.” (Gen. 1:27.)

Now, who was or were the Alhim (Elohim)? They were probably the first men, who came here, known as Lord Gods, and they created earthly man to be in their image. They were the ancient Gods and Kings of old, before the flood. They also deserve our reverence, as they created the human hybrid, who was able to be educated, and not be as that of a dumb animal, who were one half of their forebearers. Did you never wonder why, that science has never found the so-called missing link? They are blind to it, but they have published peer-reviewed papers, on the subject of we humans being a hybrid, about our DNA, and they freely admit, that they do not know what we are mixed with (1)(2)(3). I do not claim to know who they actually were, either.

According to the earliest cuneiform writings, that have been found and translated, and within those engravings on the clay tablets and cylinder seals, from ancient Sumeria, was the writing about the Mesopotamian pantheon of Gods. Here, we have Anu or An, the God of the Heavens, and his two wives, who created two Lord Gods and one Goddess, (remember that term, “Lord God,” as it is very important). The two Lord Gods were half-brothers, that came to earth, one before the other, Enki then Enlil. Ninki was the Goddess. Anu is where the duality of nature begins, along with the celestial waters above the firmament mixing. You will also have noticed, that duality stops at En Soph, God, the creator. Those celestial waters were given names of Gods, also, who were the ancestors of Anu. The Lord God, Enki, also known as Ea, the God of intelligence and the waters of the earth, supposedly came to earth first, with several of his fellow Lord Gods, followed later by Enlil, or El, the God of the air, the head deity of the Lord Gods on earth. It was written that Enlil was so powerful, in his aura, that he could hardly be looked upon by the other Lord Gods. The aura was described as a bright flame about him. Here, if you have read the Torah, you can find something very similar in it. You will also find something similar in the ancient religions of other nations, such as Hindu. Some may say that this points to sun, planet, and star worship, but I do not think so, for some cases. They only later associated what was considered living Gods (Kings), with the celestial bodies, in remembrance, but did not claim that they were them, at least at that time, I do not believe. Scholars also say, that these stars were the homes of the Gods. One will never know if these so-called God-Kings actually existed or not. What I can find, is that some early Kings, after death, were supposedly raised to a God like status, by the people, and they named some celestial body for them. Of course, this is not true for all the cases of the different Gods.

In the original Sumerian story of creation, it is written that the Alhim, (Elohim), or Igigi on Earth, (Lord Gods), complained about having to do manual labor, by dredging out the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for 3600 years (6). Some have estimated that they had been doing this, and other work, for several hundred-thousand years. From this, Enlil ordered Enki, and their sister, the Goddess Ninhursag (Ninki), and the birth Goddess, Ninmahand, to create man. Here, they supposedly used a slain or sacrificed Gods blood, (the Lord God, Geshtu-E, who was a minor Lord God of intelligence ) (6), and mixed that with the clay of the earth. Many theorize, that this means that they mixed their DNA, with some living being, already here, such as Neanderthal man. In other words, that clay was a living being that would be “moldable” as clay, to what they wanted. The story goes on to say, that they created seven breeding pairs, not one, and those fourteen new beings, seven men, and seven women, were birthed by females already here. From those seven couples, a breeding program would be undertaken, for these new hybrids.

The womb-goddesses were assembled
He [Enki] trod the clay in her presence;
She [Ninmahand] kept reciting an incantation,
For Enki, staying in her presence, made her recite it.
When she had finished her incantation,
She pinched off fourteen pieces of clay,
And set seven pieces on the right,
Seven on the left.
Between them she put down a mud brick [sic]

The new workers were given a place to live, named Edin (Eden), where some say is southeast of Enki’s city, Eridu. Some researchers believe, that Eden is located somewhere near the marshlands, or has been covered by the water of the gulf, that has risen since ancient times. That would be about 205 feet, over the last 10,000 years (62.5 meters) (5). Here, on the coast, you can still find the large reed huts of the indigenous people, today, as they were described in the Sumerian flood story. However, I believe that Edin could have been close to Eridu, as Adam, (Adamu), which was Adapa to the Sumerians, was the King of Eridu, which Enki was the God of. There are plains outside Eridu, and there is Lake Ḥammār just west of Eridu, which is marshland. It’s backwaters reach Eridu. There are also the remains of an ancient river and canal there.


Map showing location of Eridu in relation to the Gulf.


Reed hut of the indigenous people of the marshlands of the Persian Gulf. The tale of Atrahasis and the flood mentions these.


The Persian Gulf, pre-flood, 14,000 BC and earlier. The flood was caused by an inrush of water from the Arabian Sea, through the straight, at some point around 14,000 BCE.

Many histories from ancient people all across the world, from every continent, who would have had no way to communicate or know of each others existence, have a similar creation  and flood story. They all say that these Gods, who came to earth, created and educated man. Who these Lord Gods actually were, and where they were from, I highly doubt that we will ever know the truth of. I have my own personal ideas and opinion as to who they were, but that is not a matter which I wish to debate here.

So, who is God, the En Soph, the creator of all? You look at him every day, day and night, everywhere you look, including at yourself. Jesus supposedly said in two parables, within the Gospel of Thomas, verses 30 and 77:

(30) Jesus said, “Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him.”

(77) Jesus said, “It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there.”

There is also what God said, in Genesis 6:3:

(3) And the Lord said, “My spirit shall not always strive with [live in] man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” KJV

(3) ADONAI said, “My Spirit will not live in human beings forever, for they too are flesh; therefore their life span is to be 120 years.” The Complete Jewish Bible, a direct and correct Hebrew to English translation.

The answer to the question of who or what God is, this great hidden truth, is as plain and simple as the nose on your own face. God is not only the maker of the universe, God is the universe, what is behind it, and is maybe creating others. God is the differing waves of energy that make and interact with every bit of matter, wave, particle, or light, and God is consciousness. God is no single star, sun, moon, planet, nor is God a man or a Lord God, since God is all of that combined. Thus, God is the all of nature, itself, where duality ends. Below is the metaphorical truth, written in Isaiah, which has a different meaning of God than that of the Torah.

Isaiah 45:5-9

5. I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God: I will strengthen you although you have not known Me.

6. In order that they know from the shining of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me; I am the Lord and there is no other.

7. Who forms light and creates darkness, Who makes peace and creates evil; I am the Lord, Who makes all these.

8. Cause the heavens above to drip, and let the skies pour down righteousness; let the earth open, and let salvation and righteousness be fruitful; let it cause them to sprout together; I, the Lord, have created it.

9. Woe to him who contends with his Creator, a potsherd among the potsherds of the earth, shall the clay say to its potter, “What do you make? And your work has no place (4).”

Thus, God is the all of nature, known and unknown, itself. God is not a he nor a she, as many have called En Soph (infinity). Many have called God Mother Nature, because everything has been created from nature. However, God is sexless and can not be labeled. God has no name, but what man has given En Soph. God is the I AM that I AM, the All, the Logos, the principle and creator of all universal space, time, light, matter, energy, order, creation, and knowledge, which are all parts of En Soph’s self, and simply put, En Soph is nature in its all.

Some may try to claim that this is deism, when that is far from fact. Deists claim that God does not interact or intercede with nature nor humanity. Deists also claim that they do not believe in “superstition” such as prayer, oaths to God, and the three main religions; Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Thus, Freemasonry is nothing similar to deism, nor has it ever taught such. (7) Sadly, several Christian church denominations have pushed the belief that Freemasonry is deistic, which is a blatant fabrication and fallacy.

Last, the reader may have a scientific and scholarly education and background in physics, especially quantum physics. One would then recognize Max Planck, and what he had started to discover in 1900, 600 years after the Zohar was published. One would then recognize who took up Planck’s work, Albert Einstein, and those after him. I only ask that you compare what was published in the 13th century, to what Planck and his peers, such as Einstein and those of today, have found by theory, scientific experiment, and mathematical calculation, even the big bang theory and the duality of nature that ends with the creator.

So Mote It Be

Copyright © 2016, and this author freely gives this work to his fraternity, that of Freemasonry, as the owner. The author reserves the right to edit, if necessary.

Videos, which show the connection to Quantum Physics and the duality of nature:

  1. Quantum Theory Made Easy 1
  2. Quantum Theory Made Easy 2
  3. Parallel Universe Theory


  1. Nature, Vol 314, (Peter Andrews, head of the Anthropology, British Museum, Natural History, London) pages 498-499, 4-11-85, Improved timing of hominoid evolution with a DNA clock.
  2. Proc. National Accadamy of Science, USA (written by Howard Hughes Med. Inst, Dept. of Genetics, and Yale Univ.) Vol 88, pages 9051-9055, October 1991, Origin of human chromosome 2: An ancestral telomere-telomere fusion.
  3. Proc. National Accadamy of Science, USA (written by Univ. of Fla. Dept. iof Zoology, Wayne State Uinv, Detroit, Dept of Molecular Biology, The Upjohn Co., Wanyne State Univ., Dept of Biological Science) Vol 85, pages 7627-7631, October 1988, Molecular systematics of higher primates: Genealogical relations and classification.
  4. Most show a new translation for Isaiah 45:9, (especially Christianity). However, from a direct Hebrew to English translation, it is not speaking of a pot, or finished pottery, that the questioning person is being compared to, but a potsherd (pot shard). Then, “your work has no place”, where some claim that means handles. However, to me, it means that you’re a broken piece of pottery, among the other broken pieces, who have questioned God, and your “work” has no place with God, for questioning him about what he makes. That ties directly into what is being written about, in the following verses.
  5. Modern science has determined that the sea has risen about 125 meters, (410 feet) over the last 20,000 years, starting at the earth’s last Glacial Maximum. See: http://www.fws.gov/slamm/Changes%20in%20Sea%20Level_expanded%20version_template.pdf
  6. The Lord God, Geshtu-E, can be found in the Sumerian writing of The Story of Atrahasis: http://faculty.gvsu.edu/websterm/atrahasi.htm
  7. Deism claims that: “the natural religion/philosophy of Deism frees those who embrace it from the inconsistencies of superstition and the negativity of fear that are so strongly represented in all of the “revealed” religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam” See here for more information.

Debunking Amazing Discoveries: Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry .

I ran across this website and article awhile back, at amazingdiscoveries.org, and I am just now getting to sink my teeth into this smelly muck, and debunk this website’s fallacies. Evidently, by what they write, they have no knowledge of biblical theology, history (biblical or ancient), or Freemasonry, especially about Albert Pike, AE Waite, Eliphas Levi, or Manly P Hall. After viewing their list of apologist “experts”, why does it not surprise me that the liar and charlatan, Walter Veith, is at the top of their list?

First, let us address the title and summary of their webpage:

Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry
Summary: Read the accounts of occultists and Masons who confirm that Satan—not the true God—is the deity of Freemasonry. [sic]

First off, they lie right off the bat. No actual member of regular Freemasonry, when they wrote whatever text they did, has ever made any claim that Satan or lucifer is the deity of Freemasonry. Of course, that is what these charlatans want you to think, but it is not factual by any account, and certainly not scholarly as they might try to make it seem. Where is a citation for a factual source for these two statements? I do not see one, do you? Also, I would demand that it be an actual scholarly source which can be examined completely, and then be rebutted, using factual source material. You would want that too if this muck was written about you, would you not? When you look at their citations, they do not have one citation to support their written opinions on that webpage.

They next mention that the Apostle Paul said: “Satan masquerades as an angel of light: And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). The KJV has it:” No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light”. Funny that neither match, isn’t it? Also, the chapter was speaking of the clergy that was not teaching what Paul thought to be correct, in 2 Corinthians 11. They put this statement at the top to fool the reader into thinking that it is a religious website, and by that claim, it can not be a lie. Anyhow, let us see what Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible has to say on this verse.

And no marvel,…. This need not be wondered at, nor is it any new or strange thing; nor should it be thought to be incredible that there are such persons in being:

for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light; a good angel, one that has his abode in the regions of light; and is possessed of divine and spiritual light and understanding; who is clothed and arrayed with light, this is his form and essence. The apostle speaks agreeably to the notion, of the Jews, who say (t),

“rwa Mh Mlk Mykalmhv, “that all the angels are light”, the clothing of God himself;”

and they have a distinction between , “angels of the day”, and angels of the night (u): now Satan, the enemy of mankind, sometimes appears in the form of one of these; as he did to Eve in the garden, and to Christ in the wilderness; and by such appearances he often imposes on mankind; pretends the greatest friendship, when he designs nothing but ruin; and under a notion of good, either honest, or pleasant, or profitable, draws on into the commission of the greatest evils; and, under a show of truth, introduces the most notorious falsehoods and errors; and, under a pretence of religion, all sorts of idolatry, superstition, and impiety; it is in this way he has succeeded in his enterprises and temptations; these are his wiles, stratagems, and cunning devices.

(t) R. Abraham Seba, Tzeror Hammor, fol. 18. 4. (u) Zohar in Numb. fol. 91. 1. & 93. 3. [sic]

Next, let us see what Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible states about the first of the chapter, which is given as Paul and the False Apostles:

Would to God you could bear with me a little,…. The false apostles boasted so much of their gifts, abilities, and usefulness, that the apostle found himself under a necessity of saying some things in his own defence, for the honour of God, and the good of this church; which otherwise his modesty would not have permitted him, and which he saw would be accounted and censured as folly in him by others; and therefore he entreats their patience a little while, and that they would suffer him to say a few things in vindication of his character, and not be offended; though it would be in commendation of himself, which, were he not forced to, would look vain and foolish” [sic]

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary states:

11:1-4 The apostle desired to preserve the Corinthians from being corrupted by the false apostles. There is but one Jesus, one Spirit, and one gospel, to be preached to them, and received by them; and why should any be prejudiced, by the devices of an adversary, against him who first taught them in faith? They should not listen to men, who, without cause, would draw them away from those who were the means of their conversion. [sic]

If you read my article about lucifer, then you will understand the truth about what the Latin word, lucifer, actually means, and that Judaism does not believe in some anti-God nor a devil named Satan.

However, one must remember that Paul taught Hellenistic Judaism, not mainstream Rabbinical Judaism, even though he made many claims that he was a Pharisee. The Jews reject that Paul had any real Rabbinical education. If he had taught correctly, then James and Peter would not have had to collar he and Barnabas at the Council of Jerusalem, which is mentioned in Acts 15, and Paul would not have minded taking his leaving trip with Mark, who would have kept him in line. Of course he wouldn’t go with Mark, an actual apostle. At this, Acts is said to be a much cleaned up version of the account. Below, I quote what the Jewish Encyclopedia has on Paul (Saul of Tarsus). Other university scholars have came to some of the same conclusions. You can take from below what you will, but the Jewish people have kept a very well documented history.

Saul (whose Roman cognomen was Paul; see Acts xiii. 9) was born of Jewish parents in the first decade of the common era at Tarsus in Cilicia (Acts ix. 11, xxi. 39, xxii. 3). The claim in Rom. xi. 1 and Phil. iii. 5 that he was of the tribe of Benjamin, suggested by the similarity of his name with that of the first Israelitish king, is, if the passages are genuine, a false one, no tribal lists or pedigrees of this kind having been in existence at that time (see Eusebius, “Hist. Eccl.” i. 7, 5; Pes. 62b; M. Sachs, “Beiträge zur Sprach- und Alterthumsforschung,” 1852, ii. 157). Nor is there any indication in Paul’s writings or arguments that he had received the rabbinical training ascribed to him by Christian writers, ancient and modern; least of all could he have acted or written as he did had he been, as is alleged (Acts xxii. 3), the disciple of Gamaliel I., the mild Hillelite. His quotations from Scripture, which are all taken, directly or from memory, from the Greek version, betray no familiarity with the original Hebrew text. The Hellenistic literature, such as the Book of Wisdom and other Apocrypha, as well as Philo (see Hausrath, “Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte,” ii. 18-27; Siegfried, “Philo von Alexandria,” 1875, pp. 304-310; Jowett, “Commentary on the Thessalonians and Galatians,” i. 363-417), was the sole source for his eschatological and theological system. Notwithstanding the emphatic statement, in Phil. iii. 5, that he was “a Hebrew of the Hebrews”—a rather unusual term, which seems to refer to his nationalistic training and conduct (comp. Acts xxi. 40, xxii. 2), since his Jewish birth is stated in the preceding words “of the stock of Israel”—he was, if any of the Epistles that bear his name are really his, entirely a Hellenist in thought and sentiment. As such he was imbued with the notion that “the whole creation groaneth” for liberation from “the prison-house of the body,” from this earthly existence, which, because of its pollution by sin and death, is intrinsically evil (Gal. i. 4; Rom. v. 12, vii. 23-24, viii. 22; I Cor. vii. 31; II Cor. v. 2, 4; comp. Philo, “De Allegoriis Legum,” iii. 75; idem, “De Vita Mosis,” iii. 17; idem, “De Ebrietate,” § 26; and Wisdom ii.24). As a Hellenist, also, he distinguished between an earthly and a heavenly Adam (I Cor. xv. 45-49; comp. Philo, “De Allegoriis Legum,” i. 12), and, accordingly, between the lower psychic. life and the higher spiritual life attained only by asceticism (Rom. xii. 1; I Cor. vii. 1-31, ix. 27, xv. 50; comp. Philo, “De Profugis,” § 17; and elsewhere). His whole state of mind shows the influence of the theosophic or Gnostic lore of Alexandria, especially the Hermes literature recently brought to light by Reizenstein in his important work “Poimandres,” 1904 (see Index, s. v. “Paulus,” “Briefe des Paulus,” and “Philo”); hence his strange belief in supernatural powers (Reizenstein, l.c. pp. 77, 287), in fatalism, in “speaking in tongues” (I Cor. xii.-xiv.; comp. Reizenstein, l.c. p. 58; Dieterich, “Abraxas,” pp. 5 et seq.; Weinel, “Die Wirkungen des Geistes und der Geister,” 1899, pp. 72 et seq.; I Cor. xv. 8; II Cor. xii. 1-6; Eph. iii. 3), and in mysteries or sacraments (Rom. xvi. 25; Col. i. 26, ii. 2, iv. 3; Eph. i. 9, iii. 4, vi. 19)—a term borrowed solely from heathen rites. [sic]

The problem is, that the Judaeo-Greek and Roman Hellenists invented an anti-God or devil that they named Satan, not mainstream Rabbinical Judaism. This muck was taught around Antioch by Paul and his followers. These early Hellenistic Jews or Christians, like Paul, were from a Judaeo-Greek parentage, and were believers in the Greek pantheistic God, Hades, their God of the underworld, who supposedly controlled a so-called purgatory, and they also taught from Zoroastrianism, which had a dualistic thought of two spiritual deities ever fighting, that originates from what is now, Iran. Here, Zoroastrianism has the Asha and Druj, the truth spirit and the lie spirit. In Judaism, God gave man free will, and thus, the truth (good) and lie (sin) comes from man alone, and not some external spirits. Ancient Asia shows this as the Yin and Yang, both entwined as one, thus they are two sides of the same coin, which is man’s free will of the mind. One can read my two articles on Satan and Lucifer to find out the truth on this. No Christian theological book, even Gill’s, will reveal the truth about what a satan actually is. It is totally different than what you think, according to mainstream Rabbinical Judaism.

Now, let’s examine this website’s next fallacy.

One example of this masquerading is the culture of secret societies that claim to have illumination or light but are in fact full of darkness. Their Gnostic teaching inverts the truth, making Satan the god and God the enemy. The following sources attest to the fact that Freemasonry is Luciferian: [sic]

What about that claim, eh? Not one cited source to back up their cheap and dirty accusational drivel. One can clearly see that they have no idea about what the word, gnostic, actually means. Jesus the Nazarite was gnostic, the same as any Rabbi. It means that he had deep religious knowledge. By what they wrote, it sounds as if Jesus should be saying that God is Satan and the enemy. Wait a moment, isn’t that what they claimed above? Also, did Jesus not call himself the Bright Morning Star in Revelation 22:16?

Let us see what the dictionary has on the word, Gnostic:


adjective, Also, gnostical
1. pertaining to knowledge.
2. possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters.
3. (initial capital letter) pertaining to or characteristic of the Gnostics.

4. (initial capital letter) a member of any of certain sects among the early Christians who claimed to have superior knowledge of spiritual matters, and explained the world as created by powers or agencies arising as emanations from the Godhead. [sic]

Now, what other facts do you think they’re going to try to explain? None, that’s what! They’re going to try to flood partial or single sentence quotations of others, on you, which is also known as lying by omission. Here, they hope that you have not read what was written before and after these quotations or verses of scripture, nor will you want to take the time to do so. Also, they will seek to quote from texts that are obscure and hard for some people to get their hands on, in order to actually read what was said in its entirety, or use some supporting apologetic’s text, which was written by their own denomination! Some of these books are rare and not on the internet. As an example, by doing this, they could quote a sentence from an obscure, low-circulation, new-age gaming magazine which mentioned your name, that stated “I had to kill her”, and claim that you were a murderer. Especially, if the reader had also read a few other half-quotes or one-sentence quotes, from others, that sounded condemning. However, when you read everything that was actually written, in that obscure gaming text, you see this: “Wow, that was a good video game. Yes, said Ted, it was; I had to kill her. Why, asked Pete? Why, the game would have never stopped running”. Maybe you think that they’ll not stoop so low as to do this? Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but yes, they most certainly will do it, and have been doing so for over two thousand years now, especially from certain church clergy and those like the fraudulent Televangelists. Attorneys even use a form of this, in court, to this very day. They don’t study Aristotle’s, The Art of Rhetoric, as I have for nothing. Have you not ever heard an attorney request that a judge force a witness to answer either yes or no for an answer to a quote or a question? What happens when you can’t explain or give those extra sentences, which the attorney is purposely leaving out? Quite deceitful if you ask me, but it is allowed. What it takes to stop this miscarriage of truth is someone more educated and sly than these lying imbeciles, whom wrote the webpage in question, so thus, you have me.

Now, let’s get to their flood of fictitious quotes and fallacies.

Occultist and author Manly Palmer Hall.

  1. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy (emphasis added). [sic]
  2. I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfill my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed…{Invocant signs pact with his own blood} [sic]

The first quote is from Manly Palmer Hall, (who was a debunked mystic), and is text that is from his early book, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, published in 1923, which he had written when he was a whopping twenty-three years old. Funny that, when he had never stepped foot inside a Lodge of regular Freemasonry until he was fifty-three years old, in 1954, thirty-one years later, where he became an Entered Apprentice. He was raised as a Master Mason later that year. Hall became a 32nd the following year, in 1955, but he did not become a 33rd, in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, until he was seventy-three years old, in 1973, fifty years later.

Now, you may ask, “well, where did Hall get his ideas from?” It is very simple; he had fallen, hook, line, and sinker for the Taxil Hoax, by reading books such as those written by AC de la Rive, especially one which was titled: Woman and child in Universal Freemasonry, which was published in 1894. Other authors that he would have read from would have been Arthur Edward Waite, who hardly any Freemason took seriously or respected, as he studied Eliphas Levi and wrote about Levi’s fictitious claims, and the charlatans Edith Starr Miller (Lady Queenborough) and Helena Blavatsky, who both quoted the Taxil Hoax. Waite was also into many clandestine fraternities that regular Freemasonry, of that time, had quickly washed their hands of, and would not tip with a ten foot pole. We’ll touch back on AE Waite later on.

The so-called mystic movement was a big thing in the mid 1800s to the early 1900s. There was also that major twelve year long hoax, which was perpetrated upon both Freemasonry and the Catholic church, during the late 1800s, by Leo Taxil. A brother Freemason by the name of Harry Houdini, (born Erik Weisz), enjoyed busting up these charlatans and he exposed many of them for the frauds that they were. Never did Harry claim to be doing real magic, as it was all trickery and slight of hand. That is how he caught the liars (3)(4).

AC de la Rive was a publishing friend of Leo Taxil, and the manager of the magazine publisher, Antimasonic France.  AC de la Rive took over as the manager from Taxil, who had started it! Yes, they didn’t reveal that to you, now did they? I did. One can tell by the title of AC de la Rive’s book, Woman and Child in Universal Freemasonry, that it is of the most fraudulent, as a woman can not be made a Mason in any regular Lodge of Freemasonry (a fraternity is for men, a sorority for women). Leo Taxil even joked about why the Church in Rome had never cottoned onto that fact. Plus, this book is the one which contains the fake Albert Pike quotes from the fake Pike encyclical, written by Leo Taxil about Pike, who had already passed away in 1891 and could not defend himself. These authors love to wait until someone dies before writing their muck. The funny thing is, that the Hellenist church scribes waited until about one year after the apostles were dead, to pen the Gospels too. That is correct, check it out.

Also, there were Taxil’s own anti-Masonic books, which he wrote many of during the late 1800s, and especially a rather bad one, under the pen name of Dr. Bataille, where he brought out the fictional heroine named Diana Vaughan, who was supposedly made a Mason in a regular US Lodge, and was to be made the wife of the demon king, Asmodeus. He even had her traveling to different planets in the 1890s, within his book, and claimed that Asmodeus had taken her to Eden. On top of this fictional slush, Taxil wrote that a devil-snake had supposedly wrote prophecies on her back with the tip of its tail, and another demon, in order to marry a female Mason, supposedly turned itself into a crocodile and played the piano well! The tales about her are not only quite unbelievable, even to a young child of today, but are hilarious. These imbeciles, who wrote that webpage, are asking you to believe in this slush! Well, it is Walter Veith, so what can I say? Let me give you a little piece of advise about doctors of philosophy. Check what their PhD is in, as if it is not a doctorate for the subject at hand, then their PhD is not worth anything outside their field of study. Veith’s PhD is in zoology if I recall! Yes, you have a zoologist telling you that he knows more about Freemasonry than a Freemason does. That is about as comparable as a high school student (Veith) stating that he knows more about nuclear physics than a university professor in nuclear physics (me, a Freemason).

Here are the fake Pike Quotes in AC de la Rive’s book: Woman and child in Universal Freemasonry, which was published in 1894, for which he cited the fake encyclical supposedly written by the now dead Albert Pike, who supposedly gave it to the fictional Diana Vaughan, to deliver to France, but was actually written by Leo Taxil himself. It was quoted, and many state purposely misquoted, by both Edith Starr Miller and Helena Blavatsky. Take note of the footnote for their citation.:

    That which we must say to the world is that we worship a god, but it is the god that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: The masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the higher degrees, maintained in the Purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him?

Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods; darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive….

Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy, and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil. [sic]

The footnote citation at the bottom of the page:

*It was the Sister Diana Vaughan that Albert Pike,–in order to give her the greatest mark of confidence,–charged to carry his luciferian encyclical, to Paris, during the Universal Exposition [Exposition Universelle 1889]. [sic]

The next book by Manly P Hall, of which they quote, is: The Secret Teaching Of All Ages, which was published in 1928, when Hall was only twenty-seven years old, and which was only four years after his first book rolled off the press. Hall was still a bit wet behind the ears, a self-proclaimed mystic and an armchair philosopher, who was still not a Freemason, but he was an avid reader of AC de la Rive and Leo Taxil, along with other charlatans such as Edith Starr Miller, Helena Blavatsky, Eliphas Levi, and AE Waite, while not knowing any better. There were many other charlatans, too, whose books he read, as he was left an occult library of them since his family was quite wealthy.

Halls second quotation refers directly back to the same fake Pike quotes, along with the writing of the charlatans Edith Starr Miller and Eliphas Levi, who made up much of what they wrote, and the chapter in Hall’s book was not even written about Freemasonry, but was about “ceremonial magic and sorcery!” Freemasonry was never mentioned anywhere in that chapter, and the book is not just about Freemasonry but many esoteric subjects. Not only that, but you can pick up any edition of the Scottish Rite Ritual and Monitor (1), at any of the larger public libraries, and see if you can find any oath such as Manly Hall wrote in that second quote. I can save you some time, as you will not find it anywhere within the book, but please feel free to look it up and check my facts. If it is not written within that book, which is the only officially sanctioned book that is published by the Scottish Rite, then it is to not be found anywhere within Freemasonry. That book has both the ritual allegories and the lectures listed within it. Oh yes, you notice that the writer of that website would never dare to inform you of this books existence.

That website’s slush reminds me of a bedlamite, tinfoil hat wearing, fruitloop-nutter, who just started a new church, maybe to Cthulhu, with no Bible, telling you that you can read Jack Chick’s comic books for the truth, and that the Holy Bible nor any other Holy Book are required. He may even tell you that the lack of any reading comprehension is approved of, and that those that can not read one lick will be the most blessed. He’ll say, “just look at the pretty comic book pictures; it explains it all!”

It has been stated that either when Hall was raised as a Master Mason, in California, or after the fact, that he spoke to his new brethren, and asked them to forgive him for his folly in his earlier writing during his younger years, and he stated that he had it all wrong. When one reads the books that Hall wrote, after he joined, you will find that they do not mention anything about Freemasonry having a lucifer or a Baphomet as any God or deity. He later became a 33rd, in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and he found no Baphomet or lucifer at the top either, nor was he asked to ever worship one. He became an allegorical Knights Templar, as a 32nd, which is a Christian order. The 33rd is almost the same as the 32nd. To be either, you must believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity. It is a requirement! You must believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity to take the 17th to the 33rd degree.

Below, I quote Hall in the preface of the later editions of the Lost Keys of Freemasonry:

“At the time I wrote this slender volume, I had just passed my twenty-first birthday, and my only contact with Freemasonry was through a few books commonly available to the public”. [sic]

I’ll bet that Veith et al, did not want you to know about this preface, want to bet?

Here, I part with the Hall quotations, but I will quote you what was written by Brent Morris, PhD, a published scholarly Masonic historian, who cited his work with actual scholarly sources, and he did not try to lie by omission in the book: Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry (2). He is spot on in his assessment:

For example, Manly Hall didn’t become a Mason until 1954, so his 1923 book, Lost Keys of Freemasonry, represents the personal theories of a non-Mason. Further, Mr. Hall (who passed away in August 1990) was a self-avowed mystic and not a “leading authority” of Freemasonry. He was a promulgator of mystic and theosophical philosophies; his writings have not received official sanction by any Masonic bodies. The fact that he held the Thirty-third Degree and was respected by many Thirty-Third Degree Masons and even by the Supreme Councils 33º is no more significant than the fact that various Baptist, Anglican, or Methodist authors also hold or held that honor.

Anti-Masons regularly parade the writings of Masonic authorities before their audiences and dissect their words, looking for a sentence here or a phrase there to be used in their cause. They seek someone like a church authority who speaks dogmatically on teachings and doctrine; whose every word must be accepted by the faithful.

Freemasonry has no such authorities.

The Masonic authorities used by anti-Masons have been historical authorities who speak with the expertise that comes from long study, but who do not–indeed, cannot–speak for all Masons. It is like the difference between the authoritative teachings of the Episcopal Church and an authoritative history of the Kennedy assassination. [sic]

You are not taught anything in regular Freemasonry, except one moral lesson per each allegorical ritual (a play), within each degree. Freemasonry gives hints at other things during the lectures, which are barely broached, and it is up to that Mason to take that hint and read up about what it entails, if they want, as it is not a requirement. These hints are things referring to topics such as Noah’s Ark and Jacob’s Ladder. There are even hints to things concerning Euclid’s mathematics within the symbols, which is the arithmetic proof of a square. However, due to one Mason’s belief system being entirely different to those sitting next to him, what he thinks it means may be something totally different to another Freemason. That is how Freemasonry is, and that is how works, without exception. Thus, if I wrote a book during Albert Pike’s time on this earth, it would be different to his writing, as my understanding and research would be different than his, especially over my differing religious, philosophical, and theosophical views. It would be different than those like Albert Mackey, who even disagreed with Pikes work. Those books are their ideas, and not that of the fraternity as a whole. Many Freemasons disagreed with those books when they were published, and that is why, in the preface of Morals & Dogma, it clearly states:

In preparing this work, the Grand Commander has been about equally Author and Compiler; since he has extracted quite half of its contents from the works of the best writers and most philosophic or eloquent thinkers. Perhaps it would have been better and more acceptable if he had extracted more and written less. [sic]

It continues:

Everyone is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him to be untrue or unsound. [sic]

I hope you, the reader, caught the gist of that? You now see that the book was his thoughts on comparative religions, and not that of Freemasonry, the Scottish or York Rite, nor any of its other members. The book was never the “dogma” or the “bible” of Freemasonry. Pike had gotten the mysticism bug, too, and he was looking for things that were not there in the original Rite, nor in the complete Rite, and some of what he wrote has been proven wrong, many times, especially by the fraternities Research Lodges known as the Masonic Authentic School, or the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

In the paragraph that all anti-Masons love to quote of Pikes, about lucifer, Pike even gets who wrote the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation) wrong, as he states that it was the Apostle John. Everyone now knows that it was another less-known and obscure man, by the name of John of Patmos, who wrote it, and that they are entirely two different people. Many of the facts that we have today, were not available back then, to the American armchair philosophers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. What they had available to read was paltry at best. The paragraph of Pikes was about the 19th degree, the Apocalypse (the Book of Revelation), and he wrote those who took the degree thought that the word, lucifer, equated the devil. If you look at Revelation 22:16, it is Jesus, the Bright Morning Star and offspring of David, who blinds the feeble minds of the sensual and selfish souls, not a devil. That was what Pike was hinting about in that paragraph. It’s about the age old fallacy of what Isaiah 14:12 means, which, in reality, was a parable about the Babylonian king being compared to the quick rise and fall of the Morning Star (Venus), and not some devil falling from Heaven (see Isaiah 14:4).

Next, I get to tackle the charlatan Eliphas Levi, the pen name of the Abbé Louis Constant, who was born in 1810 and died in 1875, and I have been waiting for this. Below is their quote for Eliphas:

What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete [an advocate]; it is the Holy Spirit, where the physical Lucifer is the great angel of universal magnetism [sic]

Now, one must understand which book that this quote came from. Was it strictly about Freemasonry? No, it was not, as Levi wrote about ancient religions and magic, which regular Freemasonry had told Levi that they did not want to hear about, nor be taught about, and he left Freemasonry over it right after he had just been raised to a Master Mason. It was not a friendly parting. This quote is from a book that Arthur Edward Waite wrote, not Levi, titled: The Mysteries of Magic, a digest of the writings of Eliphas Levi. published in 1886. Did Levi author any of the book? Not really. It was what Waite claimed Levi meant, by writing alleged quotations of Levi, of which Waite gave his take on them. Remember that I said that I would get to Waite eventually?

AE Waite was a self-proclaimed mystic who studied much of Eliphas Levi’s work. Waite ruined himself with regular Freemasonry, when he gained membership in irregular fraternities such as the Rosicrucians and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an organization devoted to the study and practice of the occult, metaphysics, and the paranormal, (and an irregular organization who allowed women membership), where he rubbed elbows with Aleister Crowley, who was certainly no regular Freemason, and was one of the worst men to have lived. Waite believed in seances, ouija boards, and even invented a type of Tarot card set, named the Rider-Waite-Smith set. Waite also made the comment that the G in the emblem of Freemasonry meant gnosis and not God. That is not correct, and it never has been. The G has always meant God and Geometry, though Freemasonry is gnostic to a certain degree. That ‘certain degree’ is whatever the individual Mason makes of it, himself, and his gnosis will be different than any other Freemason.

In the paper, The Masonic Career of A.E. Waite, written by RA Gilbert in 1986, he states the following about AE Waite:

In English Freemasonry, the seal of a certain distinction attaches to the name of Arthur Edward Waite, while it has proved of such appeal in America that an important Grand Lodge has conferred upon him, causa honoris, one of its highest official positions.  Among his many publications those on the mystical and symbolical aspects of the Secret Tradition in Christian Times occupy a place apart, being things unattempted otherwise in the records of research’.  So Waite referred to himself in the prospectus for the revised edition of his book, The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry[1], but it is doubtful if a single masonic scholar of his time – or since – could be found who would agree that this self-adulation was justified.   During his lifetime Waite was castigated, and with justification, for his peculiarities of style, for his frequent errors of historical fact and for his cavalier attitude and contemptuous references to his contemporaries.   All this must be admitted against him, but he was also a highly original thinker who broke completely new ground with his studies of what he termed the ‘Secret Tradition’, while, for the esoteric school of thought within Freemasonry, he has been the most pervasive and powerful influence of this century. [sic]

Though Brother Gilbert does not give which American Grand Lodge gave Waite an honorary position, he goes onto say that: “During his lifetime Waite was castigated, and with justification, for his peculiarities of style, for his frequent errors of historical fact and for his cavalier attitude and contemptuous references to his contemporaries,” and that he was thought to be the “most pervasive” which is an unwelcome influence or physical effect on Freemasonry. This has happened with a few other Freemasons too, who tried to invent or see more myth and mysticism in Freemasonry than was was ever there, such as Eliphas Levi, or even Albert Mackey and Albert Pike. If it is not officially stated by the United Grand Lodge of England that something is regular or permitted, then it is not within Freemasonry no matter how much one might try to imagine it is, or even invent it. The problem was, and still is, that the early Scottish Rite had members such as Andrew Michael Ramsay, who highly embellished (lied about) details, such as how old and where the Rite originated. Ramsay claimed that it went all the way back to ancient Egypt to promote it, and that it was started by the real Templars which had not existed for 300 years before his oration. Albert Pike even swallowed that tale as true. In reality, it started with the Scotch Mason degree, a side degree that was invented in England, which then came to France, and the Rite was added to, etc, until the first twenty-five degrees were invented between 1725-1765. It came to the United States around 1800, where it was modified more and had the other degrees were added to it, making 33. The fraternity of regular Freemasonry is the oldest, it is the originator of it all, and its fraternal founding was in 1717 at the Goose and Gridiron Ale-House in London, England, with the formation of the first Grand Lodge, which became the United Grand Lodge of England. The Scottish and York Rites came along after that.

The truth about Eliphas Levi is this; that he had started to attend a French seminary to become a priest, but was defrocked in 1844, though he did write some counter-enlightenment literature during that time. Not much later, though, he changed direction, and wrote literature that was pro-reformation and enlightenment. Which ever sold the best, is my best guess to his reasoning. In 1853, after Levi left France for England, he met Edward Bulwer-Lytton, an English writer, who was interested in Rosicrucianism. This gave Levi the idea for writing about the occult, magic, esoterica, and mysticism, which he could make a good living from if the books would sell. He wrote his first work a year later, and it sold. By 1860, Levi was publishing one book after another, and making a fair bit of money for his endeavor. However, he also claimed to be a magician, and what he didn’t know, which was the majority of it, he made it up out of thin air, since fiction sold as well as, or better than, the truth. He would be considered an equal to the traveling snake-oil salesman of the time in the US, making wild claims over what he peddled. That is why French Freemasonry, finally, told Levi NO, just after he was raised as a Master Mason, when he offered to teach the Lodge his magic, etc. However, they were onto him, and were not interested. After this, he left Freemasonry for good. In his mythical and fictional occult literature, he was responsible for resurrecting the name of Baphomet, which was a lie invented and generated by King Phillip the Fair, (Philip IV), of France, to accuse the Knights Templar of heresy in order to steal their gold. The Pope, in the end, had found them not guilty, and had absolved them before he died. The French Freemasons, along with the French people, did not like what Levi wrote at all, because it besmirched their real history. He was also responsible for claiming that the pentastar had so-called magical properties as a symbol, and he invented the drawing of the star with the goats head in it, claiming that it was Baphomet. None of that had any truth to it, as Levi invented it, pulling it out of the clear blue sky, in order to sell his books. The pentastar, (a five-point star in any direction), was used by Christianity and many other religions before Levi bastardized it. The pentastar, or the pentagram, never obtained a reputation as anything evil until Levi sullied it. Mathematically, the pentastar holds the golden ratio within its geometry, and this was why that Freemasonry had used it many years beforehand. It was as if Levi had tried to demonize any religious or Masonic symbol, by claiming that it was something that it never was. This sold more fictional magic books to the mystics though, and Levi happily pocketed the money.

I quote from The myths of Baphomet and the Goat of Mendes, by Kathryn Hughes, Atlanta Paganism Examiner, at the website examiner.com, below:

The Goat of Mendes was first associated with the occult in the mid 1800’s when the occultist and magician Eliphas Levi drew a picture of a figure inspired to some extent by an early Greek description of the Goat of Mendes being represented by a ram headed and cloven hoofed figure. That image was combined with the image of the devil from a Tarot [card set] popular at the time and Levi named his figure the Goat of Mendes and called it Baphomet the Sabbat Goat. Levi is also credited with the first depiction of the inverted pentagram with a goat’s head as a symbol of evil.

Aleister Crowley, the English occultist who stated there was no devil, adopted Levi’s Baphomet as a fertility symbol and a union of opposites. Crowley also developed a theory in which he claimed the name Baphomet referred to the god Mithras. Crowley also adopted the name Baphomet for himself. This only furthered the Christian conviction of the devil as the evil Baphomet.

Not only Freemasonry, but the church, had a very low opinion of Levi over his claims. To be very honest, the books written by Levi and those by others like him, are not worth the paper they’re written on. We Freemasons have a good chortle at those who quote from them, because it shows their ignorance.

One of the worst things that Levi ever did, was to use a statue of George Washington as a model, to design a sitting, goat-headed, Baphomet with. The anti-Masons love to claim that his drawing came first, which has long been known to be a blatant lie. He was caught by the dates of when his drawing originated, as compared to when the statue was carved. Anyone can look those dates up. Levi was nothing but a charlatan, draining money from the new mystics pockets, by stating his wild claims about magic. He and Leo Taxil are of the same caliber, and both were booted from Freemasonry.

Now, we will get into the Albert Pike quotes, and at least one has been tampered with, which doesn’t surprise me in the least.

1) Lucifer, the Light-Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!iv

2) The devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry. For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythological and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.v

3) The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is Yahweh (GOD) reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but a negation of God…the Kabala imagined Him to be a “most occult light.”vi

4) That which we must say to a crowd is—We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees—The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose deeds prove his cruelty, perdify and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods: darkness being necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.vii

Let’s start with the first quote, as I can knock that one out very quick. Please read my article on lucifer, here, and remember my text about what Pike meant, above. Once you read that, then come back and read the rest below.

Quote two is one of the things that Pike got dead wrong, and everyone in Freemasonry knows it, who has actually studied Judaism and Kabbalah. This paragraph has been debunked many times. First and foremost, Pike was an Episcopalian and not a Jew.  He did not understand what the Rabbi’s meant. The very first thing that he mentions is the devil, which the Jews do not believe in. What Pike is speaking of is the free will of man, that God gave him, and every other animal on earth. By giving man free will, man can sin or do good. There is no devil nor any anti-God that makes man sin; it is man alone who does it. To say otherwise is calling God a liar, which is blasphemy, about what he supposedly stated in Isaiah 45:5-8. This is one of the reasons why Christian pastors or priests do not want you reading the Old Testament (Tanakh), as it disqualifies their mythical and pagan Hellenistic Satan.

Pike does allude to something correct in the second quote, in that a devil named Satan was invented by the Hellenists. Here, he writes that the Greek God Pan was used, but that was not correct for the devil’s origination and invention by the Hellenist Christians, as the devil or Satan originated from the Greek God, Hades, who the Greeks later started to call Pluto. What they used from Pan was the physical attributes of a goat-type figure.

Pike then states: “of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend”. Here, he is speaking of the protestants who think that the Latin word, lucifer, equates to Satan, when it most certainly does not and it never has. Also, those poets that he mentioned are those such as Dante Alighieri and John Milton, whose stories spread the fallacy that the Latin word, lucifer, meant Satan, such as Milton’s Paradise Lost, and Dante’s Inferno. Any priest or Rabbi will tell you that the word, lucifer, is Latin for the Morning Star, Son of the Morning, Venus, or Light-Bearer. If you have read my lucifer article, then you understand this fully well.

Quote three comes from the same page as quote two in Morals & Dogma, except look at what this lying author has done. He has tacked on a piece of text, from page 740, which has no relation to this first quoted text! The “most occult light” which is Ein Soph (Pike’s antiquated spelling as Ainsoph) , is God during the creation! This comes from the following texts on page 740:


Pike is incorrect, again. Ein Soph is not called light, as nobody knows what En Soph could possibly look like, in the all. The Zohar is the Book of the Light. Pike alludes to Genesis 1:3, when it says “let there be light”, which is the Big Bang or the moment of creation, from which the first light emanates from its “primal nucleus”. This light is only a small a part of Ein Soph, not the all, since Ein Soph means infinity. After all, there could have been no light, if it were not for Ein Soph being there beforehand. He mentions that Ein Soph is the occluded (most occult or hidden) light behind it, and that can’t be known. Ein Soph is the unknown, the I AM that I AM or the ALL, the creator of the universe, and the universe is part of Ein Soph itself, thus, the all of nature is part of God.

The Zohar nor Kabbalah state that YHVH reversed is satan, since they do not believe in an anti-God nor devil named Satan. Satan is always written in the Tanakh, as “ha-satan”, which in Hebrew means “the adversary,” and it can be anyone or anything! One occurrence has it as “satan”, and it was describing an army. Jesus called Peter a satan, a “stumbling block”, so let’s see if they can wiggle out of that! What is true, is that in Isaiah chapter 45, God states that he creates light and dark, good and evil, and that there is no other. A good instance of this is the book of Job, where “ha-satan” is an unnamed angel and adversary, who God commands to bring hardship down upon Job, to test him. Satan was not the angel’s name! See my article on Satan. What I can find, is that there is a name reversal mentioned in astrology, such as during Cancer, along with Capricorn and Leo, over the three times of the year in biblical history. It has absolutely nothing to do with any devil named Satan.(1)(2)

Below is what the Kabbalah Centre International website states on the subject at hand. You will see that what some call the satan, is within ones own mind, or the bad thoughts of it. Again, this mental “ha-satan” (the satan)  would be the mental adversary to us doing what is good and right. They state it plainly: “The literal translation of Satan is the “disturber” or in Hebrew, an “adversary” (it is not “the satan”, unless “ha” is written in front of it, thus it is ha-satan or “hstn” in untranslated Hebrew. The word, “stn” is satan in untranslated Hebrew. Satan was never the name of anything).”

Satan [adversary] is real, but not the Satan that we imagine—a devil flying around with a pitchfork. That is not Satan. The literal translation of Satan is the “disturber” or in Hebrew, the “adversary”. Satan is a negative force that we all have within us. It is a tool created by the Light to help us to grow, to overcome, to shine, and to become the unlimited soul that we are supposed to be in this world. One of the manifestations of that force called Satan is our ego. But it’s not just the ego. Every desire that is for ourselves alone, stems from that negative force. The code name for this selfish desire is Satan.

It is not something physical. It is within us, like the intelligence of the soul, which is the pure energy of sharing, giving, and trusting—an electric extension from the Creator. We have another intelligence within us, which was also created by the Light—it is the source of all selfishness, reactive feeling, egotistic behavior, jealously, sadness and depression, victim consciousness, and blame consciousness. It is the part within us that feels wronged whenever something does not go our way. [sic]

Did this idiot, who wrote Amazing Discoveries, not think that I nor another Freemason would not catch him in the act? I can not believe the audacity and the gall of this writer; to add words from a completely different page to another pages writing! (See image of proof, below). That takes a real lying, sniveling, vulgar, little gutter snipe, who has no morals, nor any truth in them, thus, I think I have proven my point about this quote. To understand what Ein Soph means, read my article on Who Is God?


This last Pike quote, is one of the easiest to shred to pieces, as I have already debunked this above, which was from Abel Clarin de la Rive’s book, Woman and Child in Universal Freemasonry, and is straight from the Taxil Hoax. The text of it is at the ninth block quote down. However, I will quote, below, De la Rive’s retraction in his magazine, Freemasonry Revealed, April 1897.

With frightening cynicism, the miserable person we shall not name here, [Taxil], declared before an assembly, especially convened for him, that for twelve years, he had prepared and carried out to the end, the most extraordinary and most sacrilegious of hoaxes. We have always been careful to publish special articles concerning Palladism and Diana Vaughan. We are now giving, in this issue, a complete list of these articles, which can now be considered as not having existed. [sic]

Leo Taxil admitted to the hoax, in Le Frondeur, a Parisian newspaper, April, 25, 1897, titled: Twelve Years Under the Banner of the Church, The Prank Of Palladism. Miss Diana Vaughan-The Devil At The Freemasons. A Conference held by M. Léo Taxil, at the Hall of the Geographic Society in Paris. AC de la Rive recanted his writing just after Taxil exposed the hoax. Later, Taxil is quoted giving his real reasons behind the hoax, in the ‘National Magazine, an Illustrated American Monthly’, Volume 24: April – September 1906:

“The public made me what I am; the arch-liar of the period,” confessed Taxil, “for when I first commenced to write against the Masons my object was amusement pure and simple. The crimes I laid at their door were so grotesque, so impossible, so widely exaggerated, I thought everybody would see the joke and give me credit for originating a new line of humor. But my readers wouldn’t have it so; they accepted my fables as gospel truth, and the more I lied for the purpose of showing that I lied, the more convinced became they that I was a paragon of veracity.

“Then it dawned upon me that there was lots of money in being a Munchausen of the right kind, and for twelve years I gave it to them hot and strong, but never too hot. When inditing such slush as the story of the devil snake who wrote prophecies on Diana’s back with the end of his tail, I sometimes said to myself: ‘Hold on, you are going too far,’ but I didn’t. My readers even took kindly to the yarn of the devil who, in order to marry a Mason, transformed himself into a crocodile, and, despite the masquerade, played the piano wonderfully well.

“One day when lecturing at Lille, I told my audience that I had just had an apparition of Nautilus, the most daring affront on human credulity I had so far risked. But my hearers never turned a hair. ‘Hear ye, the doctor has seen Nautulius,’ they said with admiring glances. Of course no one had a clear idea of who Nautilus was I didn’t myself but they assumed that he was a devil.

“Ah, the jolly evenings I spent with my fellow authors hatching out new plots, new, unheard of perversions of truth and logic, each trying to outdo the other in organized mystification. I thought I would kill myself laughing at some of the things proposed, but everything went; there is no limit to human stupidity.” [sic]

– Leo Taxil, National Magazine, 1906.

The last quote of this liars list, is from AE Waite, which is from the book titled, The Book Of Black Magic (Weiser Books, 2004), and was not about Freemasonry at all!

First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me…I command and adjure thee, Emperor Lucifer, as the representative of the mighty living God, and by the power of Emanuel, His only Son..

Yes, this is it, the AE Waite quote, which is from a book about Black Magic, and not about Freemasonry! Here is what that book contains: “The Secret Tradition in Goetia, including the rites and mysteries of Goetic therugy, sorcery and infernal necromancy. Completely illustrated with the original magical figures. Partial Contents: Antiquity of Magical Rituals; Rituals of Transcendental Magic; Composite Rituals; Key of Solomon; Lesser Key of Solomon; Rituals of Black Magic; Complete Grimoire; Preparation of the Operator; Initial Rites and Ceremonies; Descending Hierarchy; Mysteries of Goetic Theurgy; Mystery of the Sanctum Regnum; Method of Honorius.”  Honorius I was a pope in the Catholic Church, by the way.

This lying douche-bag website author will throw out anything, and claim that it is from Freemasonry! There is not one truthful bone in that websites author.

Amazingdiscoveries.org, has lost itself any and all credibility by outright lying and deceit, especially by mixing different texts into one quote, and claiming that they come from the same page, which is outright lying by omission and addition. One can tell that this slush was all cut and paste, where nothing was hand written, since the imbecile has “The devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry,” at the start of the second quote, instead of where it belonged, at the first of quote three, and then they tacked a purely deceitful bit of text on the end of quote three, from page 740. That is the most unethical work that I have ran across in some time. The worst thing, though, is that they claim to being Christians, but that no longer surprises me in the least. I know of televangelists, who were sentenced for tax fraud, who are more truthful than this. When a religious denomination has to rely on lies and deceit, then I want nothing to do with their brand of it.

So Mote It Be


  1. “Each one of the twelve months has a Tetragrammaton combination that is an indication of what Light is available and what the work of that month is. Cancer is the only month that literally has the Tetragrammaton backwards – Hei Vav Hei Yud. The kabbalists teach this indicates complete judgment; complete because you take what is meant to be right – the direct flow of the Light of the Creator – and you totally upend it and change it around. The work in the month of Cancer, therefore, is not to draw Light, but rather, to change darkness into Light, bitterness into sweetness. The work is to take the Hei Vav Hei Yud and turn it into Yud Hei Vav Hei”. See: https://livingwisdom.kabbalah.com/secret-milk-and-honey
  2. Cancer, along with Capricorn and Leo, is one of the three “negative” months of the year. In Capricorn, the siege of Jerusalem began, in Cancer the walls around Jerusalem were penetrated, and in Leo the destruction of both Holy Temples in Jerusalem took place. Kabbalah teaches us that the course of history transpires as a result of the cyclical energy processes of the year rather than because of physical events. Therefore, by looking at the time at which each moment in history occurs, we can better understand why it happened. See: https://livingwisdom.kabbalah.com/cancer-tamuz
  3. Kalush, William; Sloman, Larry (October 2006). The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America’s First Superhero. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7432-7207-0. Retrieved November 9, 2015
  4. Harry Houdini on conjuring, Encyclopædia Britannica.

Freemasons and Wikipedia

A Word of Warning

It has come to my attention, from another brother Freemason, about what Wikipedia did to him, after he authored a factual historical article about AC de la Rive, for the English Wikipedia pages, along with a Wikipedia copy editor who helped him write and publish it. The problem, though, stems from another copy editor, who was never involved, and who mainly handles religious articles, with the moniker of Elizium23, though he is known as Robert Earl on YouTube and elsewhere, and he is a Catholic. If you’re thinking the same as I, then I would not be surprised. Our Masonic brother then made a comment about the untruthful article on Luciferian Doctrine, after this religious editor, Elizium23, tried to destroy the article on AC de la Rive, after it had been approved and published. The Luciferian Doctrine article stated that Luciferianism was part of Freemasonry, and that Freemasonry practiced it. Our fellow Freemason, had, of course, edited out the lies, but this editor, Elizium23, tried changing it back. It was later changed back to how our fellow Freemason edited it to be correct.


First, one must consider that Wikipedia has changed, in that it requires an approval to post a new topic. However, older topics can still be edited. Here, not only did the brother Mason get an approval for his article, on AC de la Rive, which he had written, but it was also then copy edited by a Wikipedia copy editor, a very helpful editor, before it was posted to the public. Now, this is where this story gets interesting. Another Wikipedia editor, who was not involved, Elizium23, who mainly edits religious articles, took it upon himself to change that article, and butcher it to the point, that the truth about AC de la Rive would not be revealed, especially his involvement with Leo Taxil, and what AC de la Rive recanted in April 1897. Even though the French version of Wikipedia has most of the same text. This religious editor, Elizium23, then claimed it used “bombastic” language in the text, (one word, scathing), however all the Wikipedia religious articles are full of bombastic words and text, especially those that try to make the Pope look in a good light. That “bombastic text” merely stated that AC de la Rive wrote a “scathing” article about Leo Taxil, which he, in fact, did. That was his excuse to nearly delete and strip the entire article. Then, Elizium23, tried to delete the quoted “scathing” recantation or retraction, which was written by AC de la Rive, where he recanted and retracted everything about Leo Taxil’s writing, and Diana Vaughan. I wonder why? Next, this same editor, took it upon himself to edit any other article that was ever edited by our brother Mason, which he had agreements with from the other authors on those subjects, Masonic and not, to do so. Finally, this religious editor changed or reverted the Luciferian Doctrine article back to where it claimed that: “The Luciferian Doctrine is a set of religious beliefs that was held predominantly by initiates of Freemasonry who practice Luciferianism as a religion…” [sic]

Our brother Mason had it edited to read: “The Luciferian Doctrine is a set of religious beliefs that was alleged to be held predominantly by initiates of Freemasonry who allegedly practice Luciferianism as a religion. According to this set of beliefs, held primarily by those who follow the principles originating from the writings of Léo Taxil, Abel Clarin de la Rive, and some claim, Albert Pike, Lucifer is perceived as the main deity, alongside the traditional Judeo-Christian Adonai, forming a duotheism, or dichotomy,[1] between the two in opposition with one another. The exact origin of this doctrine, pertaining to Freemasonry, has been credited to both Leo Taxil and AC de la Rive, in writing, and proven to be a part of the Taxil hoax”. [sic] This is what it was last edited or reverted version reads, as edited by our brother Freemason, after Elizium23 had reverted to read as the first text quoted. If you think that something stinks about this, it rightly does, and it’s at Wikipedia.

The story gets worse, here, as our brother Freemason informed this editor, that the article on Luciferian Doctrine, could be seen as libelous by anyone else. This seemed to be exactly what this editor, Robert Earl, Elizium23, was looking for, as he filed a complaint, and it would seem, that if Wikipedia gets any hint that they might be sued over their dubious content, then they will expel the writer or outside editor from Wikipedia, whether or not they said that they would be the one to sue, or not. This editor, made sure to use the words “retract your threat“, in the talk page of the article on AC de la Rive, though our brother Mason never made one threat that he would do anything. He even removed the text, as asked. Our brother Mason has said that Wikipedia wanted him to apologize, for stating a fact, and that it would be a cold day in Hades before he would ever apologize for stating the truth, or apologize to a lying copy editor. He said that all one has to do, is go back into the Luciferian Doctrine articles changes, and one can clearly see that it plainly states that Freemasonry is a religion of lucifer.

The religious editor, Elizium23, placed the below quoted text, at the top of the page for AC de la Rive, even though the articles text agrees with the French Wikipedia page, and all the cited factual sources. It has been there since its last reversion by our brother Freemason.

A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its subject. (August 2015)

The neutrality of this article is disputed. (August 2015)

Some of this article’s listed sources may not be reliable. (August 2015)

You will notice, that this religious editor, Elizium23, has placed each of these comment tags on the same day, and has tried to discredit factual source material. The only truthful thing, is that at one of the cited sources, amazingdiscoveries.org., was used to show both sides of the argument, anti-Mason against Mason, though the website is not considered factual by any Freemason, he did give their point of view.  However, Freemasonry doesn’t consider the muck and drivel from Edith Starr Miller or William Guy Carr, reliable, which the anti-Masons crow about being true, though both books have been debunked by university scholars, and he gave them as another point of view. The “neutrality” is disputed, because a Freemason authored an article about a non-Freemason, who wrote fallacies about Freemasonry, and was directly involved with the Taxil Hoax. Also, I wonder if Elizium23, ever tells anyone that he has a “close connection” to any religious subject at hand, that he is editing, as our brother Freemason found out.

Here’s what Wikipedia states now. They do not want anyone, with any experience on a subject, to write an article about anything that they are experienced in. They tell you that you should use a “paid writer”, and that they have a list with the names of them. Funny that, when they have a devout Catholic, Elizium23, aka Robert Earl, writing and copy editing religious articles, on Wikipedia, about any religion, and he must think himself to be a scholar about Freemasonry and factual history, too. It is like allowing a fox to run the chicken house.

I did donate to Wikipedia, but I will not give another red cent to that company, until they get rid of copy editors who are clearly biased about what they are allowed to edit. They should be under much greater scrutiny, than an outside editor or author. Especially after the editing stunts that this one pulled on our brother Freemason.

Wikipedia article on AC de la Rive:

AC de la Rive at Wikipedia

Footnotes on the citations used in the article:

  1. Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry? Authors: de Hoyos, Arturo and Morris, S. Brent, 1988, 2nd edition, p. 27-36, Leo Taxil: The Hoax of Luciferian Masonry ISBN 1590771532
  2. http://amazingdiscoveries.org/S-deception-Freemason_Lucifer_Albert_Pike Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry [the unreliable source]
  3. Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), Occult Theocrasy, p. 220-223 Abbeville, France: F. Paillart, 1933 ISBN 1442161736
  4. Pawns in the Game, p. 14-16 (4th Edition, April, 1962), William Guy Carr
  5. Robert A. Morey, The Origins and Teachings of Freemasonry (Southbridge, Mass.: Crown Publications, Inc., 1990), p 12 ISBN 0925703281
  6. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry, Second Edition, 2013, p. 27 By S. Brent Morris, PhD ISBN 1615642374
  7. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft, Volume 1, Number 2, Winter 2006, Lucifer in the City of Light: The Palladium Hoax and “Diabolical Causality” in Fin De Siècle France, University of Pennsylvania Press, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/mrw/summary/v001/1.2.harvey.html
  8. Anti-Mormon Movement, Old Wine in New Bottles: The Story behind Fundamentalist Anti-Mormonism, Compiled By Glen W. Chapman, Chapman Research Group, 1998, from Brigham Young University Studies vol 35 no 3 1996, https://byustudies.byu.edu/showtitle.aspx?title=6340
  9. Robin Waterfield, Rene Guenon and the Future of the West, Published, 1987, p.32-36 ISBN 1597310190 Mark E. Kolko-Rivera Ph.D, Freemasonry: An Introduction , Published, 2011, Penguin Group, USA, Inc., Chap. 6 ISBN 1585428531
  10. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07698b.htm Catholic Encyclopedia on Impostors
    Jack Chaboud, La Franc-maçonnerie, histoire, mythes et réalité, Librio, 2004, p.33 ISBN 2290349089

The Taxil Hoax

The Taxil Hoax, The Lie That Will Not Die

Some may not have ever heard of this hoax, but believe me when I say this; most every Freemason has, since it was a hoax designed to use Freemasonry against the Catholic church, by an anti-cleric and pornographic writer, who wrote his work under the pen name of Léo Taxil. To understand this hoax, and this hoaxer, one must understand Mr. Taxil, (1)(10) himself, whose real name is Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès.


Léo Taxil during his younger years.

Taxil was born in Marseille, France, March 21, 1854, and at the age of five, he was placed into a Jesuit seminary (1). Taxil’s parents wanted him to become a priest; a member of the clergy. The church takes children young, as it is known that a child’s mind is easily molded and programmed before the age of six or seven. By this time, they have them indoctrinated, and the programming will supposedly stick with them the rest of their life. During Taxil’s stay with the strict Jesuits, though, he turned against the Catholic church, wholeheartedly. It wasn’t long after he left the seminary, that he started writing anti-clerical and anti-Catholic pamphlets, literature, and books, while claiming to be a free-thinker of the enlightenment. (2) A few of these books were titled La Bible amusante (The Amusing Bible) and La Vie de Jesus (The Life of Jesus). He was also guilty of writing pornographic literature, that portrayed the Catholic clergy in a bad light. Some titles of this nature were Les Debauches d’un confesseur (Debauchery of a confessor) with Karl Milo, Les Pornographes sacrés: la confession et les confesseurs (Sacred Pornographers: confession and confessors), Les Amours de Pie IX (The Loves of Pius IX), and Les Maîtresses du Pape (The Mistresses of the Pope). Taxil new all too well that slush and muck, (yellow journalism), sells, and that the gullible spent a lot of money on it, along with it being a way to get back at the church over his time in their school. What happened while Taxil was in the Jesuit school, is anyone’s guess, but it definitely turned him firmly against Catholicism.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, listed under the article on impostors, and within the last paragraph, they speak of Léo Taxil and his work. Yes, the church is clearly admitting to being duped by a hoaxer, and for twelve long years.

Catholic Encyclopedia about Léo Taxil:

Of a different type is the most notorious imposture of modern times, that of “Léo Taxil” and “Diana. Vaughan”. Léo Taxil, whose true name was G. Jogand-Pagès, had long been known as one of the most blasphemous and obscene of the anti-clerical writers in France. He had been repeatedly sentenced to fines and imprisonment for the filthy and libellous works he published. For example, on account of his atrocious book Les Amours de Pie IX” [The Loves of Pius IX] he was sentenced to pay 60,000 francs at the suit of the pope’s nephew. He had also founded the “Anti-Clerical”, a journal which fanatically attacked all revelation and religion. In 1885 it was announced that Léo Taxil had been converted, and he soon proceeded to publish a series of pretended exposures of the practices of Freemasonry, and particularly of the “Satanisme” or Devil-worship with which he declared it was intimately bound up. Amongst other attractions he introduced a certain “Diana Vaughan”, the heroine of “Palladism”, who was destined to be the spouse of the demon Asmodeus, but clung to virtue, and was constantly visited by angels and devils. Various other writers, Bataille, Margiotta, Hacks, etc., exploited the same ideas and became in a measure Taxil’s confederates. In 1896-1897 the imposture was finally shown up and Taxil cynically admitted that Diana Vaughan was only the name of his typist. [See Portalié, “La Fin d’une mystification”, Paris, 1897, and H. Gruber (H. Gerber), “Léo Taxils Palladismus Roman”, and other works, 1897-8.[sic]

Quoting, Kembrew McLeod, from his book, Pranksters: Making Mischief in the Modern World, chap. 4, page 109 and 111. (9):

Between 1885 and 1897, the self-proclaimed “greatest joker of all times” transfixed the public with lurid revelations about Freemason black masses, orgies, and good ole Satan worship. Born in 1854 to a devoutly religious French family, the rebellious Jogand-Pagès developed a reputation as a prankster throughout his troubled Catholic education. In 1880, he broke off ties with his family, changed his name to Léo Taxil, and gleefully entered into a career of “poison-pen, yellow journalism.” He edited such journals as the Mudslinger and authored a popular sacrilegious text, The Amusing Bible for Grown-Ups and Children. Taxil also published outrageous political tracts such as Down with the Cloth! and wrote several pornographic novels (The Pope’s Mistress and The Debauches of a Confessor, to name a couple). He faced many duels, mostly over defamation, and by 1876 he had been put on trial thirteen times. But business was good. Down with the Cloth!—which labeled Pope Pius IX a “debaucher, forger, adulterer, and assassin”—sold 130,000 copies. The profits were more than enough to make up for the court-ordered damages”. [sic]


After Charles Hacks / Dr. Bataille confessed that his book was a lie, doubts about Vaughan’s existence intensified. (Hacks made it clear why he wrote The Devil in the Nineteenth Century: there was money to be made on the “known credulity and unknown idiocy of the Catholics.”) Taxil finally called a press conference at the Geographical Society in Paris, where he promised that Vaughan would at last make her public debut. After twelve eventful years, the prankster came clean. “My Reverend Fathers, Ladies, Gentlemen,” Taxil told the assembled priests and journalists. “First of all, it is appropriate to convey some thanks to those of my colleagues of the Catholic Press. . . . Do not get angry, my Reverend Fathers, but do laugh heartily when you are told now that what did happen is the very opposite of what you expected.” Taxil chose to begin and end his “funny as well as instructive hoax” in “April, the month of gaiety, the month of pranks.” [sic]

Even US News and World Report published an article about the Palladian lie, (11) and below, I quote it.

Taxil fabricated an entire cast of far-flung Masons. His most popular creation was Diana Vaughan, a member of a fictitious group of American Freemasons called the Palladian Order, whose inner workings she described in her autobiography. “Her Luciferian origin and principles,” Taxil wrote, “were shown . . . by the devils who attended her and through whose aid she made excursions to Mars.” Such accusations were eagerly imbibed by a public wary of the secretive and politically progressive Masons. [sic]

Taxil’s work informs today’s extremist Christian literature as well. Chick Publications, which distributes Christian tracts, offers a short comic strip that calls Masonry witchcraft and fezzes (worn by the Shriners, a subset of Masonry) “idols dedicated to a false god.” It even refers to Albert Pike, a real South Carolina Mason who was caricatured into a Satanist by Taxil. In his 1991 bestseller New World Order, evangelist Pat Robertson implicated Freemason “occultism” in a supposed international financial conspiracy. And a Mississippi group called Ex-Masons for Jesus brands the order a “pagan religion.” [sic]

Taxil himself had no intention of aiding any Christian cause: He wanted to embarrass Rome. After promising to present Diana Vaughan to the public in April 1897, he instead used the occasion to reveal himself as a fake and to thank the church for its gullibility. “Palladism, my most beautiful creation, never existed except on paper and in thousands of minds,” he told a crowd of 300. They were incensed, but Taxil had once more outwitted his audience: He had requested that all umbrellas and canes be checked at the door. [sic]




A sample of Léo Taxil’s anti-clerical and pornographic books are shown above. The fifth book: Le Diable au XIXe Siècle; ou, Les Mystères du Spiritisme, la Franc-Maçonnerie Luciférienne, (The Devil in the Nineteenth Century; or, The Mysteries of spiritualism, French-Freemasonry Luciferian), is the book which contained the entire hoax, and is shown above in a black and white cover.

As can be seen, from the Catholic Encyclopedia quotation above, Léo Taxil next started a magazine, named the ‘Anti-Clerical’, that he worked at until April 1885. According to his confession, in April 1897, he stated that he had told a partner, within this magazine, to not think that he was quitting nor a traitor, or actually being converted to Catholicism, but to the contrary, and that he would understand later. (3)

Taxil to his partner:

 You have the right to say that I am a renegade, since I just published, four days ago, a letter in which I expressly retracted and disowned all my writings against religion. But I beg you to cross out the word traitor which in no ways applies to my case; there is not the shadow of treason in what I do today. What I tell you here, you cannot understand at the present moment; but you shall understand it later. (3) [sic]

Taxil had also told a friend of his, Stefano Canzio-Garibaldi, Giuseppe Garibaldi’s son-in-law, a similar thing. Giuseppe Garibaldi was an Italian general, politician, and nationalist who played a large role in the history of Italy.

My dear Canzio, I have to tell you, under the seal of secrecy, that in a short while, I shall make a complete and public break. Be surprised at nothing, and keep your trust in me in your heart. (3) [sic]

Thus, it was in 1885, that Taxil started working on the hoax, against the Catholic church, that would last twelve long years, and he was going to use Freemasonry to do it. Here, Taxil claimed that he had been converted, and sought out a priest, who he had been studying for sometime, to make some of the most sinful confessions to, and one was a murder, of which he never committed. Taxil said of the priest at the Clamart commune: “He turned out to be a former military chaplain who became a Jesuit, a sly one among the sly! His appreciation was to be weighty” (3). Taxil had studied the murders and ‘disappearances’ that had happened for the three years before, and told the priest that he was responsible for one of them. The priest thought he was sincere over this, and announced to the entire church, that Léo Taxil had been converted to Catholicism, and had changed his ways. The priest would only vouch for Taxil, and never repeated his confession.

Taxil on the imaginary murder, from his 1897 confession. (3):

Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t want to keep you waiting as long as he had to: my big sin was a murder, a first-class murder, one of the best downright assassinations. No, I had not slaughtered an entire family, but without being a Tropmann or a Dumolard (8). I was good for the guillotine, no doubt, had I been found out.

I had taken care to investigate a few disappearances reported three years before by newspapers, and had imagined a little fairy-tale based upon one of them. But my reverend father didn’t let me tell it all in details. He thought me capable of the most dreadful sacrileges, and found grounds to be pleasantly surprised. He did not however expect an assassin at his knees.

(New laughter)

When the first words of admission fell from my lips, the reverend father jumped backwards in a most significant way. Ah! Now he understood, my embarrassment, my difficulties, my way of discussing certain sins of less significance at such length… And how ashamed I was when I confessed my crime!… Not only ashamed, but disconcerted, frightened… A widow was part of the story, the reverend father let me promise that, in an indirect and indeed most ingenious way, I would bestow a rent on my victim’s widow…. He did not want to hear any name, but what he was interested in was to know whether I had murdered with or without premeditation. After beating around the bush and falling under the weight of shame, I admitted premeditation, a true ambush. [sic]

Pope Leo XIII, aka Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci, unknowingly, had helped to set up the entire prank, the year before, when he wrote the encyclical, Humanum Genus, on April 20th, 1884, which was a right nasty piece of work about Freemasonry, and everyone else who wasn’t a Catholic. It was a reactionary encyclical, written by the Pope, principally condemning Freemasonry by stating that the late 19th Century was dangerous for the church, due to the concepts and practices of Freemasonry, such as naturalism or natural law (essentially equal rights), popular sovereignty (government elected by the people, and thus, it was also against the divine right of kings, which the church had appointed) and the separation of church and state (where the church was denied any authority over the state, government, and its law). (4) In this encyclical, the Pope wrote that there were only two groups of people; those who were in his church to serve God, and everyone else, who were the kingdom of Satan. Naturally, this not only upset the Freemasons, but it did every Protestant, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and every other person, religious or not, in the world. The Popes bigotry and prejudice was showing itself, brightly, to everyone. Also, the leaders of France and the surrounding European countries were none too pleased with what the Pope proclaimed. Many were even furious with the Pope in the United States and elsewhere. Léo Taxil was going to use this to his advantage, and expose the church for what it was, at the time.

Some quotes from the Humanum Genus. My comments and corrections are [bracketed]. (5):

  • “They deny that anything has been revealed by God …” [That is a lie.]
  • “They preach and maintain the full separation of [the] Church from the State. So law and government are wrested from the wholesome and divine virtue of the Catholic Church”. [Another lie, as nothing is preached in Freemasonry. The Freemasons supporting the separation is true.]
  • “In the instruction and education of children, they do not leave to the ministers of the Church any part …” [Not in public schools, no.]
  • “They teach, that men have all the same rights”. [Oh, you mean we don’t? So, you and your monarchs are better than the rest of us?]
  • “By opening their gates to persons of every creed they promote… religious indifference, the best way to annihilate every religion. The Catholic religion, being the only true one, cannot be joined with others without enormous injustice”. [Does it now? Why not admit that the Catholic church promotes hate, prejudice, bigotry, segregation, and separation?]
  • “Naturalists and Freemasons deny original sin and do not acknowledge that our free will is bent to evil”. [Another lie, Freemasonry states none of the such. However, I do not personally believe in the rubbish of original sin, as if a child is born sinful. This lie did not come from the Pharisees, but from the early Greco-Roman Hellenists in the Catholic church.]
  • “They leave to the members full liberty of thinking about God – whatever they like”. [Yes, that we do. We are a secular fraternity after all.]
  • “[They believe that] those who rule [the people] have no authority, but by… the wishes of the people.” [Oh yes, I totally agree with that one.]
  • “Separated into two diverse and opposite parts, of which the one steadfastly contends for truth and virtue, the other of those things which are contrary to virtue and to truth. The one is the kingdom of God on earth, namely, the true Church of Jesus Christ… The other is the kingdom of Satan”. [Yes, that is what this bigoted Pope, Leo XIII, actually wrote. All Protestants, or any other religion, are damned, according to him.]

The encyclical then proceeds to instruct the clergy to wage war against Freemasonry through pastoral letters, sermons, through formation of a similar Catholic fraternity, (the Knights of Columbus), and in the education of children, by brainwashing, such as the Jesuit schools. (5)

There is a good academic paper about the Humanum Genus, originally written for the course Communication and Rhetorical Theories, University of New York in Prague, Communications and Mass Media major, Fall 2005, By Ondřej Šmejkal:

[page] 5

There is one problem though: the evidence [of the Pope] is in fact no evidence at all. All those examples of the Masonic “mischief” are just claims. There is no evidence whatsoever as to where these claims came from. Did the Pope study the Masonic doctrine? Or perhaps, did He spoke with someone who did? Or did He perhaps read their pamphlets? All those questions remain unanswered, and yet despite the lack of support, the reader trusts in what is said. In any other circumstances, getting this kind of acceptance from the reader would be a serious  problem, but in case of Papal documents, there is none. The Pope has the luxury we can only dream of – the Papal infallibility – which is essentially a thesis that the Pope can never be wrong whatsoever (“Infallibility”). This immunity to error is the guarantee that whatever the Pope says will be taken as the truth and will not be questioned. Therefore, the Pope does not need to back up His evidence. It is His authority, His ethos that does the trick.

[page 6]

The Pope also uses figurative language to a great extent, both to label the opponent as well as to describe the entire situation. Hence, from the very beginning, in Section 2 of Humanum Genus, the Pope metaphorically calls the Freemasons “partisans of evil” (24), later on “fatal plague” (ibid, Section 8, 97), or “evil sect, in which is revived the contumacious spirit of the demon” (ibid, Section 37, 521-2). Furthermore, He uses analogy to link the Freemasons to the medieval heretical sects:

Thus, with a fraudulent external appearance, and with a style of simulation which is always the same, the Freemasons, like the Manichees of old, strive, as far as possible, to conceal themselves, and to admit no witnesses but their own members (ibid, Section 9, 113-5).

As to the overall situation, the Holy Father metaphorically divides mankind into the “kingdom of God on Earth” and “the kingdom of Satan” (ibid, Section 1, 9-17). By using personification, He creates a notion of a struggle not jus[t] between individuals, but rather between two major institutions. Thus, as:

[…] the sect of Freemasons grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power, […] this apostolic see denounced the sect of the Freemasons, and publicly declared its constitution, as contrary to law and right […] (ibid, Section 7, 74-7 & Section 6, 54-5). [sic]

One can see from the above, well written and peer reviewed paper, that the Pope’s deplorable actions are even evident to the European students of today. Šmejkal clearly sees the truth, as do I. I clearly see, that when Léo Taxil was accused of slander and libel, he was taken to court. However, the Pope thought that he could say anything he well pleased, lie or not, and that by him saying so, a lie was true, because he thought himself infallible, and so did the church. Now, one doesn’t have to wonder, much, about why Taxil went after the Pope and the church at this time. It was simply vengeance, over what they did to him, about his free-thinking and writing. Did you ever wonder why the United States Bill of Rights has the 1st Amendment?

What one must also understand, here, is that the French Freemasons of that time were not regular Freemasons, as they were under the Grand Orient de France, which had its warrant (charter) revoked in 1877, by the United Grand Lodge of England, after the Grand Orient admitted atheists into membership. After this time, the Grand Orient had became involved in politics, which is against the United Grand Lodge of England’s, (the mother and Premiere Grand Lodge), 1723 constitution, along with the Old Charges that it was written from. The British and the other European Grand Lodges, nor the United States Grand Lodges, had anything to do with this irregular practice, which was coming from a now clandestine Grand Lodge. However, that did not stop Pope Leo XIII, who had became Pope one year after the Grand Orient had became irregular, in 1878, from claiming that all Lodges were the same, (as regular Freemasons, everywhere, had already proclaimed their backing for the reformation, peoples natural rights, democracy, and liberty since its founding, in 1717), nor did it stop Taxil, who had not yet petitioned Freemasonry, for claiming so, and using it to his advantage.

Taxil went on, in his April 1897 confession, to speak of the Pope and his issuing of the Humanum Genus. (3):

One year earlier, the Sovereign Pontiff had made himself notorious with the encyclical Humanum Genus, and this encyclical agreed with a well-established idea of the militant Catholics. Gambetta had said, “Clericalism, there is the enemy!” The Church, on the other side, said, “The enemy is Freemasonry!”

Accordingly, slandering Freemasons was the best way to establish the foundations of the colossal prank of which I savored all the suave happiness in advance.

At first, Freemasons were indignant; they did not foresee that the patiently prepared conclusion of the hoax would result in a worldwide outburst of laughter. They actually thought I had joined for good. It was said and repeated that it was a way of avenging myself for having been expelled from my Lodge in 1881, a well-known story which was not in the least dishonorable for me, but the mere consequence of a little row initiated by two men having nowadays disappeared, and disappeared under sad circumstances.

Taxil had indeed joined a Lodge of irregular Freemasonry, in 1881, which was Le Temple de L’Honneur français (The Temple of French Honor), in Paris, and under the Grand Orient, (the Lodge and membership of which the anti-Masons claim that Freemasonry doesn’t reveal). However, according to Lodge records, he was expelled over his views and his like for trouble making; in particular a fight, while only an Entered Apprentice. To claim that he was a full Mason, and knew more than an Entered Apprentice, is a fallacy. In Taxil’s confession of 1897, he alludes to joining in order to allegedly help with the hoax, and seems to claim that he purposely started a fight to get expelled. The Lodge records state differently. Many think that he wanted revenge for this, and Léo Taxil was not above revenge, as he had already created two large hoaxes, one at Marseille, which was a wild claim about a large number of vicious sharks swimming the coast, and one at Lake Geneva, where Taxil had people, even well known archaeologists, searching the bottom of the lake for a sunken ancient city, which did not exist. Both times, they were over Taxil feeling slighted by someone.

Next, Taxil started to plot, and he invented what became known as the Palladian, a fake Masonic order, supposedly a part of the Scottish Rite, that none other than Albert Pike had allegedly started in the US. However, Pike was up in age, and not able to defend nor refute anything that Taxil later dreamed up, especially after Pike died on April 2, 1891. Taxil grabbed onto one word that Pike had written in his book, Morals and Dogma, where he called the word lucifer, a “he” instead of an it, though Pike was correct in the rest about the Apocalypse and what lucifer means. Pike had questioned why the word, lucifer, was used to describe the spirit of darkness, when it was Latin for Light Bearer, Morning Star, and Son of the Morning, which is the planet Venus.

The first anti-Masonic books that Taxil published, revealed things such as the rituals held by the French Freemasons, and he also started to insinuate things, such as The Great Architect of the Universe was used as a secret name for satan instead of God, in his books. In 1892, Taxil also started publishing a paper, La France chrétienne anti-maçonnique (Christian Antimasonic France), with his staunch anti-Masonic publishing friend, Abel Clarin de la Rive, who worked under Taxil, since Taxil was the manager. Taxil goes on to say how he came up with the idea for this, below:

Let us leave this aside and summarize facts. Since my goal was to invent all the elements of contemporary devilry—which was a good bit stronger than the city under the Lake of Geneva—it was necessary to proceed step by step, foundations had to be set, the egg from which Palladism was to be born had to be laid and incubated. A prank of this size cannot be created in one day.

(A voice: Obviously!)

From the first moment of my conversion, I had found out that a certain number of Catholics strongly believed that the name “Grand Architect of the Universe,” adopted by Freemasonry to designate the Supreme Being without relating it to the particular way of any specific religion, that this name, as I say, is used in fact to skillfully conceal Master Lucifer or Satan, the devil! [sic]


Stories are told here and there in which the devil suddenly appeared in a Masonic Lodge and presided over the meeting. This is admitted among Catholics. [sic]


Accordingly, my first books on Freemasonry consisted in a mixture of rituals, with short innocent parts inserted, apparently harmlessly interpreted. Each time an obscure passage occurred, I explained it in a way agreeable to Catholics who see Master Lucifer as the supreme grand-master of Freemasons. But only with a touch of suggestion. I was slowly smoothing the field first, in order to plough it later on, and then scatter the mystifying seeds which were to sprout so well. [sic]

After two years of this writing, Taxil went to Rome, where he was received well by Cardinals Rampolia and Parocchi. Again, Taxil reveals more of what happened while there, in his 1897 confession:

Cardinal Rampolia called me “my dear,” thick as thieves. And how much he regretted that I had been only a mere Apprentice in Masonry! But since I succeeded in getting at the rituals, nothing was more legitimate than printing them. He said he could identify therein all his previous readings from documents in the Holy See’s possessions. He identified everything, even that which, by my doings, had the same worth as the sharks of Marseilles or the city under the Lake of Geneva.

(A voice: Rascal! Scoundrel! Blackguard! Rogue!)

As for Cardinal Parocchi, what interested him most, was the question of Masonic Sisters. My precious revelations had taught him nothing new either.

(Murmurs on one side; laughter on the other.)

I had come to Rome unexpected, unaware of the fact that a request for a private audience with the Sovereign Pontiff must be made a long time in advance, but I had the pleasant surprise of not waiting at all, and the Holy Father received me for three quarters of an hour.

(A voice: You are a ruffian.) [sic]

Here, Taxil states that he was also, indeed, received by the Pope, who had told him that he had all of his books. It seems that the Pope was willing to use any muck and slush as proof about Freemasonry, which Taxil’s writing fit to a tee. It is also revealed that Cardinal Parocchi was interested in Masonic sisters, which there are none in the fraternity of regular Freemasonry. A fraternity is for men, (frater meaning brother), and a sorority is for women. Below, Taxil reveals it all from the same 1897 confession (3):

Smiling, Léo XIII deigned to tell me that my life was still very useful in the fight for faith. Then he touched upon the question of Freemasonry. He owned all my new works in his personal library. He had read them from one end to the other and insisted upon the satanic guidance of the sect.

Having been an Apprentice only, I had great merit to have understood that “the devil is there.” And the Sovereign Pontiff stressed on the word devil with an inflection which is easy for me to render. It seems that I can still hear him repeating: “The devil! The devil!”

When I left, I was sure that my plan could be carried out to the end. The important thing was not to stand out any more, once the fruit was ripe.

Now, the tree of contemporary luciferianism began to grow. I gave it all my care for a few more years… Then I re-wrote one of my books, introducing a palladian ritual in it, allegedly obtained in communication, in fact prettily fabricated by me from beginning to end. [sic]


Now, Palladism or Luciferian High-Masonry was born. The new book had the most enthusiastic reception, including all the magazines issued by the Fathers of the Society of Jesus. [sic]

The book in mention, Le Diable au XIXe siècle, (Devil in the Nineteenth Century), published in 1892, about the Palladian, was written after Pike had died in 1891, where he could not defend himself. Albert Pike had become instrumental in Taxil’s plans, and in them, he invented a new title for Pike, that of the Pope of Luciferianism within Freemasonry. The book was supposedly written by Dr. Bataille, but in fact, it was Taxil, himself, with the help of a friend who was supposedly a physician: “an old college friend of mine, who had been a doctor aboard ships” (3), who supposedly was named Charles Hacks. However, Dr. Bataille was supposedly the physicians pseudonym for the work he did.

Next, Taxil created a woman named Sophia Walder, but only called her Sophia-Sapho in the book, Are There any Women in Freemasonry. She became the ‘Grand Mistress of Palladism’. After getting his physician friend on board with the hoax, Taxil admitted: “Sophie Walder, a myth! Palladism, my most beautiful creation, only existed on paper and in a few thousand brains! He could not believe it. I had to show him some proof.  Once convinced, he found the hoax even funnier and kept on working with me.” (3)

Taxil also invented a heroine by the name of Mrs. Diana Vaughan, who was supposedly a descendant of the Rosicrucian alchemist, Thomas Vaughan, to take Sophia Walder out of the spotlight, and to be her adversary. Mrs. Vaughan supposedly wrote, Confessions of an Ex-Palladist, in 1895, which was again written by Taxil. In reality, Vaughan was a typewriter saleswoman, from the US, who had agreed to help Taxil with his hoax, and for a price, to do his typing for him and pen any letters needed in a woman’s hand. After all, since the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s southern jurisdiction, who was also a licensed attorney, was no longer alive, then Taxil thought that he had nothing to worry about. However, this thinking is what led to the hoax unraveling about the seams later on. Below, is what Taxil had to say about his typist, the soon to be heroine, Diana Vaughan (3):

A little while before meeting again with my childhood friend, the doctor, the necessities of my profession let me meet a typist who was a European representative of one of the large typewriter manufacturers in the United States. At that time, I gave her lots of manuscripts to type. I met with a woman who was intelligent, active, sometimes traveling for business. Further gifted with a playful humor and an elegant simplicity, as in most of our Protestant families. One knows that Lutheran and Calvinist women, although proscribing luxury in the way they dress, nevertheless make concessions to fashion. Her family was French, father and mother French but deceased, the American origin went back to her great-grandfather only. [sic]


I could not ask her point-blank. I studied her first. Little by little, I interested her in devilry, which greatly amused her. She is, as I said, rather a free-thinker than a Protestant. Consequently, she was amazed to find out that in this century of progress, there are still people who believe seriously in all the nonsense of the Middle Ages.[sic]


Finally, I convinced Miss Vaughan to become my accomplice for the final success of my hoax. I drew a fixed agreement with her: 150 francs per month for typing manuscripts as well as for letters which should be copied by hand. It goes without saying that should trips be necessary, all her expenses would be defrayed; but, she never accepted any money as a gift. In fact, she enjoyed the prank quite a lot and took a liking to it. Corresponding with Bishops, Cardinals, receiving letters from the private secretary of the Sovereign Pontiff, telling them fairy tales, informing the Vatican about the dark plots of luciferians, all this set her in an inexpressible gaiety, she thanked me for associating her with this huge prank. [sic]


The Devil in the 19th Century was mainly written to introduce the existence of Miss Vaughan who was to play the main part in the hoax. Had her name been Campbell or Thompson, we would have given our sympathetic luciferian the name of Miss Campbell or Miss Thompson. We merely turned her into an American, born by chance in Paris. We let her family originate in Kentucky. This allowed us to make her part as interesting as possible by multiplying extraordinary wonders concerning her, which nobody was able to check. (Laughter) Another reason was that we located the center of Palladism at Charleston in the United States, with the late General Albert Pike, Grand Master of the Scottish Rite in South Carolina, as Founder. This celebrated Freemason, endowed with vast erudition, had been one of the highlights of the order. Through us, he became the first luciferian Pope, supreme chief of all freemasons of the globe, conferring regularly each Friday, at 3 p.m., with Master Lucifer in person. [sic]

and last,

We saw indeed some Masonic journals, such as La Renaissance Symbolique, swallow a dogmatic circular about luciferian occultism, a circular dated July 14, 1889, written by myself in Paris, and which I disclosed as having been brought from Charleston to Europe by Miss Diana Vaughan on behalf of Albert Pike, its author.

When I named Adriano Lemmi second successor to Albert Pike as luciferian Sovereign Pontiff—then Lemmi was not elected pope of the Freemasons in the Borghese palace, but in my office—, when this imaginary election became known, some Italian Masons, among which a Deputy at the Parliament, took it seriously. They were annoyed to learn through indiscretions of the profane press that Lemmi was secretive toward them, that he kept them aloof from the famous Palladism which the whole world spoke about. They met in Congress in Palermo, constituted in Sicily, Naples and Florence, three independent Supreme Councils, and named Miss Vaughan an honorary member and protectress of their federation. [sic]

You’ll notice from the above quotes, that Taxil said that he watched “La Renaissance Symbolique, swallow a dogmatic circular about luciferian occultism; a circular dated July 14, 1889“. That is the same circular or encyclical which Taxil showed to Abel Clarin de la Rive, and is responsible for the three famous paragraphs published in de la Rive’s book, La Femme et L’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, (Woman and child in Universal Freemasonry), of 1894, which was written about Albert Pike, and which there was no truth to whatsoever. Abel Clarin de la Rive recanted his writing, after Taxil admitted to the hoax in April 1897. Below are the three paragraphs in mention, which includes the footnote on the page, citing AC de la Rive’s source, at page 589:

That which we must say to the world is that we worship a god, but it is the god that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: The masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the higher degrees, maintained in the Purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him?

Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods; darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive….

Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy, and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil. [sic]


*It was the Sister Diana Vaughan that Albert Pike,–in order to give her the greatest mark of confidence,–charged to carry his luciferian encyclical, to Paris, during the Universal Exposition [Exposition Universelle 1889]. [sic]

To the above, (which is quoted as proof by the ignorant anti-Masons), Abel Clarin de la Rive recanted what he wrote about Albert Pike and Freemasonry, in a magazine that he published, titled: Freemasonry Revealed, in the April 1897 issue, after he had taken over as the manager at the the magazine, in 1896, when Taxil left that position. (6) Abel Clarin de la Rive, then, changed the name of the magazine’s company to The Antimasonic France. The below is quoted from AC de la Rive, where he recants his part in this hoax, in his April 1897 magazine, just after Taxil confessed before the clergy and the press at his Paris conference. Abel Clarin de la Rive will not give Taxil any advertisement by mentioning him by name, so it is added in brackets.

With frightening cynicism, the miserable person we shall not name here, [Taxil], declared before an assembly, especially convened for him, that for twelve years, he had prepared and carried out to the end, the most extraordinary and most sacrilegious of hoaxes. We have always been careful to publish special articles concerning Palladism and Diana Vaughan. We are now giving, in this issue, a complete list of these articles, which can now be considered as not having existed. [sic]

de la Rive 1894 cover, sharpened

AC de la Rive’s book, La Femme et L’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, (Woman and child in Universal Freemasonry), of 1894, which contained the fake Albert Pike Encyclical.

After this recant, The Antimasonic France took a nosedive for which it never came out of, and completely disappeared after AC de la Rive’s death in 1914. Taxil recalls what he thought of Abel Clarin de la Rive:

Can one believe, for instance, that it was easy to take Mr. de la Rive for a ride, he, the embodiment of an inquiring mind, who examines the slightest trifles with a microscope and who could beat our best investigating judges? He can boast of having given me trouble! (3)

Now, we continue on with more of Taxil’s long-winded confession of 1897, though it is rightly hilarious:

When I named Adriano Lemmi second successor to Albert Pike as luciferian Sovereign Pontiff—then Lemmi was not elected pope of the Freemasons in the Borghese palace, but in my office—, when this imaginary election became known, some Italian Masons, among which a Deputy at the Parliament, took it seriously. They were annoyed to learn through indiscretions of the profane press that Lemmi was secretive toward them, that he kept them aloof from the famous Palladism which the whole world spoke about. They met in Congress in Palermo, constituted in Sicily, Naples and Florence, three independent Supreme Councils, and named Miss Vaughan an honorary member and protectress of their federation.

A voice.—That was a successful prank!

Another listener.—These freemasons were your accomplices!

M. LÉO TAXIL —You bet!… May I say again that I had only two auxiliaries who were in the secret of the prank: my doctor friend and Miss Diana Vaughan.

An unexpected auxiliary—though by no means an accomplice, in spite of what he said—is Mr. Margiotta, a Freemason from Palmi, in Calabria. He began as one of the hoaxed, became more hoaxed than all the others and, what is most amusing, he told us he had met the Palladist grand-mistress during one of her trips to Italy. (Laughter) It is true that I had gently induced him to entrust me with this confidence. I had put in his head that the trip had really taken place; I had created around it an atmosphere of Palladism; I let him meet a chamberlain of Léo XIII in Rome who had dined with Miss Diana some times before. (Loud laughter and protests) Then I mentioned that during Miss Vaughan’s imagined trip of 1889, when she was supposed to have brought the alleged dogmatic Albert Pike’s circular letter to Europe, she had entertained many Freemasons in groups, in the course of two evenings in Naples, at Hotel Victoria. I knew that Mr. Margiotta, who is a poet, had dedicated a volume of verse to Bovio, and I had taken the trouble to tell him that the Freemasons were introduced to Miss Vaughan in 1889 by Bovio and by Cosma Panunzi. I added that these brothers had taken tea with her but were so many that she couldn’t remember their names or faces. Timidly at first, Mr. Margiotta risked some allusions about this former meeting. Then, seeing that it seemed to work and that Miss Diana did not contradict him, he went all the way. He went indeed much too far. —Later, when I decided to prevent the mystification from collapsing under the silence of a Commission, our prank having been unmasked in the mean time in Germany, when I agreed with the doctor to tally-ho the panic of the mystified Cardinals, when Bataille and I, always in agreement, faked shooting at each other, Mr. Margiotta, having at last opened his eyes, feared ridicule and chose to declare himself an accomplice rather than a blind volunteer in our navy.

But we shouldn’t appear more numerous than we actually were. We were three and that was enough. The editors themselves were mystified all the way. Anyway, they have nothing to complain about. First of all because our marvelous revelations brought them the most encouraging Episcopal congratulations, not counting those of the grave theologians who didn’t bat an eyelid when our crocodile played the piano and Miss Vaughan traveled to various planets. Then, because our triple collaboration let them give two works to the public, which can compete with A Thousand and One Nights, works which have been devoured with delight and will still be read for a long time, not with conviction any more, possibly, but out of curiosity. [sic]


The impossibility of Palladism becomes plain as the nose on one’s face only because of the supernatural elements we filled it with. But these devilries were a warning only for those who do not believe in those devilries described in other books, in pious books. Asmodeus carrying Miss Diana Vaughan to the Garden of Eden is no more extraordinary than Master Satan taking up Jesus Christ himself on top of a mountain and showing him all the kingdoms of the Earth … which is round!

(Various voices: Bravo!)

Either one has faith or one has not.

(Laughter) [sic]


Besides this first category of hoaxed people, however, there is a second one, and members of the latter one were not fully hoaxed. The good abbots and monks who admired Miss Vaughan because she was a converted Masonic luciferian Sister have the right to think that such female Masons exist. They have never seen or encountered any, but they may think that it is because there are none in their diocese. In Rome, it’s another story. In Rome, all information is centralized. In Rome one cannot ignore that there are no female Masons other than the wives, daughters, or sisters of Freemasons, admitted to banquets, public feasts, or those who meet separately, very decently, in private societies comprising feminine elements only such as the Sisters of the Eastern Star or the Daughters of the Revolution in the United States.

(Signs of approval)

When one thinks about it, it is easy to understand that if Masonic sisters exist, such as the anti-Masons imagine, there would have been conversions and confessions a long time ago! The eagerness with which Miss Vaughan’s alleged conversion was received in Rome is significant. Please notice that Msgr. Lazzareschi, delegate of the Holy See to the Anti-Masonic Union’s central Committee, let a Thanksgiving Triduum be celebrated at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Rome!

The Hymn to Joan of Arc supposedly composed by Miss Diana, words and music, was performed at the anti-Masonic feasts of the Roman Committee. This music became nearly sacred and sounded with grand solemnity in the basilicas of the Holy City. Its tune is that of the Philharmonic Syringe, a musical jest written for the entertainments of the harem by one of my friends, conductor of the orchestra of Sultan Abdul Aziz.

(Prolonged laughter. Cries: It is abominable! Oh! The blackguard!) [sic]

It is indeed hilarious, that those who still parrot this hoax, for all its worth, (whom are the conspiracy theorists or the uneducated and ignorant religious clergy), must be stating that they believe in this hoax, and by that, they are agreeing that they believe in the Taxil tale that states that a devil snake wrote prophecies on Diana Vaughan’s back, with the tip of its tail, and another devil, in order to marry a female Mason, (when there aren’t any women in regular Freemasonry), changed itself into a crocodile and played the piano well, along with Taxil’s yarn of our heroine, Diana Vaughan, traveling about to different planets in 1896. Then, there is the one about the king of the demons, Asmodeus, carrying Miss Diana Vaughan off to the Garden of Eden, and that she was supposed to be wed to this demon, yet, these buffoons must believe every word of it, since they quote the very texts that this is in! You can not pick and choose of what Taxil wrote to believe in. Taxil laughs about this, during his second confession in National Magazine a year before he died, in May 1906. That will be quoted at the end of this article.

Those who parrot Taxil’s slush will never reveal any of this to you, as they are either ignorant of it, or they actually know of it, and are willingly lying about it, in order to sell pamphlets, comics, books, DVDs, and to make money from conspiracy theory lectures. The more modern names of those who have quoted Taxil as fact, are Dr. James L Holly, Eustace Mullins, Bill Schnoebelen, Harmon R. Taylor, Martin Short, Jack Harris, Gary H. Kah, John Ankerberg, Pat Robertson, Larry Kunk et al, David Carrico, Dan Harting, J. Edward Decker, Jr., Cathy Bums, Jack Chick, David Icke, Alex Jones, Texe Marrs, John Todd (and his aliases), Milton William ‘Bill’ Cooper, and Kevin McNeil-Smith of Freemasonrywatch, along with many others that come to mind. Not in the least of whom are those that they copied their fallacies from, such as Edith Starr Miller, (Lady Queenborough), a vocal anti-Semite and bigot, who published portions of AC de la Rives work, swearing it all to be true, when it was all Léo Taxil’s writing. Next, there was the publishing of the fake Three World Wars letter, supposedly penned by Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini, but in reality, it was written by its fraudulent and bigoted inventor, William Guy Carr, another bigoted anti-Semite and anti-Mason. After Carr was caught in the act, by actual scholars, falsifying this document, his publishing career was ended. These last two are both true charlatans, liars, and anti-Semitic bigots of the worst kind. Helena Blavatsky was another who parroted Taxil’s slush as fact. However, what a fool they are to those of us who are wise to them! What a fool they become, when outed like this! Brent Morris, PhD, a well renowned Masonic historian, stated that this hoax, which turned into an urban legend, reminded him of the legend of the “woman who dried her poodle in a microwave oven.” (6) Plus, what is really the kicker, is that many in the prejudiced and bigoted church clergy, will use the writings of an anti-cleric and pornographer, as fact, for their evidence against Freemasonry! [1a] If you think that there aren’t any people in this world whom aren’t gullible enough to fall for this muck, then think again. The problem is that the lying charlatans know it, and they use these poor gullible souls for monetary gain. These charlatans and prejudiced bigots are the ones that I wish to see utterly destroyed, by using their own words and facts against them.

Finally, we follow Taxil to the end of the April 19th, 1897 confession, with the quotes from him below:

Mr. Léo Taxil — I shall recall two typical facts.

Under the pen-name “Dr. Bataille” I related—and under that of “Miss Vaughan” I confirmed—that the Masonic temple in Charleston contained a maze at the center of which stays the chapel of Lucifer…


Mr. Oscar Havard. — The bishop of Charleston declared this to be an imposture.

Mr. Léo Taxil — So it is. I was going to say so in a moment. But do not triumph yet. Wait a little!… I said that in the Masonic temple in Charleston one of the rooms, triangular in shape, called the Sanctum Regnum, has as its main ornament a monstrous statue of Baphomet, which the High-Masons worship. That in another room, a statue of Eve comes alive when a Templar Mistress is especially agreeable to Master Satan, and that this statue then turns into the demon Astarte, for a moment alive, and gives a kiss to the preferred Templar Mistress. I published the alleged map of this Masonic building, a plan which I designed myself. Now, Msgr. Northrop, Catholic bishop of Charleston, went to Rome expressly to assure the Sovereign Pontiff of the highest fantasy of these writings. This journey would have remained unknown if Msgr. Northrop, on his way to Rome, had not let himself be interviewed. Which is how what he came to tell the Pope became public. He had come to say: “It is false, absolutely false, that the Freemasons of Charleston are the chiefs of a supreme luciferian rite. I am especially well acquainted with the most important ones. They are Protestants, inspired by the best intentions. Not one of them considers practicing occultism. I visited their temple, none of the rooms indicated by Doctor Bataille or Miss Vaughan are to be found there. The map is a hoax.” On his return from Rome, Msgr. Northrup did not protest any more and has kept silent ever since. Miss Diana Vaughan, on the contrary, replied to Msgr. Northrop’s interview; she said the Bishop of Charleston was himself a Freemason and she received the Pope’s blessing.


Second fact. Under the signatures of Bataille and Vaughan, I recounted and confirmed that immense secret workshops were located in Gibraltar under the English fortress, in which men-monsters fabricated all the instruments used in the ceremonies of Palladism, and Miss Diana’ Vaughan, asked about this by Roman high ecclesiastical dignitaries, enjoyed herself answering in her cutest style that nothing was more true and that the forges of the mysterious workshops of Gibraltar were fed by the very fires of Hell. (Laughter) Msgr. the Apostolic Vicar of Gibraltar wrote, on the other hand, that he confirmed what he had been forced to declare to various people, namely that the story of the secret workshops was an audacious invention, resting on no foundation whatsoever, nothing whatsoever, and that he was indignant to witness the creation of such legends. The Vatican did not publish the letter of the Apostolic Vicar of Gibraltar, and Miss Vaughan received the blessing of the Pope.

(Applause. —Many voices: Bravo Taxil!)

The masons of France, of Italy, of England, laughed in their sleeves and right they were. On the other hand, a German Mason, Findel, got real mad and thundered forth a very well written pamphlet. Great excitement. That pamphlet was like a paving stone in a frogs’ pond.

A strong reaction appeared necessary. Findel endangered the final success of my hoax: his grand mistake was to think that it was a plot set up by the Jesuits—unfortunate Jesuits! I had sent them a fragment of the Moloch’s tail, as a piece of evidence of Palladism!

(Explosion of laughter)

Disquiet crept into the Vatican. Jumping from one extreme to another they got into a panic. They wondered whether they were not confronted with a hoax about to smash the Church instead of serving it. They named a secret commission of inquiry in order to ascertain what they were to believe.

Since then, the danger becoming great, my work was endangered, and I did not want to get shipwrecked. The danger was silence, strangling the hoax in the oubliettes of the Roman Commission, preventing Catholic papers from breathing a word.

My friend, the doctor, went to Cologne; from there, he put me in the picture. And forewarned I left for the Congress of Trent, well forewarned. When I came back, the first person I saw was my friend. I told him of my fear of silent strangling.

Then we agreed upon all that was to be done and written. If the editors of the Universe doubt it, I can name them parts they left out of the letters of Dr. Bataille. It was I who stoked their fire that way, then it was necessary for the world press to be made aware of this grand and bizarre epic. And a good deal of time was necessary so that the uproar of furious Catholics, the polemic, with those in favor of Miss Diana Vaughan, would catch the notice of the major newspapers, those who walk along with progress and count millions of readers.


Before ending, I must pay my respects to an unknown hoaxster, a shrewd American colleague. Among hoaxsters, one understands each other from one end of the world to the other, without needing to exchange letters, without even having to drop a call. Respects, therefore, to the dear citizen of Kentucky, who had the friendly thought of helping us without any prior agreement, who confirmed the revelations of Miss Diana Vaughan to the Louisville Courier-Journal, who certified to whoever wanted to hear, that he had known Miss Diana Vaughan, intimately, for seven or eight years, and that he often met her in the various secret societies of Europe and America… where she never set foot. [2a]


You were told that Palladism would be knocked down today. Better still, it is annihilated, it is no more.

In my general confession to the Jesuit father of Clamart, I had accused myself of an imaginary murder. Well, I will admit to a further crime. I committed infanticide. Palladism is now dead for good. Its father just murdered it.

(An indescribable tumult meets this conclusion. Some laugh more and more and applaud the lecturer. Catholics scream and hiss. Abbot Garnier steps on a chair and attempts to address the audience, but he is hindered by the hoot. A few listeners strike up the comic song by Meusy: O Sacred Heart of Jesus!) [sic]

The confession was fully transcribed, in its entirety, in the Parisian newspaper Le Frondeur, on April 25, 1897, titled: Twelve Years Under the Banner of the Church, The Prank Of Palladism. Miss Diana Vaughan-The Devil At The Freemasons. A Conference held by M. Léo Taxil, at the Hall of the Geographic Society in Paris. A photo of the front page of this newspaper is below, as some of the anti-Masonic charlatans and liars try to claim that it doesn’t exist. Now, I wonder why? Maybe they’ll just say or write anything to try to discredit the truth; the light? One can find this same newspaper on digital file, at several large libraries, especially in France and the UK. The hoax was also reported with the full or partial transcript, as in Le Frondeur, in many issues of other newspapers and magazines around Europe, in their April and May editions!


Now, to the finale; Taxil’s second confession in the magazine, National Magazine, an Illustrated American Monthly, Volume 24: April – September, 1906, (7) where Taxil states that he actually did it all for the money, by being a Munchausen (liar) of the right kind. Below is directly quoted from the magazine. Léo Taxil died only a year later, in 1907.

Members of the Masonic orders understand the false exposure heaped upon that organization in anti-Mason wars. The Catholic church and many other religious orders have been the victims of these half-written and oftentimes venomous attacks. The confession of Taxil, the French Free-thinker, who first exposed Catholics and then Masons, makes interesting reading bearing on the present situation today. Similar motives actuate some of the “muck rakes” of today, as indicated in the following confession:

“The public made me what I am; the arch-liar of the period,” confessed Taxil, “for when I first commenced to write against the Masons my object was amusement pure and simple. The crimes I laid at their door were so grotesque, so impossible, so widely exaggerated, I thought everybody would see the joke and give me credit for originating a new line of humor. But my readers wouldn’t have it so; they accepted my fables as gospel truth, and the more I lied for the purpose of showing that I lied, the more convinced became they that I was a paragon of veracity.

“Then it dawned upon me that there was lots of money in being a Munchausen [liar] of the right kind, and for twelve years I gave it to them hot and strong, but never too hot. When inditing such slush as the story of the devil snake who wrote prophecies on Diana’s back with the end of his tail, I sometimes said to myself: ‘Hold on, you are going too far,’ but I didn’t. My readers even took kindly to the yarn of the devil who, in order to marry a Mason, transformed himself into a crocodile, and, despite the masquerade, played the piano wonderfully well.

“One day when lecturing at Lille, I told my audience that I had just had an apparition of Nautilus, the most daring affront on human credulity I had so far risked. But my hearers never turned a hair. ‘Hear ye, the doctor has seen Nautulius,’ they said with admiring glances. Of course no one had a clear idea of who Nautilus was, I didn’t myself, but they assumed that he was a devil.

“Ah, the jolly evenings I spent with my fellow authors hatching out new plots, new, unheard of perversions of truth and logic, each trying to outdo the other in organized mystification. I thought I would kill myself laughing at some of the things proposed, but everything went; there is no limit to human stupidity”. [sic]


National Magazine’s 1906 article of Taxil’s second confession. (Page 270 in the compiled article pdf version).

Last, a translation of another French article by Edmond Frank in l’Illustration, May 1. 1897- No. 2827: Paris, France, titled “A Hoax”.

Last April 19th, before numerous people in the amphitheatre of the Geographic Society, Mr. Gabriel Jogand-Pagès, also known as Léo Taxil, solemnly denounced the Catholicism to which he had converted, no less solemnly, twelve years ago. In itself, this single manifestation was not an important event: at most it might give substance to a “diverse subject” or an “echo” article in a newspaper. Why then has the press deigned to accord it historical and newsworthy status? And why do we resign ourselves here to allot it the full honours of noteworthiness? The personality of Mr. Léo Taxil, the particular character of his conversion in the past and his renounciation yesterday would suffice to motivate this publicity; it finds its justification in the general ideas that are put into play and the reflections suggested by an adventure where the burlesque mixed with the serious.

When, in 1889, Mr. Léo Taxil effected his first great coup, he was already enjoying a certain notoriety because of the publication of an entire special library dedicated to anti-clerical propaganda. It was not only the sin of non-belief that was weighing on his conscience; it was a heavy pile of volumes and of brochures; stories to keep you awake at night; grotesque pamphlets, read garbage; by which he pretended, by ridiculing and soiling the Catholic religion, it’s ministers and adepts; to educate the popular masses and to win them over to the cult of pure reason and Free Thinking. Furthermore, to promote his campaign–mostly a library campaign–he had used such unscrupulous means that, among the Freemasons of which he claimed to be, more than one had come to disavow a too compromising zealot.

Suddenly, after fifteen years of rude work spent paddling in the mire of a swampy but lucrative literature, the impious pamphleteer, soaked to the waist, finds a new calling. He renounces Satan and his base works: once so proud, he burns all that he has adored and adores all that he once burned: in short, he makes honorable public amends, confesses, attends mass, takes communion, and throws himself at the feet of the Sovereign Pontiff. “My son,” the Pope asks him, “what do you want?” – “Holy Father, to die at your feet, there, at this moment… It would be my greatest joy!” responds the prostate penitent. “Not to die,” answers Léon XIII with a benevolent smile, “your life is still very useful for the struggles of faith.”

This alleged conversion of Mr. Léo Taxil’s, which justly touched the Catholic world and the Free Thinking world, was but the prologue of a comedy, of an enormous farce in many acts, conceived and constructed by a hoaxer more inventive than concerned about his own dignity. Here is the scenario very briefly outlined:

Act One: Simulations of repentance and of penitence, pious practices proper to edifying the clergy and to capture it’s full confidence. Diffusion of small books directed against FreeMasonry.

Act Two: Invention of Palladism or High Luciferian Masonry, divulging of secret rites of lodges and back-lodges of the entire world, vowed to the cult of Lucifer.

Act Three: Entrance of Miss. Diana Vaughan, so called ex-luciferian of high mark, converted to Catholicism, who reveals in her “Memoires” the diablic mysteries of this damned sect, receives pontifical benediction and maintains a continuous correspondence with the most eminent members of the clergy.

Act Four and final scene: Evening of April 19th 1897, organized in Paris in the room of the Geographic Society, and announced with great fanfare. The announced programme includes:

1st: The raffle of a writing machine offered by Miss. Diana Vaughan;

2nd: A lecture entitled “Twelve years under the banner of the Church” by Mr. Léo Taxil.

3rd: Palladism exposed, a conference accompanied by light show projections by Miss. Diana Vaughan.

The writing machine is raffled and is won by a young journalist. The evening begins… but, to the great disappointment of the public, wisely composed of a mix of priests, avowed catholics and free thinkers (the organizer later admitted to having selected the audience), the most impatiently awaited person, the mysterious, the extraordinary heroine whose problematic existence would dispel much speculation, and whom some sceptics had dared to treat as a myth, having stayed until then in the corridors-Miss Diana Vaughan does not appear. Mr. Léo Taxil, in correct evening dress, occupies the stage, alone. With serene impudence, in even tones, he denounces his own imposture, completely empties his bag of malice, explains complacantly how, for twelve years, he has betrayed and duped the clergy and has made fun of everyone. “Ladies and Gentlemen,” he cried out in a peremptory manner, “I am admitting my crime. I commited infanticide: Palladism, now, is dead, very dead. Its father has just killed it.”

And he leaves the audience, first dumbfounded, more sickened than indignant by this sadly grotesque spectacle. Here now is the second great coup of the terrible “backslider” from religion.

As for Miss. Diana Vaughan, the pseudo-convert, he only half assasinated her; if she died with Palladism, of which she was the incarnation, she subsists and is doing wonderfully in the form of a young “typist”, meaning virtuoso of the writing machine, secretary and accomplice of Mr. Léo Taxil, at the modest monthly appointment of 150 francs. During the anti-masonic convention of Thirty, her patron had brought to Paris, as authentic document, a portrait representing the invisible American woman in her official dress of “grand mistress general inspector of the luciferian triangles”. It was “on sale”, according to commercial terms: it was paid for handsomely by a local photographer, whom we needed only to ask for the copy reproduced here.

“The most colossal hoax of modern times”, this is how Mr. Léo Taxil himself termed his enterprise, and, in his modest success, he does not hesitate to give himself the title of king of modern pranksters. He flatters himself in having used his natural talents, perfected with a gradual training, for the good of society, infected with the virus of superstition. Since the odiousness of his parodies and contradictory mummeries seem to evade Mr. Taxil, let us not pause to scold him on this point; let us stick to considering him the joyous and gigantic prankster that he claims to be.

Well! He singularly exaggerates the professional merits and importance of his role. Compared to the exaggeration of the Midi, the effect of the provincial sun, so prettily explained by Alphonse Daudet; our Marseillian bears, even under other skies; the hyperbolic mirage that makes a turnip into a jewelled carbuncle; the emulation of the illustrious Gaudissart and close cousin of the Tartarin, Taxil’s charades, as all the rest, assume magified proportions in his own eyes. Voluntarily, he measures his dimensions with the efforts and fabrication of his imagination. When all is said and done, he must reduce some of it. Coiffed with a fez reminiscent of the famous chechia feminine of legendary Tarasconnais; armed, not like her by an arsenal of guns, pistols and daggers, but with a writing desk and a box of traps, he too wanted, to hunt the big game, force to it’s repair the clerical Hydra. What has he gained? His dignity.

The unique concession that we might make to his vanity is to note that he is one of the first to have erected a social career, an industrial profession, on the art of fraud, nevertheless still classifying it among the flimsy fantasies. Mr. Léo Taxil, it is true, protests highly his complete disinterest. He affirms that he only worked for a greater glory. So, he must find himself well paid for his troubles, if in his eyes, glory consists in being doubly denounced, discredited, burned in all camps, in hearing himself referred to as “coquin, canaille, gredin, fripouille, crapule”, an unworldly crook, all epithets borrowed textually from the official report of the evening of April 19th. All published by the organizer himself that is! Each understands glory in his own fashion; and it is in this way that this grinning, chattering greybeard expresses his profound satisfaction.

But at least, may he no more abuse us with his superiority as a prankster. There is little to envy in seeing another, alone in amusing himself with his own self-importance; it is ungraceful to dress oneself up with human credulity when one is such a superb example of credulity in sincerely believing oneself the greatest hoaxer of the century. (12) [sic]

I imagine that some may hate me right now, (the charlatans and liars),  but I do not care one whit about this type of person, since I would never associate myself with the likes of them to begin with. I am far above giving their type the time of day. What I do care about, though, is seeking more light and seeking the factual truth, as you the reader, or anyone else should too.

So Mote It Be


  1. Léo Taxil at Encyclopedia.com
  2. Rene Guenon and the Future of the West, Published, 1987, p.32-36, by Robin Waterfield.
  3. Taxil’s complete confession from the newspaper, Le Frondeur, April 25th, 1897. Translated from French to English by Alain Bernheim, A. William Samii, and Eric Serejski, “The Confession of Léo Taxil,” Heredom, Transactions of the Scottish Research Society, vol. 5, pp. 137-68. © 1997
  4. Humanum genus at Wikipedia
  5. Comments on the Humanum Genus
  6. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry, Second Edition, By S. Brent Morris, PhD
  7. National Magazine’s article on Taxil’s second confession. The National Magazine, an Illustrated American Monthly, Volume 24: April – September, 1906
  8. Tropmann and Dumolard were two French serial killers of the time.
  9. Pranksters: Making Mischief in the Modern World, New York University Press, 2014, by Kembrew McLeod.
  10. See my article: The psychology of conspiracy believers and theorists.
  11. US News and World Report, Devil in a Red Fez, The lie about the Freemasons lives on. Article by Dan Gilgoff, Aug. 18, 2002, read the article here.
  12. Reprinted from an article by Edmond Frank in l’Illustration, May 1. 1897- No. 2827: Paris, France. A Hoax. http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/texts/taxil_confession.html

Personal Notes:

[1a] The churches that are mentioned, will deny that Taxil is the source that they cite, by citing books from either conspiracy theorists, especially the older books by Edith Starr Miller and William Guy Carr, those written by people such as Taxil’s henchmen, or books by other clergy, such as Cardinal Rodriguez of Santiago, Chile, which are parroting Taxil’s words and the hoax. They have gone as far to make claims that Freemasonry is lying about Taxil’s two confessions, which are, in fact, both in print, and the proof is above.

[2a] Taxil is quoted as saying:

“Respects therefore to the dear citizen of Kentucky who had the friendly thought of helping us without any prior agreement, who confirmed the revelations of Miss Diana Vaughan to the Louisville Courier-Journal, who certified to whoever wanted to hear that he had known Miss Diana Vaughan intimately for seven or eight years and that he often met her in the various secret societies of Europe and America… where she never set foot”.

That newspaper was owned by some of my distant relation, the Bingham family of the US, Britain, and Ireland. I have two feelings about this. One, I wish the paper and my family had not helped to affect Freemasonry so, by lending Taxil any credence. Two, I am glad that the hoax exploded in Pope Leo XIII’s face, as it did, because he was a self-righteous, meddling, controlling, untruthful, and bigoted Pope, who was once cartooned in the US, as a skinny, large-nosed fox, that couldn’t reach the grapes overhead. The grapes were a metaphor for the US secular school system. One can see a US schoolhouse in the background of the sketch. The cartoon was titled “sour grapes”, and was in several publications of the time.

To put the Pope into more perspective, during this same time frame,  he brought about the separation of church and state, by his own actions, in Chile, because of his pontifical benediction being extended over Chilean troops on the eve of the Battle of Chorrillos, during the War of the Pacific, in January 1881, where they looted the cities of Chorrillos and Barranco, including the churches, and their Chaplains headed the robbery at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú, where the soldiers ransacked various items along with much capital, because Chilean Priests coveted rare and ancient editions of the Bible that were stored there. Paintings, wealth, gold, and rare copies of the bible were the Pope’s plunder. Later, a law on the separation of church and state followed. Maybe, Pope Leo XIII’s actions was where the Italian mafioso learned it all?

Last, during this same time, Pope Leo XIII did something that I would consider being of “idiotic significance,” where his words was against those in the English speaking world. Leo wrote the encyclical: Apostolicae Curae, which was about him proclaiming the invalidity of the Anglican churches orders published in 1896. It declared all Anglican ordinations to be “absolutely null and utterly void”. He seemed to think that he could override the Anglican Protestant church in its own country, that of Britain. Well, he did have it in his mind that he was infallible after all. Nuff Said.

Pope-Sour GrapesPope Leo XIII

Copyright CRIA Images.

There is no control of the public schools for you, in the US, Pope Leo XIII, so have a sour grape.

Who is Lucifer?

Lucifer is like the word, Satan, in regards to it not being a who but a what. The word, Lucifer, is a Latin word meaning Morning Star, Son of the Morning, Venus, or light-bearer. In the Latin Vulgate Bible, Jesus was referred to as the Bright Morning Star at Revelation 22:16, and thus, Lucifer. (1)(2)(11)

The Latin word, Lucifer, is used only once in the King James Version Bible, at Isaiah 14:12, but was used several times in the Latin Vulgate Bible, in the place of Morning Star, Son of the Morning, or Lightbearer, etc. (1)(2)(11)

This is a direct quote of Isaiah 14:12, from The Complete Jewish Bible, with Rashi Commentary (The Hebrew text version is included at it’s side):

12) How have you fallen from heaven, the morning star? You have been cut down to earth, You who cast lots on nations.

Below, I quote Rabbi Tovia Singer about Isaiah 14:12 (11):

Throughout this and the preceding chapter of Isaiah, the prophet foretells the rise and fall of this arrogant Babylonian king who would use his unbridled power to plunder Jerusalem and destroy its Temple but, ultimately, would suffer a cataclysmic downfall. In 14:12, Nebuchadnezzar is compared to the planet Venus whose light is still visible in the morning, yet vanishes with the rise of the sun. Like the light of Venus, Nebuchadnezzar’s reign shone brilliantly for a short time, yet, as the prophets foretold, it was eventually overshadowed by the nation of Israel whose light endured and outlived this arrogant king who tormented and exiled her.

The KJV Bible has only one mention of Lucifer, at Isaiah 14:12, due to King James VI & Is Hebrew translators at that time. Here, if the translator did not understand a Hebrew word, they referred to the Catholic Latin Vulgate Bible, and used it. Plus, they had their own ingrained beliefs on the verse, though those were incorrect. Thus, the one inclusion of the word, Lucifer, was over an error in the words true meaning in that verse. However, Isaiah 14:12 is not speaking of Satan, some devil, a fallen angel, nor any anti-God, but it is speaking of the Morning Star, Son of the Morning, Light Bearer, or the planet Venus, as the verse compares the rise and fall of the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar II, to how the Morning Star appears before sunrise, and then quickly disappears as dawn breaks. (6)(11) This is proven by verse at Isaiah 14:4: “ That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!” It is needless to say that the Jews do not believe in some anti-God nor devil named Satan, nor Lucifer. John Calvin, the reformist and father of Calvinism, said this about Isaiah 14:12:

The exposition of this passage, which some have given, as if it should refer to Satan, has arisen from ignorance; for the context plainly shows that these statements must be understood in reference to the king of the Babylonians. But when passages of Scripture are taken up at random, and no attention is paid to the context, we need not wonder that mistakes of this kind frequently arise. Yet it was an instance of very gross ignorance to imagine that lucifer was the king of the devils, and that the prophet gave him this name. But as these inventions have no probability whatever, let us pass by them as useless fables.“–Calvin’s Commentary on Isaiah.

Here, Calvin is referring to Isaiah 14:4.  Martin Luther also considered it a “gross error” to refer to this verse as being about Satan. (2) This is also explained in the footnote for Isaiah 14:12, in the Geneva Bible, which is older than the KJV:

12: Thou that thoughtest thyself most glorious, and as it were placed in the heaven [the Babylonian king]: for the morning star that goeth before the sun, is called Lucifer, to whom Nebuchadnezzar is compared.

The word, Lucifer, after its bastardization, became popular in books such as Dante Alighieri’s book, Inferno, Joost van den Vondel’s play, Lucifer, and John Milton’s book, Paradise Lost, thus spreading the fallacy to the multitudes.

Present-day translations have “Morning Star” for Isaiah 14:12, in the bibles New International Version, New Century Version, New American Standard Bible, Good News Translation, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Contemporary English Version, Common English Bible, and the Complete Jewish Bible. It is “daystar” in the New Jerusalem Bible, English Standard Version, and The Message. It is “Day Star” in the New Revised Standard Version. It is “shining one” in the New Life Version, New World Translation, and JPS Tanakh, or “shining star” in the New Living Translation. The King James Version is misunderstood at Isaiah 14:12, due to using the Latin Vulgate’s translation of Isaiah 14, by St. Jerome. Here, St. Jerome translated the Hebrew words, Helel ben Shahar (Morning Star) into the Latin word, luciferos, which isn’t incorrect but misinterpreted by the Protestant clergy. However, it is found that the newer Protestant Bible versions, listed above, are incorrectly translated at other places, such as at Isaiah 45:7, where the KJV is correct.

Lucifer, at the Catholic Encyclopedia:

(Hebrew helel; Septuagint heosphoros, Vulgate lucifer)

The name Lucifer originally denotes the planet Venus, emphasizing its brilliance. The Vulgate employs the word also for “the light of the morning” (Job 11:17), “the signs of the zodiac” (Job 38:32), and “the aurora” (Psalm 109:3). Metaphorically, the word is applied to the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:12) as preeminent among the princes of his time; to the high priest Simon son of Onias (Ecclesiasticus 50:6), for his surpassing virtue, to the glory of heaven (Apocalypse (Revelation) 2:28), by reason of its excellency; finally to Jesus Christ himself (2 Peter 1:19; Apocalypse (Revelation) 22:16; the “Exultet” of Holy Saturday) the true light of our spiritual life.[sic]

The Syriac version and the version of Aquila derive the Hebrew noun helel from the verb yalal, “to lament”; St. Jerome agrees with them (In Isaiah 1.14), and makes Lucifer the name of the principal fallen angel who must lament the loss of his original glory bright as the morning star. In Christian tradition this meaning of Lucifer has prevailed; the Fathers maintain that Lucifer is not the proper name of the devil, but denotes only the state from which he has fallen (Petavius, De Angelis, III, iii, 4).[sic]

Lucifer, at the Jewish Encyclopedia:

Septuagint translation of “Helel [read “Helal”] ben Shaḥar” (= “the brilliant one,” “son of the morning”), name of the day, or morning, star, to whose mythical fate that of the King of Babylon is compared in the prophetic vision (Isa. xiv. 12-14). It is obvious that the prophet in attributing to the Babylonian king boastful pride, followed by a fall, borrowed the idea from a popular legend connected with the morning star; and Gunkel (“Schöpfung und Chaos,” pp. 132-134) is undoubtedly correct when he holds that it represents a Babylonian or Hebrew star-myth similar to the Greek legend of Phaethon. The brilliancy of the morning star, which eclipses all other stars, but is not seen during the night, may easily have given rise to a myth such as was told of Ethana and Zu: he was led by his pride to strive for the highest seat among the star-gods on the northern mountain of the gods (comp. Ezek. xxviii. 14; Ps. xlviii. 3 [A.V. 2]), but was hurled down by the supreme ruler of the Babylonian Olympus. Stars were regarded throughout antiquity as living celestial beings (Job xxxviii. 7).[sic]

The familiarity of the people of Palestine with such a myth is shown by the legend, localized on Mount Hermon, the northern mountain of Palestine and possibly the original mountain of the gods in that country, of the fall of the angels under the leadership of Samḥazai (the heaven-seizer) and Azael (Enoch, vi. 6 et seq.; see Fall of Angels). Another legend represents Samḥazai, because he repented of his sin, as being suspended between heaven and earth (like a star) instead of being hurled down to Sheol (see Midr. Abḳir in Yalḳ. i. 44; Raymund Martin, “Pugio Fidei,” p. 564). The Lucifer myth was transferred to Satan in the pre-Christian century, as may be learned from Vita Adæ et Evæ [Life of Adam and Eve](8) and Slavonic Enoch (xxix. 4, xxxi. 4), where Satan-Sataniel (Samael?) is described as having been one of the archangels. Because he contrived “to make his throne higher than the clouds over the earth and resemble ‘My power’ on high,” Satan-Sataniel was hurled down, with his hosts of angels, and since then he has been flying in the air continually above the abyss (comp. Test. Patr., Benjamin, 3; Ephes. ii. 2, vi. 12). Accordingly Tertullian (“Contra Marrionem,” v. 11, 17), Origen (“Ezekiel Opera,” iii. 356), and others, identify Lucifer with Satan, who also is represented as being “cast down from heaven” (Rev. xii. 7, 10; comp. Luke x. 18).

Isaiah 14:12-15 and Lucifer, in the NIV Application Commentary, Bundle 3:

Isaiah 14:12-15. From a contextual standpoint, this pericope concerns the king of Babylon and, accordingly, is placed among the oracles against the nations. It takes the form of a taunt (v. 5 [4]) anticipating the tyrant’s imminent demise. His descent to the netherworld (vv. 9-11) is described with relish. Verses 12-15 refer to his downfall, despite his aspirations to divine grandeur.

Throughout most church history, these verses have been applied to Satan. The earliest appearance of this association can be found in the writings of Origen. Satan’s fall had been discussed earlier by Tertullian and Justin Martyr, but with no obvious references to Isaiah 14. This is not surprising since Satan is mentioned nowhere in the passage. Jewish writings (cf. 2 [2nd] Enoch 29:4-5) had stories of the fall of Satan, but there is no evidence that Isaiah 14 was interpreted in relation to the fall.

The doctrine of Satan’s fall and its association with Isaiah 14 passed into the mainstream of Christian theology through Moralia 34 by Pope Gregory the Great in the seventh century. Once part of popular belief, it is easily passed into the great pieces of literature such as Milton’s Paradise Lost, which sustained its place in theology. The doctrine was also solidified by the way Isaiah 14 was handled in translation. [St.] Jerome, interpreting the difficult Hebrew term, Helel in v. 12 (NIV: “morning star”) as a reference to Venus, used a Latin term for Venus, luciferos, to translate it. As the interpretation of the passage as a reference to Satan became popularized in the centuries following, lucifer was adopted as a variant name for Satan – because that was what Satan was called in the passage!

“Tertullian and other fathers, Gregory the Great, and the scholastic commentators, regarding Luke 10:18 as an explanation of this verse, apply it to the fall of Satan, from which has arisen the popular perversion of the beautiful name lucifer to signify the devil.”–[The Earlier Prophecies of Isaiah, by Joseph Addison Alexander, PhD, Theology, Princeton University, 1846.]

By the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when the major English translations were being produced, the interpretation was so ingrained that “Lucifer” was retained, even in the KJV. This reinforced to the lay English reader that the passage explicitly concerned Satan.

Despite the wide popular support for this interpretation, there was no lack of opposition. Neither Calvin nor Luther supports the idea that Isaiah 14 refers to the fall of Satan. Calvin is particularly undiplomatic as his [he] heaps scorn on those who adopt such noncontextual intrusion.

“The exposition of this passage, which some have given, as if it should refer to Satan, has arisen from ignorance; for the context plainly shows that these statements must be understood in reference to the king of the Babylonians. But when passages of Scripture are taken up at random, and no attention is paid to the context, we need not wonder that mistakes of this kind frequently arise. Yet it was an instance of very gross ignorance to imagine that lucifer was the king of the devils, and that the prophet gave him this name. But as these inventions have no probability whatever, let us pass by them as useless fables.”–[Calvin’s Commentary on Isaiah] [sic]

Quoting Pope Gregory the Great, from Moralia, bk. 32, chp. 23, no. 48 on the word, lucifer: “That is why he was called Lucifer [i.e. morning star], as Isaias attests, saying: How have you fallen, Lucifer, who used to rise in the morning, etc.” Here, he was speaking of Isaiah (Isaias) 14:12, and completely destroyed the intent of the verse, which can be found at Isaiah 14:4.

Somewhere along the way, the church clergy tied Luke 10:18 (“And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.“) to Isaiah 14:12, because they sounded similar, even though they are about two entirely different circumstances and times, to concoct the lucifer equals satan fallacy. However, it gets deeper, when one actually reads all of Luke, chapter 10, and one can see that this satan or adversary, was Jesus and the apostle’s adversary, and they were the towns and the people mentioned in the scripture that were also called “devils”, such as the people in Capernaum, where in Luke 10:15, Jesus states “And thou, Capernaum, [the city and the people] which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell.” Satan is used correctly, here, as the town and people were an adversary or stumbling block to the apostles ministering, which Jesus cursed, saying that he would throw them to hell, where they would fall like lightning, just as the word, satan, was used in Matthew 16:22-23. These verses in Luke, also reminds one of the Hellenist scribe’s, (who wrote Luke), myth of Zeus casting Typhon to Hades, does it not?

Matthew 16:22-23

22) Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. “Far be it from You, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to You!” 23) But Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me. For you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”

The above scripture, is the best definition of the Hebrew word, satan, in the New Testament. Here, the word, satan is used exactly as the Hebrews define it, an adversary, or one who impedes others, a “stumbling block”, and not a devil. The Jews have never believed in a devil nor a fallen angel, that creates all evil and sin. Jesus didn’t either, especially since he was a Pharisee, which is mainstream Rabbinical Judaism. It also seems that the Gospel’s scribes had a love for capitalizing the word satan, as if it were someone’s name.

One can clearly see, from the quotes above, that it may have been St. Jerome who started this fallacy, and somehow, this made it to the early Protestants, due the 7th century pope, Gregory the Great, who continued the fallacy of the word. However, the “Fathers,” which are all of the Catholic clergy, and all the way back to the time of St. Jerome, say differently. One can also see that the Hebrew words, Helel ben Shahar, does not equate to a devil or a Satan. However, the Christians use Enoch, for the tale of a devil or “fallen angel” that they named Satan, but turn right around and say that Enoch is not biblical canon, and the book was placed in the apocrypha over it. The church does not reveal that another source for Satan is from the Greek pagan God of the underworld, Hades, later renamed Pluto in the 5th century BCE, who supposedly held souls in a purgatory (a Greek place known as Tartarus) as a punishment, before releasing the soul to go on, nor do they reveal that the fallen angel myth came from the story of the Greek God, Zeus, defeating Typhon, where afterwards, Zeus cast Typhon down into Tartarus, (the underworld or purgatory), which is also similar to the story from the apocryphal books of Enoch, that had its roots in Persian pagan dualistic Zoroastrianism. The Hellenists in the early Catholic church, merged the pagan tales of Hades (Pluto), Zeus defeating Typhon, Enoch, and Zoroaster’s dualism to create a devil or a fallen angel, and all are pagan myths or apocryphal. The Jews have always stated that Enoch is not biblical canon, has its roots in Zoroastrianism, and that it is a fictional or bogus tale, which flies in the face of Gods words in the Tanakh, and that the two books of Enoch, or any other apocryphal books, are not to be believed. I would think that mainstream Rabbinical Judaism, that which grew from the Pharisees, know more about the Jewish books and Judaism, than the early Christians such as Paul, Tertullian, Origen, Justin Martyr, or even St. Jerome. Look at the mistake of St. Jerome, where he used a mistranslation of the Hebrew noun helel, by using the verb yalal, which means “to lament.”

Below is from A History of Zoroastrianism, The Early Period By Mary Boyce, Prof. Iranian Studies, University of London, 1996:



From the Jewish Encyclopedia on Enoch:

“Apocryphal works attributed to Enoch. From Gen. v. 24 (“Enoch walked with God” and “God took him”) a cycle of Jewish legends about Enoch was derived, which, together with apocalyptic speculations naturally ascribed to such a man, credited with superhuman knowledge, found their literary expression in the Books of Enoch. ….These legends, a more popular form of tradition, are, however, not preserved unimpaired, but are strongly influenced and developed by the literary traditions which deal mainly with apocalyptic ideas.”

On the Ethiopic Enoch:

“By about 300 [AD] the Christian Church began to discredit the book, and after the time of the Greek fathers Syncellus and Cedrenus, who cite it (ninth century), it was entirely lost until (1773), [where] the traveler Bruce discovered in Abyssinia two manuscripts of the book. In the nineteenth century several editions and translations were made, and many critical inquiries into its contents published.”

On the Slavonic Enoch:

“The book was probably written between 50 B.C. and 70 A.D.; the first date is given by the fact that Ethiopic Enoch, Ecclesiasticus, and Wisdom of Solomon are used; the second by the fact that the destruction of the Temple is not mentioned at all. The quotations from Slavonic Enoch in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, which Charles uses as additional evidence in establishing the date, are strongly doubted by Schürer. The Slavonic Enoch furnishes new material for the study of religious thought in Judaism about the beginning of the common era. The ideas of the millennium and of the seven heavens are the most important in this connection; both have been treated in detail by Charles in his introduction and commentary, published together with Morfill’s translation. Another very interesting feature is the presence of evil in heaven—the fallen angels in the second heaven, and hell in the third. This belief, although probably at first current among the Christians also, was, together with the idea of the seven heavens, afterward rejected by the Church.”

Quoting Merriam-Websters on apocrypha:

In Bible study, the term “Apocrypha” refers to sections of the Bible that are not sanctioned as belonging to certain official canons. In some Protestant versions these sections appear between the Old and New Testaments. More generally, the word refers to writings or statements whose purported origin is in doubt. Consequently, the adjective “apocryphal” describes things like legends and anecdotes that are purported to be true by way of repeated tellings but that have never been proven or verified and therefore most likely are not factual. Both “apocrypha” and “apocryphal” derive via Latin from the Greek verb apokryptein, meaning “to hide away,” from “kryptein” (“to hide”). [sic]

Next, I quote the testimony of the Anglican Bishop Burnet, in his 70th year, speaking about the newly ordained clergy, in 1713, and their lack of education on biblical theology and history. These are the same Protestants who pushed the lucifer fallacy:

[They] are the burden and grief of my life…the much greater part of those (the Clergy) that come to be ordained, are ignorant to a degree not to be apprehended by those who are not obliged to know it. They can give no account, or at least a very imperfect one, even of the contents of the Gospels. Those who have read some few books, yet, never seem to have read the scriptures; many can not give a tolerable account even of the catechism itself how short and plain soever.__”An Historical Sketch of the Churches and Intemperance, by Thomas Tregaskis, 1844.”

Bishop Burnet was giving testimony, in 1713, 102 years after the first printing of the KJV Bible in 1611, and it seems that the clergy are not much better off educated today, in the 21st century. When researching this topic, I ran across a discussion about this at the baptistboard dot com, and had a good laugh. One KJV Only commentator made this statement to another: “Did you read Isaiah 14:12 in Hebrew for yourself?” Why yes, I most certainly did, both the Hebrew and the translated English, along with picking up the Jewish Encyclopedia on the topic. This is the type of KJV Only hot-head that spreads this ignorance folks. Even those on the forum, whom were semi-correct, could not wrap their minds around the reason why Jesus referred to himself as the Morning Star. Really?

Later, in the late 1890s, Léo Taxil, a pen name for Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès, created a hoax against Freemasonry and the Catholic church, based on the use of the word, Lucifer, by Albert Pike, a Freemason, who had become the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction, in 1859. (3)(4)(5) Here, Albert Pike wrote in his book, Morals & Dogma, questioning why the word, Lucifer, was used for the name of the spirit of darkness.

Quoting Albert Pike and his book, Morals & Dogma:

The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, for traditions are full of sensual or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not! Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo, also, were inspired. The Apocalypse, indeed, is a book as obscure as the Zohar. It is written hieroglyphically, with numbers and images; and the Apostle often appeals to the intelligence of the Initiated. “Let him who hath knowledge, understand! Let him who understands, calculate”, he often says, after an allegory or the mention of a number. Saint John, the favorite apostle, and the Depositary of all the Secrets of the Saviour, therefore, did not write to be understood by the multitude. [sic]

As one can clearly see, Pike mentions that those taking the nineteenth degree, think that Lucifer is the name of some Satan or devil. He then goes on to reveal the truth, in that the word, Lucifer, does not mean this, but it does mean light-bearer, in Latin, or the Roman and Greek astrological Morning Star, Venus, Son of the Morning. What brought Pike into trouble, was calling Lucifer a “he,” (which the use of in the Apocalypse is correct),  and Taxil used this to his advantage, in the Taxil Hoax, knowing of the peoples ignorance to the truth. Pike did not write anything that stated that Freemasonry worshiped a devil, Lucifer, or Satan, as the hoax claimed.

What did Pike mean, then, by stating that the word Lucifer was a “he?” He was referring to the Apocalypse, which is the Catholic title for the book of Revelation in the Latin Vulgate bible, which Pike mentions in this very paragraph. If we look at what the Catholic Encyclopedia says, it mentions that Lucifer refers: “finally to Jesus Christ himself 2 Peter 1:19; Apocalypse (Revelation) 22:16.” So, what Pike actually meant, was that Jesus was the Morning Star and Son of the Morning, in the Apocalypse, and Pike asks if that it was “he” who was bearing the light, and was blinding the feeble minds or souls of the sensual and selfish (sinners). This is what Pike actually wrote about in his book, and not the spirit of darkness, some Satan, nor some anti-God. Pike even states that the Apocalypse was not meant to be understood, just as Pike is hiding this truth about what the word, Lucifer, means within his writing. He shows that those Protestants who are taking the 19th degree, think that the word, Lucifer, equates to Satan, and they are incorrect in that thinking. Of course, many Protestant churches like to deny that Jesus was ever called Lucifer, when he was, in fact, by calling himself the Bright Morning Star, and those in the many churches and synagogues of Europe, such as the Catholic and Jewish, tried to tell them so, including two well renowned Protestant church leaders, Calvin and Luther. King James’ Hebrew translators had been indoctrinated into the Lucifer equals Satan myth, and thus mistranslated Isaiah 14:12 the way they did, over their ingrained belief, even though they were most emphatically incorrect!

Apocalypse – Revelation 22:16, Latin Vulgate

(16) I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you the assurance of this in your churches; I, the root, I, the offspring of David’s race, I, the bright star that brings in the day. [English]

(16) Ego Jesus misi angelum meum testificari vobis hæc in ecclesiis. Ego sum radix, et genus David, stella splendida et matutina. [Latin]

The day star, the “bright star that brings in the day”, or the “stella splendida et matutina“, is the Morning Star, Son of the Morning, Venus, the Latin Lucifer meaning light-bearer, a planet that is only viewable in the morning, just before dawn, and which finally disappears with the light of dawn. That is why the King of Babylon was compared to it, as it looked like he quickly rose and fell like the Morning Star, Venus, in Isiah 14:12. (11) Jesus the Nazarite, too, rose and fell quickly, dying by the age of 34 (4 BC-30 AD).

Later, A. E. Waite completely debunked this hoax, in his book: Devil Worship in France, London, 1896 (7). I give credit to Waite, here, even though he was not a well thought of Freemason, over his other views and writing. Taxil had also been found out, and debunked by the Catholic Bishop of Charleston, SC, The Right Rev. Henry P. Northrop, and by the Monsignor, the Apostolic Vicar of Gibraltar, Gonzalo Canilla. (9) Even Taxil’s friend and hoax conspirator, Dr. Charles Hacks, (whose pen name was Dr. Bataille), even admitted to the fraud, and said that he had helped to write The Devil in the Nineteenth Century, and that there was money to be made on the “known credulity and unknown idiocy of the Catholics.” (10) Afterwards, many in the clergy started to wise up, and they began to hold Taxil at an arms length, plus they began to silence themselves about Taxil’s claims. After Taxil was exposed, and he saw the hoax starting to crumble, he called a large press conference at the Hall of the Geographic Society in Paris, France, on April 19th, 1897, claiming that he would produce Mrs. Diana Vaughan, the heroine written about in the books, but instead, he made a full confession to the press and the clergy about the hoax. He stated that Diana was a fabrication, and that he had used the name of his typist. He revealed this before the church and the pope had the opportunity to try to silence the press, and thus, silence the truth. For further information, see the article on the Taxil Hoax. (4)(5)


  1. Lucifer at Encyclopedia Britannica
  2. Lucifer at Wikipedia
  3. Léo Taxil at Encyclopedia.com
  4. Taxil Hoax at Wikipedia
  5. The Confession of Léo Taxil at the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
  6. Isaiah, chap. 14, at The Complete Jewish Bible
  7. AE Waite, Devil Worship in France, 1896.
  8. Vita Adæ et Evæ, or the Life of Adam and Eve, also known, in its Greek version, as the Apocalypse of Moses, along with the Enoch books, are a Jewish pseudepigraphical group of apocryphal writings. They have a false authorship and they are fictional works, thus, noncanonical.
  9. Taxil admitted, at the conference in Paris, that both the Bishop of Charleston and Vicar of Gibraltar had caught him red handed, in the hoax. See the complete transcription for Taxil’s confession about the hoax.
  10. Pranksters: Making Mischief in the Modern World, New York University Press, 2014, by Kembrew McLeod.
  11. Rabbi Tovia Singer, Who is Satan.

Who is Satan?

Updated: 12-02-16

Now, one may ask, who is Satan? I will be very blunt in answering this; there is no Satan, as Satan is not a who, especially in Judaism and the ancient religions of the Levant, (11) nor in Mesopotamia. In these early religions, there was no such thing as an anti-God, or some anti-deity or devil, that always opposes the will of God, and who drags sinners into some burning hell, after death, to forever punish. (11) The two religions that would have believed in an anti-God was those of the pagan Roman and Greek people, (Hellenists), and those who practiced pagan Zoroastrianism, which was mainly in what is now, Iran, and was their state religion by 600 BCE. (11)(12)(13) Zoroastrianism had reached Mesopotamia, the Levant, Egypt, Macedonia, Lydia (eastern Turkey), Cyprus, and to the borders of Greece over the reach of the Persian Empire conquering the lands by 500 BCE. Over this, the Greeks had the Persian pagan Zoroastrianism religious belief intermixed with their own pagan and pantheistic God of the underworld and wealth, Hades. Thus, they had pagan dualism in their religion from both sources. (12)(13) Hades was said to be known of as far back as Homer’s mythical Iliad (in print during the 8th century BCE, but the story is said to go back to circa 1260–1180 BCE). However, by the 5th century BCE, due to fear of the name, they called Hades by a new name, Plouton (Pluto), just as the Persians had conquered the lands close to Greece.

Zoroastrianism had also reached the many islands between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean Sea. One island in particular, Patmos, was where John of Patmos wrote the Apocalypse (Revelation). (12) The Apocalypse mirrors the pagan and dualistic end of times story of God fighting an anti-God in Zoroastrianism. However, some scholars believe that this Greco-Roman Zoroastrian apocalyptic theme was used to write about the downfall of Nero Caesar, (Roman Emperor from 54-68 AD), along with the downfall of the Roman Empire at his time, and not a devil. In the story, in this case, it is Nero Caesar that is being called the satan, anti-God, or anti-Christ, where his name equates 666 in Aramaic numerology. Some will try to cite the book of Daniel, claiming that it is linked to John’s apocalypse, and state that the Apocalypse is futuristic over this, but the text of Daniel was actually written after and while things were occurring, and was a metaphor for those occurrences, so it was not a prophecy about the future of a coming messiah. Scholars state that Daniel never existed, and that the author of the cryptic text was writing about the Greek king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–164 BCE). That is confirmed by Judaic and other history. There was a reason why the Orthodox Christians did not want the Apocalypse (Revelation) to be added to the Bible.


The word, satan, is a Hebrew word, a noun from a verb or descriptive title, meaning adversary, nothing more. In the Tanakh, it is always written as “ha-satan or הַשָּׂטָן” (hstn), which means “the adversary”, but in Kings, it is written as “satan or שָׂטָן” (stn), where it means an army. Another way to describe the word, satan, is any adversary, which can be anyone or anything. (1)(4)

Below, I quote Elaine Pagels, PhD, (10) from her book, “The Origin of Satan,” 1995:

In biblical sources, the Hebrew term, “the satan” [ha-satan], describes an adversarial role. It is not the name of a particular character. Although Hebrew storytellers, as early as the sixth century B.C.E., occasionally introduced a supernatural character, whom they called “the satan”; what they meant, was any one of the angels sent by God, for the specific purpose of blocking or obstructing human activity. [sic]

Next, I quote, Dr. Helen Bond, M.Theol. PhD, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland:

There’s no kind of prince of darkness; somebody who stands in opposites to God. Throughout most of the texts, there’s no concept, at all, of an evil force.__Quote from “The History Of The Devil.” [sic]

Within the Tanakh, the word, satan, is not used but in very few instances, and I will name a few here. In one place, and one of the most important, is in Job, where “ha-satan” (hstn) was an unnamed angel, who “questions the sincerity of mankind’s loyalty to God, by putting forth the argument, that any given human is only loyal because God gives her or him prosperity”. (1) To this, God agrees, and commands this angel to cause “various misfortunes upon Job, as a test of his faith”. (1) Here, the angel’s name was not Satan. Quoting Job 1:6: Now the day came about, and the angels of God came to stand beside the Lord, and the Adversary [ha-satan], too, came among them.” In 1 Chronicles 21:1, the satan, ha-satan, entices or “moved” David into taking a census. This is peculiar, because the same story that was told 500 years earlier, gave God as doing this deed (remember this). (1) In 1 Samuel 29:4, the Philistines state: “lest he [David] be an adversary against us”, so here, David is the adversary or the satan, “ha-satan”. In 1 Kings 11:14, it states that God “stirred up” an adversary or a satan upon Solomon. Last, satan was used to describe an army, in 1 Kings 5:17-18, where it does not mean a devil nor a singular person.

1 Kings 5:17-18, from The Complete Jewish Bible, with the full correct Hebrew to English translation, and with both scriptures compared:

(17) You knew my father, David, that he could not build a house for the name of the Lord his God, because of the wars which surrounded him, until the Lord put them under the soles of his feet.

(18) And now the Lord my God has given me rest on every side, (there is) neither adversary nor evil occurrence.

Above, the adversary is satan, or in Hebrew, שָׂטָן

Job 1:6-9, from The Complete Jewish Bible:

(6) Now the day came about, and the angels of God came to stand beside the Lord, and the Adversary, too, came among them.

(7) The Lord said to the Adversary, “Where are you coming from?” And the Adversary answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth and from walking in it.”

(8) Now the Lord said to the Adversary, “Have you paid attention to My servant Job? For there is none like him on earth, a sincere and upright man, God-fearing and shunning evil.”

(9) And the Adversary answered the Lord and said, “Does Job fear God for nothing?”

The original Hebrew does not say Satan, but ha-satan, in Job. Here “the satan” is ha-satan, or Hstn, which, in Hebrew, is: הַשָּׂטָן

The Christian use of a devil, named Satan, an anti-God or fallen angel for that matter, came from the early church’s Hellenistic clergy, such as Paul of Tarsus (5-67 AD), Philo of Alexandria, (25 BC-50 AD), Justin Martyr (100-165 AD), Origen Adamantius of Alexandria (185-254 AD), and Tertullian of Rome (155-240 AD), whom, like Paul, were Hellenists. (8) Paul taught a Hellenistic Christian view at Antioch, after he was converted, where it flourished. The Hellenism of the Greeks and Romans taught of many pagan Gods, and one in particular was Hades, the Greek God of the underworld. Here, Hades supposedly held souls in a purgatory (a Greek place known as Tartarus) as a punishment, before releasing the soul to go on. The Jews had something only slightly similar to a purgatory, in that, after death, a wicked soul would drift around the Gehenna, (Hebrew Ge Hinnom), for a few days, which is a small valley outside the walls of Jerusalem, (derived from the valley of the son of Hinnom), which had rubbish heaps set alight, where the sinful soul would drift around, and become purified after a few days before going on. (That valley is now built up with homes, see the photo below). The Christians ignore this, and call Gehenna Hell or Purgatory. There is no punishment of hell fire and brimstone in Judaism, nor some anti-God, devil, nor fallen angel creating it at the Gehenna in Judaism. (11) Judaism states that the soul will either dwell in the Sheol, or will go to God. (22) Later, around the second temple period, a belief in resurrection came into being for the Pharisees and the Essenes, who argued against the beliefs of the Sadducees. According to Josephus, who was a Pharisee that defected to the Roman side, thus acquiring their Hellenistic and other teachings, he stated that: “the Pharisees held that only the soul was immortal and the souls of good people will be reincarnated,” and “pass into other bodies,” while, “the souls of the wicked will suffer eternal punishment.” There was some belief of this in ancient Sumeria. Next, we have Paul, who also claimed to be a Pharisee (8), and states at 1 Corinthians 15:44, when speaking about the resurrection, what “is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.” Paul then states at 1 Corinthians 15:50: “Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.” In other words, a dead body will not be raised to go to heaven, only the soul. In Acts 24:15, Paul, in his defense to Felix, stated: “And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.” Here, though, by his other writing, he meant the resurrection of the dead’s soul. The difference is, that Paul preached an end of time resurrection, that some Jews did not believe in, and that the book of Jubilees “seems to refer to the resurrection of the soul only, or to a more general idea of an immortal soul.” (5) (22)

When we look at what Josephus wrote, one can see his use of the Greco-Roman Hellenistic influenced punishment by Hades, after death, and he had a not widely held belief in reincarnation, which is generally from the Hindu religion, (see the Persian Hindu Kush region on map), that came to the Levant with the Persians, though reincarnation was also mentioned in ancient Sumerian writing in a hymn to the Goddess Nungal. Next, we have Paul, whose knowledge of Judaism has been questioned by several biblical scholars, especially Rabbis, over his writing, though Paul claimed to be trained in Rabbinical Judaism, that of the Pharisees. In this instance, though, Paul was correct, in that after death, the soul leaves the body and goes on, just as Rabbinical Judaism teaches, and the ancient Sumerians. One can find proof of this at Ecclesiastes 12:7: “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Also, there is Genesis 6:3, which states: And the Lord [Adonai] said, My spirit shall not always strive with [live in] man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” Thus, as God states, when one dies, the soul, a part of God’s own spirit, leaves the body. The few instances of a resurrection, in the Tanakh, was about a resuscitated body at that time, and not at a later end of time resurrection. (21) Thus, the soul is gone before the body is buried or entombed. It leaves at the time of death.


The “Ge Hinnom” or Gehenna, which is a small valley outside the old walls of Jerusalem, also known as the Valley of the Son of Hinnom. It is now built up with homes.

The very mention of an anti-God, fallen angel, or anti-deity goes completely against early Rabbinical Judaism, (doctrine of the Pharisees), which is what Jesus preached a form of, along with his brother, James, and also, Peter. (11) In Isaiah 45:7, God said that he was the one to “form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” (2)(3)(11) All the way through the scripture of Tanakh, it is written this way, in that God commands the evil to be done, by a satan, an adversary, which can be anyone or anything, (such as an army), and that man makes his own sin, different than God’s evil, since God gave man free will. Sin is nothing more than breaking the old sacred laws of the land; laws much older than Judaism. The Ten Commandments originated from these older Assyrian and Sumerian laws. (11) To believe in some evil entity, such as an anti-God or anti-deity, who is always trying to counter God or who creates evil and sin, is dualistic, paganistic, polytheistic, and pantheistic. (11) It would also be considered blasphemy, by saying that God did not do or state what he stated he did in Isaiah 45:7. Evidently, the early Christian church leaders did not care about this scripture, nor about going against the doctrine in Tanakh, including Paul, as he admitted to doing anything to gain a convert, even lying or stealing. In Acts, it states that James and Peter made Paul agree to keep the old Jewish and Noahchide law at the Council of Jerusalem, but he broke his word after he left, and still preached and wrote things that were Hellenistic. On top of this, after the early churches clergy invented a Christian devil, (Hades and Typhon renamed Satan), the church used it to its advantage and sold indulgences to the rich, telling them that their soul would not have to stop off in purgatory to be punished, by Satan, once the Pope or clergy signed the indulgence.

Below, I quote Rabbi Tovia Singer, on the subject of satan:

Although this well-known Christian doctrine has much in common with the pagan Zoroastrian Persian dualism from which it spawned, it is completely alien to the teachings of the Jewish Scriptures. In fact, this Christian notion that [the] Satan, in an act of outright defiance, ceased to function as God had intended him to, suggests that God created something imperfect or defective. [sic]

Next, I quote Rabbi Dr. Raymond Apple:

The word Satan figures in the Hebrew Bible, but not as a proper name. As a noun it denotes an adversary; as a denominative verb, to oppose or obstruct or be hostile. It is sometimes used in a human sense; in Psalm 109:6, for instance, it suggests the counsel for the prosecution in a court of law. [sic]

Below, is the scripture that states who creates evil:

 Isaiah 45:5-8, KJV

(5) “I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

(6) “That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.

(7) “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

(8) “Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it.

There are also these other verses that back up Isaiah 45:5-8:

Lamentations 3:37-38, KJV

(37) Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? (38) Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?”

Deuteronomy 30:15, KJV

(15) See, I [God] have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil.”

Amos 3:6 KJV

(6) Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?”

Exodus 9:14 KJV

(14) For I [God] will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth.”

However, there is a bit of New Testament scripture, that those who preach about a mythical devil, named Satan, can’t wiggle out of.

Matthew 16:22-23

(22) Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. “Far be it from You, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to You!” (23) But Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me. For you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”

Peter was no devil, nor was he a fallen angel, but he was impeding Jesus as an adversary, or a “stumbling block”. Here, the word is most assuredly used correctly, just as it is when spoken by any Jew, whom speaks Hebrew today.

Also, the church clergy tied Luke 10:18 KJV (“And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”) Latin Vulgate: (et ait illis videbam Satanan sicut fulgur de caelo cadentem;  And he said to them: I saw Satan like lightning falling from heaven). to Isaiah 14:12, because they sounded similar, even though they are about two entirely different circumstances and times, to concoct the lucifer equals satan fallacy. However, it gets deeper, when one actually reads all of Luke, chapter 10, and one can see that this satan or adversary was Jesus and the apostle’s adversary, and this same adversary was the townspeople mentioned in the scripture that were also called “devils” or daemonia from plural of δαίμων in the Latin Vulgate, such as the people in Capernaum, where in Luke 10:15, Jesus states “And thou, Capernaum, [the city and the people] which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell.” Latin Vulgate: (et tu Capharnaum usque in caelum exaltata usque ad infernum demergeris;  And thou, Capharnaum, which art exalted unto heaven, thou shalt be thrust down to hell). The word, satan is used correctly, here, (except for the capitalization), as the town and people were an adversary or stumbling block to the apostles ministering, which Jesus cursed, saying that he would throw them to hell, where he said that he saw that they would fall like lightning, just as the word, satan, was used in Matthew 16:22-23. These verses in Luke, also reminds one of the Hellenist scribe’s, (who wrote Luke), myth of Zeus casting Typhon to Hades, does it not? It seems that those Hellenist Gospel scribes loved capitalizing the word, satan, as if it was a proper name, when it is not.

Yet, the very Christian churches, whom use the Christian Bible that contains the scripture quoted above, believe in a false God, an anti-God, demigod, or fabricated Hellenist fallen angel, that God supposedly has no control over, something imperfect, a mistake that God created, when laying evil to an entity. God creates evil, God does not make mistakes, and God has control of all, as the creator states in Isaiah 45:7. Those very pastors and priests love telling the laity that the Old Testament should not be read, only the New, and one wonders why? Why was the Tanakh even included in the Bible, if one was not meant to read and understand it? What a contradiction!

Next, we have the Christian apologetics, who claim that a physical satan is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 21:1, and that it is an angel’s name. However, that is not so, when we look at the earlier source for this, 2 Samuel 24:1, which was written anywhere from 200 to 500 years earlier. Let us have a look at the two.

1 Chronicles 21:1

(1) And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel. (written 400–250 BC)

2 Samuel 24:1

(1) And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. (written 700 BC to 550 BC)

In this instance, God was the satan or the adversary. This is a well known argument by the Christian apologetic, where they try to deny that God was called satan, or a satan, but in fact, he was, as the book of Samuel is much older, and is the source for the Chronicler. Any Rabbi will explain the same thing.

It is said that the belief of the satan, or the adversary becoming a devil, or an anti-God or fallen angel, sprang from Persian Zoroastrianism, and made its way into at least one sect of Judaism, the Essenes, before the time of Christ, and some believe that Jesus and the apostles believed in this, over what is written in the New Testament. However, Jesus was a Pharisee and a Nazarite, who was from the people whom became the “Nazarene sect” of Galilee, after Jesus’ death, and not the Essenes. The scripture of the New Testament, especially the Gospel of Mark, the oldest, which the other Gospel writers copied, was written after Jesus and the apostles were dead, generally about a year after their death, by the early Hellenistic Catholic scribes, whom believed in Greco-Roman and Zoroaster’s dualism, and their pantheistic God, Hades (renamed Pluto). The fallen angel myth came from the story of Zeus defeating Typhon, where Zeus cast Typhon down into Tartarus, (the underworld or purgatory), which is also similar to the story from the apocryphal books of Enoch, that also had its roots in Persian Zoroastrianism. We know from the book of Acts, that both James and Peter still associated and consulted with Rabbis, in Jerusalem, when they were asking about what the Judaic laws should be, for which the newly converted Jews and Gentiles must abide by, in order to be seen as clean and holy. Mainstream Rabbinical Judaism, that of the Pharisees such as in Jerusalem, did not believe in the pagan devil, a fallen angel, nor any anti-God, as the Hellenized Essenes had started to believe in. Peter was a Galilean Jew, who founded the church at Antioch, but we know from Acts that he did not agree with what was being taught there by Paul. The Tosaphist, Rabbi Tam, wrote that Peter was “a devout and learned Jew, who dedicated his life to guiding gentiles along the proper path.” The Galileans became known as the fourth sect of Judaism, the fanatical Zealots, which was formed by either Hezekiah during the time of Herod (73 BCE–4 BCE), or it was later developed more by his son, Judas of Galilee, around 6 AD, (18) whom were supposedly a strict form of the Pharisees that were fanatically against the Greco-Roman Hellenists. Those Nazarites (apostles and followers), who became the Nazarene Sect after Jesus’ death, were located within these Galilean borders. (18) The Zealots had a “zeal” for the strictness of Jewish Law, and they were strict to enforce it, along with being against all forms of Hellenism (Greek and Roman theology). (18) James (James the Just), Jesus’ brother, was from the same area, and of the same beliefs. James was titled as the “Bishop of Bishops, who rules Jerusalem, the Holy Assembly of Hebrews, and all assemblies everywhere”. The Gospel of Thomas states that Jesus made his brother, James, the leader of his church, not Peter, though Peter was in Jerusalem with James. To me, this sheds much doubt that Jesus, James, nor Peter believed in the Hellenist thoughts of the Essenes, as it is known that the Nazarites did not believe in many of the things that the Essenes did. Some state that John the Baptist, who taught Jesus, was an Essene, (20) but according to several scholars, that has not been proven, and that he was most likely a Pharisee who believed in ancient baptism, or cleansing by water. (19) According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, “the angel Gabriel announced John’s birth to Zacharias [his father] while the priest stood at the altar offering incense, and told him that this child would be a Nazarite for life.” (20) Thus, John the Baptist upheld and taught the doctrine of the Nazarites. At Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus states that he was a Pharisee, taught the doctrine of the Pharisees, and stated that not one jot or tittle should be changed in the Jewish law. Since it was John the Baptist who taught Jesus, one can make a conclusion from this.

Christian literalists go on to say that satan was the serpent in the tree of knowledge in Eden. This idea comes from the Jewish pseudepigraphic and apocryphal books titled 1st and 2nd Enoch, first written around 200-300 BC, but some of it later,  (which are not biblical canon to either the Jews nor most Christians, and are tied to Persian Zoroastrianism), and the book of Genesis. Judaism considers Enoch a work of fiction or bogus, and the Torah’s books, such as Genesis, are all metaphorical and allegorical, thus, they can not be taken literally. The final version of the Torah was written by the Jews, to cover up their earlier practice of pantheism and polytheism, after or during their captivity at Babylon. Before their captivity, during their first twelve kings, many worshiped more than one God, and believed in the pantheon of ancient Mesopotamia that had spread to Canaan. Afterwards, they declared El or Elil (Ellil in some writing) to be their National God, becoming monotheistic. Here, the God, Enlil, became the Canaanite God, Ellil or Elil, (both meaning the God of the air), and the Jewish God, El of the Elohim (6)(7)(9), where they later merged the stories of the Gods Anu, Enlil and Enki into one. The serpent of Genesis is not found in the original Sumerian creation story, as it was Enlil’s half-brother, the God Enki, (the God of wisdom and the waters, not of the underworld), who had started to educate man, after he and his sister, Ninhursag (Belit-ili), the womb Goddess, (14) had created man and woman on Enlil’s orders. The snake has always been an ancient symbol for knowledge, and it is metaphorically placed into the tree to show that it is the tree of knowledge, in place of Enki. Thus, the books of Enoch are shown to be what they are, completely fictional and nonfactual, with an unknown author, which is why they are in the apocrypha! Another instance of this, was that Enlil sent the plagues and the flood, and Enki told Utnapishtim / Ziusudra / Atrahasis or Atra-Hasis to build an ark to save the humans. Atrahasis or Utnapishtim, later, became the Noah of the Jews. A good bit of the metaphorical Torah can be found in the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian epics and stories, though the Jews changed them around, and renamed the characters to Jewish names, to suit their religion.

There was a Mesopotamian God of the underworld, supposedly fathered by Enlil, named Nergal; syncretised with the God Birtum, (Birtu, Birdu, the same God as Nergal). However, Nergal is not similar to any anti-God, nor a devil, as a punisher of wicked souls. Birtum had a consort, the Goddess Nungal (Queen of the Ekur), (23) and of the underworld, who held the tablet of life and judged the wicked. Ekur means “mountain house of the Gods” similar to Greek Mythology. Nergal was worshiped in some parts of Mesopotamia. Also, this Gods popularity seems to have died out and had never spread that far, as his stories were merged with the God, Ninurta. Both of these Gods were also known as the God of War and destruction, and Nergal was associated with the planet, Mars. They had more in common with Enlil. Thus, as the ancient religions spread west, Nergal/Ninurta, later become the Greek God, Mars, the God of war. The Goddess, Nungal, may have ended up becoming the root of the Greek God, Hades. However, other minor God’s stories were intermixed with Nungals. Curiously, Enlil supposedly fathered another God, the Baal of Tyre named Melqart, who Jezebel worshiped. Most likely, Melqart was a God created by merging the tales of Anu, Enlil, Enki, and the other Gods, the same as the Jews had done with Anu, Enlil, and Enki. The worship of Melqart, was what brought about the war that led the Jews to declaring a National God, El or Elil, (Enlil). Enlil was the same God who brought war and destruction to Ur, over worshiping false idols, and who Abraham swore his allegiance to in Mesopotamia. The Babylonians had created the same type of merged God, with their God, Marduk, who they proclaimed was their National God. It is also said that Zoroaster did the same, by combining or merging all the ancient Persian Gods into two, thus creating his dualistic Gods named “Ahura Mazda” and “Angra Mainyu or Ahriman.” Later, the Persians claimed that their enemies, such as in war, were Ahriman or “devil” worshipers in their propaganda. Doesn’t that sound familiar?

From this use of the word, “satan”, as an anti-God, one can date the authorship of the New Testament books to be written after Jesus and the apostles were dead, somewhere around 70 AD to 170 AD, after the second temple fell, when the new Christian church’s Hellenistic writers would have invented an anti-God, by changing the name of Hades or Pluto into Satan, and using Zeus defeating Typhon and casting him to Tartarus, for the story of a fallen angel. This supported the Persian Zoroastrian myth of an anti-God, and later, a devil. Biblical theory states that this Satan was created to convert the Greek and Roman pagan polytheists to Christianity, who believed in Hades, along with the Persian Zoroastrians. Here, it followed the story of the Persian Magi, Zoroaster, who suggests the dualistic belief that there are two Gods, one evil and one good, whom are always fighting. (12)  Zoroastrianism also spoke of a tale similar to the apocalypse, with two God fighting at the end of time. (11)(12) The early Catholic church also used this mythical Satan as a scare tactic, to provoke people into converting, as now they had a supernatural villain who would punish the convert’s soul, badly, for an eternity in the afterlife, if they did not follow the new church and its dogma. Worse, the Catholic church’s pope and clergy sold indulgences, which the rich purchased, that supposedly gave them a pass on punishment, or bought a deceased ones freedom through or from the mythical pagan purgatory, where this pagan Satan (Hades or Pluto) supposedly punished the sinners, before letting the soul go on. They made much money from this, and it is the primary reason for Luther’s ninety-five theses. This, then, developed into Protestantism, which led to the Enlightenment, and the revolutions in Europe and the United States.

A sample of Christian Americans were polled by Barna on their Christian belief. Many still affirmed that God is the all-powerful Creator, but a mere 17 percent of the Catholics, 18 percent Methodists, 20 percent Episcopalians, 21 percent Lutherans, and 22 percent of the Presbyterians, told Barna, that they thought Satan was real.” (16) That poll was in 2001.

Also, from another poll: “The notion that Satan, or the devil, is a real being who can influence people’s lives, is regarded as hogwash by most Americans. Only one-quarter (27%) strongly believes that Satan is real, while a majority argues that he is merely a symbol of evil. Mormons are the group most likely to accept the reality of Satan’s existence (59%) while Catholics, Episcopalians and Methodists are the least likely (just one-fifth). (17)

The New Testament tells us where sin and evil originate, and it is not some anti-God or fallen angel. We can find the truth of the matter in both Mark and Matthew below.

Mark 7:21-23 KJV

(21) For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, (22) Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: (23) All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

Matthew 15:18 KJV

(18) But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. (19) For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: (20) These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

There is an old saying of mine that goes along with the above two pieces of scripture, and that is: “out of heart, out of mind”. Sin is created by man alone, within his mind, by his ego, vanity, greed, hate, bigotry, want, and jealousy. When man acts upon this, he is his own satan. A sinner is nothing but a criminal who has broken the ancient laws (the Commandments) listed within the Volume of Sacred Law.

Last, I end with a famous quote by Gerald Messandé: “The framework of the three monotheisms [Essene Judaism, Christianity, Islam] had been erected. The Devil’s birth certificate was filled out by an Iranian prophet”.


  1. Satan at New World Encyclopedia
  2. Isaiah chap. 45, at the Bible Hub
  3. Isaiah chap. 45, at The Complete Jewish Bible
  4. Satan at Encyclopedia Britannica
  5. Resurrection at Wikipedia
  6. Enlil at Wikipedia
  7. Enlil at New World Encyclopedia
  8. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Paul was a hellenist, though he claimed to be a Pharisee.
  9. “Enlil appears frequently in ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Canaanite, and other Mesopotamian clay and stone tablets. His name was sometimes rendered as Ellil in later Akkadian, Hittite, and Canaanite literature.” See Here.
  10. Elaine Pagels née Hiesey, born Palo Alto, California, February 13, 1943, is the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University. She is the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship. She received her PhD in religion from Harvard University, in 1970.
  11. Rabbi Tovia Singer, from Outreach Judaism, on who satan is.
  12. Breyan Rennie: Zoroastrianism: The Iranian Roots of Christianity? Dept. of Religion, Westminster College, New Wilimington, PA., 2007
  13. Mary Boyce: A History of Zoroastrianism vol III, 1985.
  14. Ninhursag, also spelled Ninhursaga, (Sumerian) Akkadian Belit-ili. Encyclopedia Britannica.
  15. The Story of Atrahasis, Grand Valley State University.
  16. Barna Poll on U.S. Religious Belief—2001, Uwe Siemon-Netta, UPI. Retrieved from http://www.adherents.com/misc/BarnaPoll.html May 21, 2007.
  17. Religious Beliefs Vary Widely By Denomination, http://www.adherents.com/misc/BarnaPoll.html June 25, 2001
  18. Zealot, at the Jewish Encyclopedia.
  19. Marshall, I. H.; Millard, A. R.; Packer, J. I. (eds.). “John the Baptist”. New Bible Dictionary (Third ed.). IVP reference collection. ISBN 0-85110-636-6
  20. John the Baptist, at the Jewish Encyclopedia.
  21. See 1 Kings 17:17-24, 2 Kings 4:32-37, and 2 Kings 13:21.
  22. “Like all ancient peoples, the early Hebrews believed that the dead go down into the underworld [Sheol] and live there a colorless existence (comp. Isa. xiv. 15-19; Ezek. xxxii. 21-30). Only an occasional person, and he an especially fortunate one, like Enoch or Elijah, could escape from Sheol, and these were taken to heaven to the abode of Yhwh, where they became angels (comp. Slavonic Enoch, xxii.). In the Book of Job first the longing for a resurrection is expressed (xiv. 13-15), and then, if the Masoretic text may be trusted, a passing conviction that such a resurrection will occur (xix. 25, 26).” and farther in the text concerning later thoughts of resurrection, “By means of the “dew of resurrection” (see Dew) the dead will be aroused from their sleep (Yer. Ber. v. 9b; Ta’an. i. 63d, with reference to Isa. xxvi. 19; Ḥag. 12b. with reference to Ps. lxviii. 10 [A. V. 9]). As to the question, Who will be raised from death? the answers given vary greatly in rabbinical literature. According to R. Simai (Sifre, Deut. 306) and R. Ḥiyya bar Abba (Gen. R. xiii. 4; comp. Lev. R. xiii. 3), resurrection awaits only the Israelites; according to R. Abbahu, only the just (Ta’an. 7a); some mention especially the martyrs (Yalḳ. ii. 431, after Tanḥuma). R. Abbahu and R. Eleazar confine resurrection to those that die in the Holy Land; others extend it to such as die outside of Palestine (Ket. 111a). According to R. Jonathan (Pirḳe R. El. xxxiv.), the resurrection will be universal, but after judgment the wicked will die a second death and forever, whereas the just will be granted life everlasting (comp. Yalḳ. ii. 428, 499). The same difference of view prevails also among the New Testament writers; at times only “the resurrection of the just” is spoken of (Luke xiv. 14, xx. 35); at other times “the resurrection of the dead” in general is mentioned (John v. 29; Acts xxiv. 15; Rev. xx. 45).” http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/12697-resurrection
  23. Nungal. The Goddess Nungal held the tablet of life, and was the queen of the mountain house (Ekur) that the Gods resided on. She was also the consort of Birtum , and the Goddess of the underworld. She dealt punishment to the wicked, (after watching for truth and lie). The punishment was shame from the other dead, to where the wicked soul was shunned by the others. It is possible that this Goddess was the root of the Greek God, Hades, where they combined Nergal, Birdu, Namtar, Ninazu, and Nungal into one God. From a hymn to Nungal: “Mercy and compassion are mine. I frighten no one. I keep an eye upon the black-headed people: they are under my surveillance. I hold the tablet of life in my hand and I register the just ones on it. The evildoers cannot escape my arm; I learn their deeds. All countries look to me as to their divine mother. I temper severe punishments; I am a compassionate mother. I cool down even the angriest heart, sprinkling it with cool water. I calm down the wounded heart; I snatch men from the jaws of destruction. My house is built on compassion; I am a life-giving (?) lady. Its shadow is like that of a cypress tree growing in a pure place. Birtum the very strong, my spouse, resides there with me.” Here, she has some qualities of Hades, but Hades was not know for being forgiving or having any mercy. Also, the Nungal hymn mentions reincarnation for those who are not sinners, which is different from Greco-Roman mythology. Last, one must also remember that Nungal, along with the other deities mentioned, were subordinate to Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag , and Anu. They were minor deities, and were fathered by the elder ruling King/Gods and Queen/Goddesses, mainly Enlil and Ninlil. This being said, there was no insubordinate anti-God.


Dualistic: Originating from the word, dualism, which means the belief in two Gods, that are always acting counter to each other; a God and an anti-God. Zoroastrianism is considered dualistic.

Paganistic: The belief of paganism.

Polytheistic: The belief in more than one God.

Pantheistic: The belief in a pantheon of Gods, such as the Greek and Sumerian pantheons.

Hellenism: The beliefs and practices of the people who lived under the influence of ancient Greek culture during the Hellenistic period and the Roman Empire (c. 300 BCE to 30 BCE). These beliefs were intermixed with some Jewish sects, and became known as Hellenistic Judaism, thus, ancient Greek religious dogma was intermixed with Judaism, such as the stories from pantheism and polytheism. The Hellenists are responsible for the so-called apocrypha and pseudepigraphic apocalyptic literature (such as the Assumption of Moses, the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, the Book of Baruch, the Greek Apocalypse of Baruch, etc.) dating to the period.


What is Gnosticism? It is defined as one who studies or has “knowledge, especially esoteric mystical knowledge”.

Jesus of the Nazarene, also known as Jesus Christ, a Jew, was gnostic, which means that he was educated in Judaic esoteric mystical knowledge. He had learned the ancient religious knowledge of Judaism, from the Nazarene sect, where he grew up. The Nazerenes were similar, in a few ways, to the Essene sect. Jesus supposedly taught this deeper religious knowledge to Thomas. Jesus was also most likely educated in the ancient religion of the Canaanites, the Babylonians, the Akkadians, the Sumerians, and the Egyptians. His education in Judaism, from the Nazarene, would surely include Kabbalah, that supposedly dates to Eden, according to the Sefer Raziel HaMalakh. Kabbalah is studied by Rabbinical Judaism.

The early Roman church took exception to the Gnostic works, because they disproved much of the tale that they had voted on, at the first Council of Nicaea, to feed to the congregation. They argued on including the Gospel of Thomas, after this, but it was stopped by those like Athanasius of Alexandria. Athanasius was responsible for the trinity, denying Jesus’ siblings, the first burning of Holy books, and the first exiles and murders of those who held the books that he condemned. Luckily, some were hidden away, and they turned up in 1945. They are known as the Nag Hammadi Library.

Probably, one of the most important books, is the Gospel of Thomas, which is not really a gospel, but a collection of parables, supposedly spoken by Jesus. Orthodoxy tried to deny this book, and claim it was a forgery from the 2nd or 3rd century AD, however: “Scholars currently involved in Thomas studies now largely reject that view, though such arguments will still be heard from orthodox apologists and are encountered in some of the earlier publications about Thomas”(1). Accordingly, what is written in this gospel matches some of what is alluded to in the Gospel of John.

Other important books are the The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene, though much is missing due to decay and damage, and the The Sophia of Jesus Christ.

Last, the Kabbalah, and it’s book known as the Zohar, which means the book of light, contains much that matches the gnostic gospels, and that of other ancient religions, such as Hinduism, and early Buddhism. The Zohar is a large work, written in Hebrew, and is contained in twenty three volumes, though it has been translated into a five volume English set. In its Hebrew form, many have studied it, and have written condensed books on the subject, such as The Zohar: Bereshith to Lekh Lekha, by Nurho de Manhar, 1900–1914. This is a very important book, about what is hidden away in the Torah, especially Genesis. One will find that the Torah, the first five books of the Tanakh, the Old Testament, are all allegory, written after the 12th Jewish king, Ahab, and his son and predecessor, who reigned from 740-717 BC, to hide their early practice of polytheism. Genesis is believed to be written somewhere around 597 to 539 BC, during their time at Babylon, about 250 years later. The Zohar shines light on this, and says that the first three words of Genesis are translated incorrectly, and that they mean that in the beginning, God, the creator, created another God, who then created man. That explains the Jews use of the Elohim, which is generally plural, as the God(s) in Genesis, in the Garden of Eden. What the Torah says, and what it actually means, are entirely two different things. The true meaning is hidden behind a veil, in allegory. The Zohar is similar.

It is theorized that the Jews, while in captivity at Babylon, heard the Babylonian tales of creation, which originated from the Akkadians, and theirs from the earlier Sumerians. This original story gives two major Gods, Enki and Enlil (El of the Elohim, and Elil of the Canaanites), and their sister, the Goddess Ninhursag. Enki, and his sister, Ninhursag, supposedly created man, from another Gods blood, and the clay of the earth, which scholars say was something already here, and made seven breeding pairs, at Enlil’s order, to be used to dredge the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers. However, Enlil later exiled the new humans from Edin (Eden), for being educated by Enki. Later, Enlil sent the plagues and the flood. Enki finally steps in, before the flood, and has Atrahasis to build an ark, which saves humanity, to Enlil’s fury and consternation. The Torah combines these two Gods throughout it, and thus, God always seems to contradict himself.


  1. Gospel of Thomas, Gnostic Society Library

About the article: Are the Freemasons even MORE powerful than anyone thought? Daily Mail, UK

What a pompous and non-factual article. Below, I will give some quotes from this article, and give my retort about what was written. Below is the 2nd paragraph written.

But what’s inspired endless rumour and speculation is how the influence of this shadowy organisation reaches to the very heart of the Establishment — to senior politicians, high-ranking military men, diplomats and spies, chief constables and scientists. [sic]

Well, where to start? I guess it does not matter, that those they are speaking of, are also members of several churches, and other societies. I mean, if you’re claiming that Freemasonry reaches to the very heart of the “establishment”, then it must also be reaching into the churches and other societies as well. Guy Walters, the articles author, must be insinuating guilt by association here.

The newly released list of two million names includes at least five kings (most recently Edward VII, Edward VIII and George VI), the present Duke of Kent, statesmen Winston Churchill and Lord Kitchener, military genius the Duke of Wellington, authors Rudyard Kipling and Arthur Conan Doyle, England manager Sir Alf Ramsey, the explorer Ernest Shackleton, the scientist who discovered penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming — and flamboyant playwright Oscar Wilde. [sic]

That is just a few of our noble and famous members, and we are proud of them all, except those who have been expelled for crimes. Everyone likes to talk down about Freemasons, but it was a Freemason who was responsible for saving millions of lives since his time on earth, and that was Sir Alexander Fleming. Maybe, when you are sick, and sitting at your physicians office, or in the ER, you will refuse to be treated with antibiotics, since you do not trust and dislike a Freemason. After all, if you can’t trust a Freemason, you can’t trust the medicine he invented, can you? I mean, guilt by association and all.

The very mention of the Freemasonry — one of the world’s oldest and biggest non-religious organisations — is guaranteed to prompt a rash of contradictory reactions. Defenders rightly point to its tradition of charity fund-raising and official websites promote it as an ‘enjoyable hobby’. [sic]

I have to credit them on this quote, as they are one of the few to tell the truth, in that Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for one. Freemasonry is secular, after all. I keep my hobby and my religion separate.

But do such close friendships lead to too much power being vested in individuals who favour fellow Masons in everything from promotions to business deals? Membership lists are notoriously hard to get hold of, making it difficult to detect corruption. [sic]

There is no proof that any nepotism occurs, due to one being a Freemason, and Guy Walters, the author, very well knows this. Rumor, gossip, and conspiracy theory are nowhere near being factual. As a matter of fact, doing so can get you suspended or expelled from the fraternity. We do have Masonic Laws, and a Constitution, with the rules. If you break one, such as not obeying the law of the land, you can be booted out of the fraternity faster than it took to join it.

Indeed, the website of the United Grand Lodge of England recommends it for ‘making new friends and acquaintances’. [sic]

This is known as straw pulling, and it seems that Guy is good at it. I also make new friends and acquaintances at work, church, the bank, the grocery store, at parties, etc. Guy must be really lonely, if he thinks that Freemasonry is the only way to meet someone.

But do such close friendships lead to too much power being vested in individuals who favour fellow Masons in everything from promotions to business deals? Membership lists are notoriously hard to get hold of, making it difficult to detect corruption.Others believe the Freemasons, with their arcane ceremonies, secret handshakes, lambskin aprons, embroidered sashes and gold rings, and their ornate symbols — the square, the compass — are more the stuff of pantomime. [sic]

First, Guy, it is not good form to start a sentence, much less a paragraph, with but.

Membership lists have been hard to view, in Europe, since WWII, because Hitler and his axis of evil had about 500,000 Freemasons arrested, placed into concentration camps, as political dissidents, and murdered, right beside the Jews. Many European Lodges are just now allowing the membership to be known, and many members are just now starting to wear a ring, or some form of identification, showing them to be a Freemason, over it.

Others believe the Freemasons, with their arcane ceremonies, secret handshakes, lambskin aprons, embroidered sashes and gold rings, and their ornate symbols — the square, the compass — are more the stuff of pantomime. [sic]

I would say that is about right, but we do learn a good moral lesson over that “pantomime”.

There aren’t many ‘private societies’, after all, whose members swear an oath blindfolded, bare-chested, with nooses around their necks and a dagger to the heart — and with the left trouser leg rolled up. [sic]

Really? That sure isn’t so in the US, as there are a ton of societies that have similar rituals.

Working from the complete English Masonic membership records dating from 1751 to 1921, genealogical website Ancestry has established that at least five people associated with the official inquiry into the sinking of the Titanic were Freemasons. It argues this may have influenced the findings, which exonerated most of the key figures involved. [sic]

More straw pulling and conspiracy claptrap. To think that Freemasons covered up anything, about the Titanic, is pure insanity. If nothing else, they would have done their level best to find out what really did happen, and not allow any criminal(s) to get away.

It was also claimed yesterday that one of the most notorious murderers in British history may also have been a Mason. [sic]

According to a new book by Bruce Robinson, the writer of the cult film Withnail & I, none other than Jack the Ripper was a Freemason. It begs the question whether his identity was covered up, allowing him to carry on with his murderous campaign in which five women died. [sic]

I find that funny, when nobody in our history has figured out who the murderer was. Thus, if the man is unknown, how can you, Guy, claim that he was a Freemason, or how can any book for that matter. Below, Guy, is a review of the book, from the Irish Times.

“Robinson’s achievement isn’t in revealing the Ripper but in writing the most involving, audacious, and wonderfully bonkers book of the year.” [sic] (Irish Times)

Did you catch that Guy? “Robinson’s achievement isn’t in revealing the Ripper”.

The websites of modern-day Masonic lodges, some of which pay at least lip-service to being less secretive, talk virtuously of how it is frowned upon for a member to use his Masonic status for a career leg-up. [sic]

But down the centuries, their clandestine activities have — however unfairly — convinced many that as a fraternity they were collectively up to no good. [sic]

The first paragraph is correct, in that it is against Masonic law, because it is against the public common laws on nepotism. Freemasonry does not do this, and you can be expelled over it.

Next, the second paragraph reminds me of the accusations made by Pope Clement XII , when he listed common gossip as his source for proof, to write the In eminenti apostolatus specula, the first Papal Bull against Freemasonry, in April 1738.

There have been glimpses of serious wrongdoing. The late Yorkshire architect and Freemason John Poulson was jailed for seven years after being found guilty in 1974 of bribing public figures to win contracts. [sic]

The judge called Poulson an ‘incalculably evil man’ and his conviction precipitated the 1972 resignation of Conservative Home Secretary Reginald Maudling, who had been a director of Poulson’s firm. [sic]

Now, regarding Poulson. This, again, is tarring the Freemasons, because of one bad egg. If you believe in guilt by association, then due to one priest being a pedophile, the entire Catholic clergy must be sure to be pedophiles, according to your logic. Or, maybe when one pastor gets sentenced to jail for not paying his taxes, by conducting a scam, all the other pastors in the world are guilty too? What about all the others involved, who were not Freemasons? What about all the non-Freemasons in the UK governments, who have been found guilty of breaking the law, over hundreds of years?

I hate to say this, but Freemasonry has bad eggs that other Freemasons call fellows, instead of brothers. When they were voted in, they were either not that way, or they hid it well. To expel them, the Lodge must wait until they break the law, either Masonic or public. What a Mason does outside of lodge, in business or anything else, is upon him and him alone. The talk of business, politics, or religion, is strictly banned in regular Freemasonry, within the Lodge. One has the right, by law, to talk, do business, attend whatever church, and even be a politician, freely, outside of Lodge. Because one has been found guilty of a crime, does not mean that the rest of the membership is guilty. If so, one might as well to wait for the Sabbath, and arrest every member of every church, as I can assure you, they have bad eggs in their baskets too, and many have been convicted of crimes.

While the Freemasons insist their private meetings do not mask anything nefarious, that was not universally so. In the late 18th century, for example, a lodge in Brentford was accused of plotting to kill George III. The conspiracy did nothing to deter his two sons, George IV and William IV, from becoming Masons. [sic]

That is correct, it was an accusation, but not proven to be factual, and guess what, King George III was mentally ill. According to the Jane Austen site (1): “George III obstinately tried to keep Great Britain at war with the rebels in America, despite the opinions of his own ministers”. It also said that: “Recently, owing to studies showing high levels of the poison arsenic in King George’s hair, arsenic is also thought to be a possible cause of King George’s insanity and health problems. After a final relapse in 1810, George’s eldest son, George, Prince of Wales ruled as Prince Regent. Upon George’s death, the Prince of Wales succeeded his father as George IV.”

So, instead of some Masonic conspiracy, someone that was living or working with the King was poisoning him. I do not believe that his sons would have became Freemasons, if the  Freemasons were guilty of trying to kill him.

That may well be so, but it does not answer the question that many have asked about their activities for nearly three centuries: who benefits from whatever it is they do? The Masons themselves or is it society at large? [sic]

The Freemasons do not deny that much of their generosity is allocated to themselves and their dependants, often in the forms of healthcare and education. But there is nothing wrong in creating a society for mutual benefit. [sic]

And good causes benefit. Each year they give £1 million to the Royal College of Surgeons ‘for the betterment of mankind’. Most members are surely honest, decent and altruistic. [sic]

But it is hardly surprising, given the closed way members go about their business, that cynics maintain some Masons’ primary ambition is to give each other favours and backhanders, turn blind eyes, wave through promotions, sign contracts and bestow all manner of benefits not available to others. [sic]

Both Freemasons and the public benefits by the moral lessons taught in Freemasonry. Morality and charity is what it is all about. I also wonder how many anti-masons have taken of the charity that Freemasonry gives yearly?

If a Freemason was caught doing what the last paragraph says, and it is reported to the Lodge, the Mason would be called upon the carpet for charges against him, and if found guilty, he would be expelled from the fraternity.

Now, below is about their side article on Kenneth Noye.

Kenneth Noye, who is serving a life sentence for the ‘road rage’ murder of Stephen Cameron in 1996, was once dubbed Britain’s ‘most infamous villain’. [sic]

He also happens to have been a Freemason. [sic]

Yes, and he should have never been voted into Freemasonry, if the membership had known his background. All it takes is one blackball, and you’re out the door.

Noye managed to avoid being charged, partly because he was a police informer, but also perhaps because he had decided to join a Hammersmith-based lodge of the Freemasons that same year. [sic]

So, Guy, you’re saying that he got out of being charged, before he was ever made a Freemason, but that the Freemasons were who helped him, because he had decided to join them? You’re joking, correct? You do not think that a police informer would have been enough to keep him from being charged? They do this all the time in the US. It is paying Peter, to arrest Paul.

His Masonic status could not spare him from a 14-year jail sentence for that crime. He was finally kicked out of the Free-masons — but not until three years after his conviction. [sic]

Yes, he was expelled. It does take some time from being charged to being found guilty. Then, someone must bring charges in the Lodge. Next, those charges must be overheard, a vote cast, before one can be expelled. However, he was most certainly expelled.


(1) Jane Austen website